物探,geophysical prospecting
1)geophysical prospecting物探
1.Application of technique to geophysical prospecting in engineering prospecting;物探技术在工程勘察领域中的应用
2.The application of geophysical prospecting technology in ming water prevention;物探技术在矿井水防治中的应用
3.Application of geophysical prospecting technologies in bridge construction engineering;物探技术在大桥建设工程中的应用

1.intra eyeball foreign substance location detector眼球异物探测定位仪
2.Application of USB Key in the 408UL物探408UL仪器USB Key的应用
3.Ace Ventura: Pet Detective神探飞机头1/宠物侦探
4.prospect [radioactive mineral]勘探〔放射性矿物〕
5.investigate or examine(sth) closely细查,探究(某事物)
6.metal-oxide-metal detector金属-氧化物-金属探测器
7.Deminex Ges (Deutsche Erdolver-Sorgungs Gesellschaft MBH)德国矿物油勘探公司
8.ROGER (Remotely Operated Geophysical Explorer)遥控地球物理探测仪
9.geophysics for exploring groundwater地下水地球物理勘探
10.halide freon leak detector卤化物 氟利昂探漏器
11.monocrystal mineral scintillation detector单晶矿物闪烁探测器
12.radioactive sediment density probe放射性沉积物密度探针
13.Space Monster [Children's Adventure Playground]太空怪物〔儿童探奇乐园〕
14.the parabolic reflector of a searchlight探照灯的抛物面反射镜
15.follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something.探索某事物发展的过程。
16.Discussion on Plugging Depth into Sediment of the Deep Sea Sediment Geothermal Probe深海沉积物地热探针贯入沉积物深度的探讨
17.A person who uses a divining rod to search for underground water or minerals.勘探队员运用探测竿勘探地下水或矿物的人
18.The targets in oil exploration are deeper than in mineral respecting.石油勘探的目地层比矿物勘探的深。

geophysical exploration物探
1.Appreciation of development program of geophysical exploration techniques in CNPC “Eleventh Five-Year Plan”;中国石油集团物探技术“十一五”(2006~2010年)发展计划解读
2.Application of geophysical exploration methods in prospecting geological disasters in coal mine;物探方法在煤矿地质灾害勘查中的应用
3)physical exploration物探
1.To successfully mine 8918 face in Yanzishan mine, the goaf distribution and their water accumlation above 8918 face were explored by physical means, Through composite analysis on the physical exploration data,the geological structure were recognized.燕子山矿为了顺利开采 8919工作面 ,作好前期准备工作 ,对其上的马脊梁矿和唐山沟小窑 2号层采空区分布及积水情况进行了综合物探 ,通过对各种物探数据和物探异常的综合解释 ,对测区内的地质结构有了较为深刻的认识 ,达到了预期的目标。
2.,hydrology and engineering geology,investigating and inspecting of the source of water burst,and physical exploration.从水文及工程地质、突水源监测及采空区物探三方面分析了黄陵一号煤矿突水原
3.Research purposes: The occurrence of large deep buried tunnel made a new challenge to the traditional way for engineering geological prospecting and the deep physical exploration of magneto-telluric exploration provided support for solving such problems.研究目的:长大深埋隧道的出现向传统的工程地质勘察方法提出了新的挑战,以大地电磁类为主的深层物探方法给这一问题的解决提供了有利地支撑。
4)geophysical survey物探
1.Based on the analysis of hydrogeological and engineering geological conditions of Wushan reservoir, several detecting lines are arranged within and begond the dam area to locate the seepage path by means of comprehensive geophysical survey.在对库区水文地质、工程地质定性分析的基础上 ,利用多种物探方法 ,在主坝段、副坝段及坝外地段合理布设多条测线 ,通过资料解释 ,分析出坝外渗流是造成下游渗漏的主要原因。
2.Comprising 50 249 density data, 11374 magnetic susceptibility data and 8 889 remanent magnetization data, the regional stratigraphic physical column based on stratigraphic regionalization has been set up to guide geophysical survey in Jiangxi Province, southern China.对岩矿石50249个密度、11374个磁化率、8889个剩磁强度数据,以江西全省及其地层区、地层分区为研究区,以构造层、年代地层为单元进行区域地层物性的统计,结果为该区的区域物探、矿区物探工作提供基础。
5)geophysical and geochemical exploration物探化探
1.This paper gives in time sequence a review of the application of computer and the main achievements gained in this aspect since the establishment of the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration 40 years ago,and illustrates the active role of computer in the development of geophysical and geochemical exploration.本文以时间序列回顾了地矿部物化探研究所建所 4 0年来在计算机应用方面的主要历程和所取得的主要成果 ,说明计算机应用对物探化探发展的促进作
6)Geophysical Logistics物探物流

地下物探underground geophysical prospecting 是在井中和坑道中使用地球物现勘探方法的通称。它包括各种测井方法和坑道物探,如电测井、放射性测井、声波测井,重力测井、井中磁测、井中无线电波透视法和坑道无线电波透视法、地质雷达等。目前,地下物探在石油,煤田、金属与非金属矿产勘探和水文地质、工程地质工作中广泛应用。尤其在油、气由和煤田勘探巾,测井方法是不可缺少的勘探手段。在金属矿床勘探中,井中磁测的地质效果则在于验证地面磁异常,指导钻探施工,寻找井底及井旁盲矿俺,确定矿体产状、延伸和连接,并研究矿层构造等。