生境破碎化,Habitat fragmentation
1)Habitat fragmentation生境破碎化
1.Evaluation of habitat fragmentation and landscape index for Moschus berezovskii in Fengxian County,Shaanxi Province;陕西凤县林麝生境破碎化及其景观指数评估
2.Large-scale estuarine engineering and estuarine habitat fragmentation of water body in the Yangtze River Estuary;长江河口大型工程与水体生境破碎化
3.Study on habitat fragmentation of ecotourism exploitation and countermeasures;生态旅游开发导致生境破碎化问题的对策分析

1.Research on Habitat Fragmentation of Fran(?)ois Langur Based on 3S Technology;基于3S技术的黑叶猴生境破碎化研究
2.Vegetation Landscape Change Pattern and Habitats Fragmentation in Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve九寨沟保护区植被景观变化与生境破碎化研究
3.Study on Habitat Fragmentation and Its Impacts on Biodiversity at Urban Areas;生境破碎化对城市化地区生物多样性影响的研究
4.Habitat Fragmentation and Its Influence on Red Deer Population Distribution Based on Geomatics Technique;基于3S技术的马鹿生境破碎化及其生态影响的分析
5.Studies on Habitat Fragmentation and Stability of Ecological System of Vegetation in the Karst Regions of Guangxi;广西岩溶地区生境破碎化与植被生态系统稳定性研究
6.Population Dynamics of Endangered Species, Tetraena Mongolica in Fragmentation Habitats;濒危植物四合木生境破碎化过程中种群动态研究
7.Impacts of Habitat Fragmentation on Red Deer Distribution in Wandashan Mountains, Hei Longjiang Province, China;黑龙江省完达山地区生境破碎化对马鹿数量分布的影响
8.Responses of insect communities and populations on habitat fragmentation in grassland landscapes草原景观下昆虫群落及种群对生境破碎化的反应
9.Diversity Patterns of Plant Constituents and the Maintaining Mechanism in Fragmented Habitats in the Songnen Meadow松嫩草地破碎化生境植物组成多样性格局及维持机制
10.The fragmentation of health insurance system for migrant workers and its solution农民工医疗保险制度碎片化困境及其破解
11.Application Research of Habitat Fragmentation Method in Environmental Impact Assessment of Hydropower Planning生境破碎法在水电规划环评中的应用研究
12.Urban Water Landscape Fragmentation and the Change of Ecological Values in Shenzhen深圳市水体景观破碎化动态及其生态价值变化
13.Ecological land fragmentation and its evolution mechanism: a case study of Yangtze River Delta area;生态用地破碎度及演化机制——以长江三角洲为例
14.Statistical Analysis on the Relationship between Road Network and Ecosystem Fragmentation in China;中国道路网与生态系统破碎化关系统计分析
15.Spatial Variation of Plant Diversity of Different Patch Following Environment Fragmentation on Leymus Chinensis Meadow of Songnen Plain;松嫩平原羊草草甸环境破碎化后斑块植物多样性的空间变化
16.We are an excellent manufacturer specialized in shreding machinery, shreding knife &related machine parts.本公司专门生产破碎机械、破碎刀、粉碎机械、粉碎刀及相关机械零件。
17.The earthquake took place, the windows broken into pieces.地震发生了,户破得粉碎。
18.Optimization of drilling and blasting parameter of fracture rock破碎矿岩凿岩爆破参数优化方法探讨

fragmental habitats破碎化生境
3)habitat fragmentation factors生境破碎化因子
1.Patch scale structure of red deer winter habitat fragmentation factors using GeoStatistics method;马鹿冬季生境破碎化因子斑块尺度结构的地理统计学分析
4)habitat fragmentation生境破碎
1.Effects of habitat fragmentation on survival of animal populations;生境破碎化对动物种群存活的影响
2.Effects of habitat fragmentation on plant and insect-insect interactions;生境破碎化对植物-昆虫及昆虫之间相互关系的影响
5)habitat loss and fragmentation生境丧失和破碎化
6)Environment fragmentation环境破碎化

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理