师范院校,normal university
1)normal university师范院校
1.Superficial analysis on the meaning of microscale chemical experiment in normal university;师范院校开展微型化学实验的意义浅析
2.The Exploraton on Microscole Chemistry Experiment and Chemical Innovative Education in Normal University;微型化学实验与师范院校化学创新教育的探索
3.On the courses offered for training student teachers teaching skills in the normal university;试论师范院校的职业技能课程设置

1.Student teachers study at a training college.师范生在师范院校学习。
2.On the Character of Public Physical Education in Teacher-training Schools;关于师范院校公共体育教育的师范性
3.The development tactics of the college of education in non-teachers universities;非师范院校新建教育院系的发展策略
4.The Curriculum Research of Art Teachers Education in Chinese Mainland High Normal University高等师范院校美术教师教育课程研究
5.Thoughts on Non-normal Colleges to Offer Teacher Education;关于非师范院校举办教师教育的思考
6.Infinitely Learning Teacher--A Goal to Train Students in Teachers College;学习型教师——师范院校学生培养的目标
7.Cultivation and Training of Popular Science Teachers by Normal Institutions;师范院校科普师资的培养与培训研究
8.Status And Role The College Teachers Play In The Spoken Course;论师范院校教师口语课的地位与作用
9.A Brief Discuss on the Teachers Profession and Skill Training of Teachers College Students;试论师范院校学生教师职业技能训练
10.Normal Colleges Should Strengthen the Students Professional Teacher Role Education;师范院校要强化学生的教师角色教育
11.Professional Moral Course should be Restored soon in Nomal Colleges and Universities;师范院校应尽快恢复教师职业道德课
12.Teachers' Role Types of Normal University under New Situation新形势下师范院校教师角色类型探讨
13.Chinese Normal Colleges and Universities' Teachers Staff Investigation and Research我国师范院校师资队伍现状调查研究
14.A Study of Planning Orientation for the Project of the Normal Universities;高等师范院校校舍工程规划定位研究
15.Campus-Culture Programs at Teachers Colleges in the Context of Transition;转型背景下的师范院校校园文化建设
16.English Translation of Names of Shifan Yuanxiao;试论师范院校校名的英译——从normal university说起
17.Exploration of employment problem of non-teacher graduates in teachers colleges and universities;师范院校非师范专业毕业生就业问题探析
18.Integration Education and Curriculum Arrangement of Teachers Major in Normal Universities;一体化教育与师范院校师范专业的课程设置

teachers college师范院校
1.How the teachers college advance the modernization of education by the education of computer;论师范院校如何以计算机教育带动教育现代化
2.Some Thoughts on Teaching Reform of Higher Mathematics Course in teachers college;师范院校《高等数学》课程教学改革的探讨
3.Thought concerning construction of discipline & degree program on "curriculum and pedagogical theories" at teachers college;关于师范院校“课程与教学论”学科建设与学位点建设的思考
3)Normal college师范院校
1.Era background of implementing quality development in Chongqing normal colleges;重庆市师范院校实施素质拓展的时代背景
2.Thoughts on the reforming of moral education in normal college;关于师范院校德育工作改革的几点思考
3.How to raise the efficiency of scientific research administration in newly established normal colleges;提高新办本科师范院校科研管理工作效率初探
4)normal universities师范院校
1.How Shall the Library Serve for Teaching in Normal Universities;师范院校图书馆如何为教学改革服务
2.On the construction of the education of art design in normal universities;论师范院校艺术设计教育的建设
3.Gymnastics and the mould of images of students in normal universities;试论体操与师范院校学生形象的塑造
5)teachers colleges师范院校
1.At present,the campus-culture program at teachers colleges is being faced with new challenges,including the popularity of higher education,the reform in teacher education and in basic education,and the sustainable development of itself.当前,师范院校的校园文化建设面临高等教育大众化、教师教育改革、基础教育改革等新的发展形势。
2.The transformation of teachers colleges in their orientations,functions,etc.转型给师范院校的师资队伍建设带来了一系列问题,师资队伍建设能否适应师范院校转型的需要,已成为制约师范院校发展的关键。
3.The present general education practiced at teachers colleges is of great importance to the student training and the teaching reform.新时期师范院校实施通识教育对师范院校人才培养及教学改革具有重要意义,通过设立专门的管理机构,加强通识教育课程建设及教学方法改革,理顺通识教育与专业教育的关系等措施可以有效地促进新时期师范院校通识教育改革。
6)normal school师范院校
1.The actuality and countermeasures of advanced normal school computer basic education;高等师范院校计算机基础教育的现状与对策
2.A research on the system of public physical educational courses in advanced normal schools;高等师范院校的公体课程体系
3.Based on the training aim of local normal schools,the author makes a probe into the optimization of normal school students knowledge structure in Zoology teaching from the perspectives of theory and practice.结合地方师范院校的培养目标,就在动物学科教学中如何促进师范生学科知识结构的优化,以便更好、更快的适应基础教育课程改革这一问题,从理论与实践上进行了探索。

《中国人民解放军院校教育条例》《中国人民解放军院校教育条例》College and School Education Regulations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army  XIQO吐》,nsof央军日中发布实施贡,院Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangiun YuanJIQoyu Tiaoli《中国人民解放军院校教育条必(COllege and SChool Edueation Regulati‘the Chinese Pe叩le’5 Liberation Arm夕〕2000年2月13日中华人民共和国中事委员会常务会议通过,同年2月28央军事委员会主席签署命令发布。自之日起施行。是中国人民解放军组织院校教育的基本依据。分为总则,职赓校教育基本制度,教员和其他教育者,学员,教学工作,科学研究工作流与合作,政治工作,行政管理,保属励与处分,附则。共13章92条。主容有: ①院校教育的基本任务和方针。教育的基本任务是培养高素质军事人发展军事科学技术,为军队建设服务校教育的方针是:必须坚持以马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和江一系列重要论述为指导,以新时期军略方针为依据,面向现代化,面向世面向未来,适应军队建设和“打得赢’变质”的需要,使受教育者成为德、军、体等方面全面发展的高素质人才 ②总部,军种、兵种,军区管理机构的职责,院校领导和机关各部门机构的职责。对总参谋部、总政治部作交奖内校,院宁民战,不E,,黔完才刊条笋芹“‘皆校要总告兀、下嘿一巍理八栩渊西安政治学院学员学习高科技知识何过后勤部、总装备部在领导管理院校教作方面履行的职责,对总部,军种种,军区在领导管理直属院校教育工面履行的职责,做出了具体的规定;(校)长、院(校)政治委员在领导教作,科学研究,教员和管理干部队伍以及学员的考核鉴定工作等职责,对机关各部门主要机构的职责,也作了规定。 ③院校教育的基本制度。院校教括学历教育和非学历教育,学历教育包等学历教育和中等专业学历教育;院杖以全日制教育形式为主,也可以采取非制教育形式;军队院校实行军队教育老学业证书、学位和教育评估等制度。 ④对教员及其他教育工作者的璧军队院校实行教员资格制度,教员职务制度,部分教员岗位可以实行聘任制.校对教员的政治思想、职业道德、业务和工作实绩定期进行考核评定。对院校干部、教学辅助人员和其他专业技术的资格作了规定。 ⑤对学员的招收、录取、考核业、分配的办法和要求。