
1.This sampler can be used only in streams shallow enough to be waded.这种取样器只能用在能涉渡的浅水河流上。
2."Crystal Shoes" and "Ferried Boat"--A Spirit Analysis and Culture Explanation to the "Dream" Of the Novel Pisces Constellation;“水晶鞋”与“涉渡之舟”——对《双鱼星座》中“梦”的精神分析与文化阐释
3.They forded the stream afterwards.然后他们涉水渡过了小溪。
4.Legal Problems in the Extradition of Chinese Criminals;我国引渡外逃罪犯所涉法律问题分析
5.However, institutional reforms relate to the partial transfer of state sovereignty or autonomy.制度改革涉及国家主权或自主权的部分让渡。
6.The soldier rode out of the ford with the scouts in advance.侦察兵先涉过浅滩,战士们跟着安然渡过。
7.Issues in Interim Preferential Tax Policies for Foreign-invested Enterprises after the Unification of Two Sets of EIT Laws;“两法合并”后的若干涉外税收优惠过渡问题探析
8.This Article relates only to the assignment of proceeds and not to the assignment of the right to perform under the Credit itself.本条款所涉及的仅是款项的让渡,而不是信用证项下执行权利的让渡。
9.An Analysis and Settlement to the Interference from Transitional Curve of Involute Gear Drive;渐开线齿轮传动过渡曲线干涉问题的分析及处理
10.The transition from that stage to complete private property in land during such a short period and without any outside interference is a sheer impossibility.在这样短的时间内,而且没有任何外来干涉,要从共同耕作过渡到土地完全私有,是根本不可能的。
11.Mao Zedong's Tactics against US Interference in the Campaign of Yijiangshan Island and Artillery Bombardment of Jinmen乱云飞渡仍从容——一江山岛战役和炮击金门中毛泽东反对美国干涉的斗争策略
12.To cross(a body of water) by a ferry.乘渡船渡过(水体)
13.`Hand it over here,' said the Dodo.“把它拿来。” 渡渡鸟说。
14.extinct dodos and solitaires.已灭绝的渡渡鸟和矾鸫。
15.The DODOS is extinct.渡渡鸟已经绝种了。
16.to shift from direct transition to indirect transition;由“直接过渡”到“迂回过渡”;
17.The Red Army then made a forced crossing of the Dadu River.这时红军强渡了大渡河。
18.The act of implicating or the condition of being implicated.牵连,涉及牵涉的动作或被牵涉的状态

fording ability涉渡能力
3)transition curve interference过渡曲线干涉
4)curves/ curves interference曲线/齿轮过渡曲线干涉

涉渡涉渡shèdù[wade across] 趟水过河例:河水不深,部队可以涉渡