1.An analysis of Busuanzi from the perspectives of transitivity and thematic structure;从及物性和主位结构的角度看《卜算子》
2.The Analysis of Textual Structure and Meaning of Robison Crusoe from the Perspective of Transitivity;从及物性的角度分析《鲁滨逊漂流记》的语篇结构和含义
3.A Contrastive Analysis of Thematic Structure of English and Chinese Academic Prose from the Perspective of Transitivity;英汉学术文章主位结构中及物性对比分析
2)Weak Transitive Verb弱及物性
3)transitivity analysis及物性分析
1.On the basis of discussion of critical reading and elaboration of transitivity analysis in systemic functional grammar,the author argues that transitivity analysis can be used as a useful language tool to do critical reading.对批判性阅读和系统功能语法中及物性分析探讨的基础之上,本文认为及物性分析是一门能很好地运用于批评性阅读的有用的语言工具。
2.The analysis of the mental processes and verbal processes abounding in William Faulkner s short story A Rose for Emily shows that transitivity analysis should not be confined to that of one process,especially the contrast of transitivity and intransitivity of material process.对福克纳的短篇小说《献给爱米丽小姐的一朵玫瑰花》中大量出现的心理过程和言语过程进行及物性分析,说明及物性分析不局限物质过程的及物性和非及物性
3.This thesis briefly introduces the basic theory of transitivity analysis and ergativity analysis,probes the application of transitivity analysis and ergativity analysis in textual understanding,and points out that transitivity analysis and ergativity analysis are effective in understanding the deep meaning of the text and the author s viewpoint and ideological meaning.本文简要介绍了及物性分析与作格分析的基本理论,探讨了及物性分析与作格分析在语篇理解中的应用,指出及物性分析与作格分析是理解语篇深层意义与作者的观点、立场和意识形态意义的行之有效的方法,并且在语篇理解中相互补充。

1.Transitivity Analysis on Political Speech and News政治演说与新闻的关联和及物性分析
2.The Antipathogen Activities and Structure-activity Analysis of Secondary Substances from Plants;植物次生物质的抗病活性及构效分析
3.The Character Research of Bio-oil and Biomass Material;生物油及相关生物质原料的特性分析
4.Study on the Bioecology of Carpomya Vesuviana Costa and the Forecast of Its Potential Geographic Distribution in China枣实蝇生物生态学特性及适生性分析
5.Analysis and implementation on the magnetic levitation of diamagnetic substances抗磁性物质磁悬浮可行性分析及实现
6.Detection of Mycoplasma in Vaginal Secretions and Drug Resistance阴道分泌物支原体检测及耐药性分析
7.Analysis on Biological Characteristics and Alkaloid Components of Lianjiang's "Minghuang" Tea廉江“茗皇”茶的生物学特性及其生物碱成分分析
8.Study on Biological Activities Ingredients and Immunological Characteristics of Spirulina螺旋藻的生物活性成分分析及其免疫特性研究
9.Study on Drape Performance of Fabrics and Establishing of Evaluation System织物悬垂性能分析及评价体系的建立
10.Study on Structure and Bioactivities of Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide;枸杞多糖的结构分析及生物活性评价
11.The Selecting Collection of Solvent Extracts of Coal;煤溶剂抽提产物的选择性富集及分析
12.Study on DC-SIGN Protein Expression and Its Biological Activity Measurement;DC-SIGN蛋白表达及其生物活性分析
13.Analysis and Sensory Characteristic Research of Capsaicinoids;辣椒素类物质分析及其感官特性研究
14.Meaing and Uncertainty Analysis of Property Tax Levy;物业税开征的意义及其不确定性分析
15.Externality Analysis of Third Party Logistics and Government Countermeasures;第三方物流的外部性分析及政府对策
16.Game Analysis of the Effectiveness of Material Incentive and Its Application;物质激励有效性之博弈分析及其应用
18.An Analysis on the Theme of the Short Story in Light of Transitivity and Attitude及物性、态度系统与短篇小说主题分析

Weak Transitive Verb弱及物性
3)transitivity analysis及物性分析
1.On the basis of discussion of critical reading and elaboration of transitivity analysis in systemic functional grammar,the author argues that transitivity analysis can be used as a useful language tool to do critical reading.对批判性阅读和系统功能语法中及物性分析探讨的基础之上,本文认为及物性分析是一门能很好地运用于批评性阅读的有用的语言工具。
2.The analysis of the mental processes and verbal processes abounding in William Faulkner s short story A Rose for Emily shows that transitivity analysis should not be confined to that of one process,especially the contrast of transitivity and intransitivity of material process.对福克纳的短篇小说《献给爱米丽小姐的一朵玫瑰花》中大量出现的心理过程和言语过程进行及物性分析,说明及物性分析不局限物质过程的及物性和非及物性
3.This thesis briefly introduces the basic theory of transitivity analysis and ergativity analysis,probes the application of transitivity analysis and ergativity analysis in textual understanding,and points out that transitivity analysis and ergativity analysis are effective in understanding the deep meaning of the text and the author s viewpoint and ideological meaning.本文简要介绍了及物性分析与作格分析的基本理论,探讨了及物性分析与作格分析在语篇理解中的应用,指出及物性分析与作格分析是理解语篇深层意义与作者的观点、立场和意识形态意义的行之有效的方法,并且在语篇理解中相互补充。
4)processes of transitivity及物性过程
1.From the perspectives of functional linguistics,adjective structures can metaphorically realize the "processes of transitivity" and to some extent,realize the interpersonal meaning and the cognition from it.从功能语法角度来说,英、汉形容词结构这种动态化特征具有实现"及物性过程"的潜势,并可以进一步实现丰富的人际意义和认知效果。
5)transitivity system及物性系统
1.Adopting the Transitivity System and the Attitude System to Evaluate Literary Texts-Exemplifying the Red Badge of Courage;采用及物性系统和态度系统评价文学文本
2.This paper is intended to make an analysis of its functions by means of transitivity system and slot filling of clauses,which provide ready access to written language.本文通过综述及物性系统以及小句空位填充,探索如何通过名词化的使用完成从口语体到书面语体的过渡。
3.The theory of process types in the transitivity system is a very important part in the Systemic-Functional Grammar by M.经验功能及物性系统过程理论是韩礼德系统功能语法的重要组成部分。
6)ransitive intensity及物性强度

粉尘物性测定粉尘物性测定measurement of dust physical character  fenehen wuxing eed一ng粉尘物性测定(measurement of dust physi-cal cLaracter)测定粉尘或粉体属性的粉尘检测方法。除尘设备的选型和除尘系统设计参数的选择往往取决于粉尘或粉体的物理属性,如比电阻、粘性力、流动性和安息角、吸湿性以及磨损性等。 比电阻电流通过每边边长为Icm的粉尘立方体时的电阻值。测定具有一定厚度和一定断面积的粉尘堆上的电压和电流后计算得出。粉尘比电阻值受粉尘层孔隙率、粉尘层形成方式、施加电压的特性、温湿度和烟气成分等因素影响,测定值有时相差2一3个数量级。测定时应模拟电除尘器工作的粉尘沉积状态、气流温度、烟气成分和高压电场中的电压、电晕电流等工况条件,才能获得接近电除尘器工况条件下的粉尘比电阻值。常用测定粉尘比电阻的电极有圆盘电极、针尖电极、同心圆电极和梳状电极等。可以在实验室调温调湿箱中测定,也可以在现场电除尘器工况条件下的管道内以小旋风、高压静电或过滤捕集粉尘直接测定。按_二、._.,.___V.‘,_.,二_二_下式计算比电阻:p一K卞。式中,为粉尘比电阻,。·cm;V为施加在粉尘层上的电压,V;I为通过粉尘层的电流,A;K为粉尘比电阻测定装置的结构系数,cm。 粘性力尘粒间、尘粒与其他物体表面间的分子吸引力、电吸引力以及尘粒表面存在水分时产生的掖体表面张力。粘性力测量:用震动充填或压实充填的方法将粉尘填人可分割成两部分的容器中,然后对粉生层进行拉伸,用测力计测得粉尘层的断裂应力。测定方法有水平拉断法和垂直拉断法。 (l)水平拉断法粉尘充填于由左右两部分组成的容器内,容器的一部分固定,另一部分系于弹簧测力计上,然后在水平方向给弹簧一定拉力(图1)。当拉力等于粉尘层断面上的断裂力和滚轮摩擦力之和时,粉尘层断开。读取弹簧测力计的读数并减去滚轮的摩擦力,计算出粉尘层的断裂应力。蕊黝二: 图l水平拉断法测粉尘枯性力装直 1一压块;2一粉尘;3一固定盒;4一滚轮; 5一弹黄测力计;6一活动盒;7一粉尘断裂面 (2)垂直拉断法粉尘充填于由上下两部分组成的容器中,用天平一臂在垂直向上的方向施加拉力。用注水器通过细管向天平另一臂水杯中连续加水(图2)。画 图2垂直拉断法测粉尘粘性力装置 l一上盒;2一夹具;3一下盒;4一可调支架; 5一注水器;6一滴水管;7一水杯当水的重力等于粉尘层的断裂力和上部容器中粉尘重力之和时,粉尘从两段容器接触处断裂,此时立即停止注水。称量水杯中水的质量并减去上部容器粉尘质量,计算出粉尘层断裂应力。