1.Estimation of stage volatility in real options of petroleum exploration;石油勘探领域期权波动率参数阶段性估算
2.Duration,Volume,Volatility and Informed Trading;持续期间、交易量、波动率与知情交易
3.Interday return volatility of China stock market: An empirical analysis;中国股市隔天收益波动率的实证研究

1.This is because implied volatility is generally higher than realised.这是因为隐含波动率通常高于实际波动率
2.An Improved Differential Approach to Computing Implied Volatility--Implied Volatility Surface Model;隐含波动率微分算法的改进——波动率表面模型
3.Idiosyncratic volatility,turnover and cross-section expected return;特质波动率、换手率与预期收益关系
4.Historical analysis of the US federal funds rate volatility美国联邦基金利率波动率的历史分析
5.Foreign Equity Options Pricing with Stochastic Vatility;汇率联动期权的随机波动率模型及其定价
6.Modified BS Model(MBS) Based on Using Wavelet Variance to Approach Real Volatility of Financial Process利用小波方差逼近数据波动率的改进BS模型(MBS)
7.Research on Long Memory in International Stock Returns and Its Volatility;国际股票市场收益率和波动率的长记忆性研究
8.Exchange Rate Volatility and Exports from China to its Main Trading Partners;汇率波动率与中国对主要贸易伙伴的出口
9.The Compound Option Pricing with Stochastic Interest Rate and Volatility;具有随机利率和波动率的复合期权定价
10.fluctuating power of a polyphase system多相系统的波动功率
11.the rate of flow of radiant energy (electromagnetic waves).辐射能流动速率(电磁波)。
12.Unemployment still hovers around 11 percent.失业率仍在11%上下波动。
13.official upper and lower limits of fluctuation汇率波动的官定上下限
14.Abnormal fluctuation and the volatility term structure of the forward exchange rate远期汇率的异常波动与波动期限结构
15.Correlation between Exchange Rate Fluctuation and Price Fluctuation of Real Estate;汇率波动与房地产价格波动的关联分析
16.Under the managed floating exchange rate regime,exchange rates always fluctuate acutely.在管理浮动汇率制度下 ,汇率波动一直相当剧烈。
17.Analysis of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variation During Cardiac CTA冠状动脉CT血管造影检查中心率及心率波动
18.Fluctuation Characteristics and Vibrational Power Flow Analysis of Cracked Beam;损伤梁的波动特性与振动功率流分析

3)Exchange Rate Volatility汇率波动率
1.Exchange Rate Volatility and Exports from China to its Main Trading Partners;汇率波动率与中国对主要贸易伙伴的出口
2.It makes an analysis of the effect of RMB exchange rate volatility on Chinese export enterprise s output and profit.通过构建一个使用进口资源和本地资源进行生产的企业微观模型,就人民币实际汇率波动率对我国出口贸易企业产量及利润的影响展开分析,并得出汇率波动率对出口贸易的影响取决于企业规模经济状况的结论:对于生产规模报酬递增的企业,实际汇率波动率的增大会使其产量减小,而对利润的影响是不确定的;对于生产规模报酬递减的企业,实际汇率波动率的增大会提高其产量,并增加企业利润。
4)low fluctuation ratio低波动率
5)power fluctuation功率波动
1.Based on indices of electric power quality,we consider power fluctuation an additive index of electric power quality for a wind farm in real conditions.在电能质量各分项指标的基础上,针对风电场的实际情况,引入了功率波动作为附加的电能质量指标。
2.The joint effect of nonlinear response characteristics and transmitting power fluctuation on scattering measurement is analyzed.分析了非线性响应特性和发射功率波动对散射测量的联合效应,以及单独的散射测量在这种联合效应作用下产生误差的原因。
6)rate ripple速率波动
1.Design of adaptive suppression plan for rate ripple of simulation test table;转台速率波动自适应抑制方案的设计

电导率(见电阻率)电导率(见电阻率)conductivity d!日nd日O}已电导率(eonduetivity)见电阻率。