社团组织,mass organizations
1)mass organizations社团组织
1.On Mass Organizations of Social Transition Period to China;浅析我国社会转型期的社团组织
2.As an influential group in the construction of college campus culture,students\' mass organizations should play an important and distinctive part not only in developing their self-education,self-management,self-service,but also in the improvement of their knowledge structure,skills and their morality.作为高校校园文化建设中具有重大影响力的群体,学生社团组织不仅在培养学生们的自我教育、自我管理、自我服务等方面的能力上具有重要影响,且也在完善学生们的知识结构和技能以及提升学生们的思想道德水平等方面有着独特的作用。

1.Study on the Building the Youth League Branch in the community organization;在学生社团组织中建立团支部的研究
2.Fostering Consortium to Improve the Cultural Level in Communities;培育社团组织,提高社区文化建设水平
3.Social Transformation, the Relationship between Government and NGO;社会转型中政府与社团组织关系研究
4.A person given to joining groups, organizations, or causes.社团活跃分子爱参加社团组织活动的人
5.push society past the frontier.将社团组织扩大到边境地区
6.Study of the League Organizations for the Poverty Student s Group in the University;面向高校贫困生群体的社团组织研究
7.Research on the Present Condition and Strategies of Organization Networks of Sports Community in Guangdong Province;广东省体育社团组织网络现状与对策
8.Investigation on the Organization of Physical Community in Colleges and Universities;高校体育社团组织建设若干问题研究
9.A Training Mechanism Analysis of Physical Mass Organizations by Workers and Staff Members in China;我国职工体育社团组织培育机制分析
11.Research on Development of the Social Organizations with Chinese Characteristics中国特色社团组织的发展和前景研究
12.The Role of Student Mass Organizatio ns in the Process of Socialization of University Students;学生社团组织在大学生社会化过程中的作用
13.Distinguishing Underworld Organization, Criminal Gang, Underworld-like Organization, Criminal Group and Organized Criminal Organization;犯罪团伙、犯罪集团、黑社会性质组织、黑社会组织、有组织犯罪集团辨析
14.a feudally organized society.一个以封建方式组织的社团。
15.The State encourages enterprises, institutional organizations and people's organizations国家鼓励企业、事业组织、社会团体
16.The first should be pretty obvious - join a listserv!加入一个社团或组织,拓展你的视野。
17.Organizational Commitment:One College Student Association s View;组织承诺:一个高校学生社团的视角
18.The Leading Role of the College League in the Work of Student Mass Organizations;论高校团组织在学生社团工作中的主导作用

mass organization社团组织
1.The flourishing development of mass organization is one of the important symbols of modern society,which not only changes the basic pattern of modern political participation,but exerts great influences on its current situation.社团组织的蓬勃发展是现代社会发展的重要标志之一,它不仅改变了现代社会政治参与的基本模式,还深刻地影响了现代社会政治生活的基本态势。
2.The acti vities of student mass organizations help students adapt t hemselves to the social role they are to play in future,help students have a better under-standing of the society,and help stu dents accelerate their socializati on.学生社团组织能够为大学生社会化提供一种独特的场所和基地,学生社团活动独特的传播信息、接受教化、促进成员全面发展的功能,有利于大学生适应将来要充当的社会角色,有利于大学生全面而深刻地了解社会,有利于大学生加快社会化的步伐。
1.F rom four aspects the paper analyzes bridge and tie function of association,exp ounds important meanings of association legislation and the way of construction itself.本文从4个方面分析了社团组织的桥梁与纽带作用,探讨了加快社团立法步伐的重要意义和加强社团自身建设的努力方向。
4)Social Organizations社团组织
1.The problem involving the development and management of social organizations remains a hot issue for the academic circle and the government in our country.有关社团组织的发展与管理问题一直是我国学术界和政府管理部门的讨论热点。
5)sports corporation organization体育社团组织
1.By investigation to characteristic , building purpose, organization constitute and circulate pattern for undergraduate sports corporation organization in part of college of Guangdong, The authors analyze the influence factor of its formation and development, put forward to some countermeasure and suggestion of management measure, positive support, enhancement guide and reasonable developmen通过对广东省部分高校学生体育社团组织的特点、组建目的、组织构成及运行模式等方面的调查研究,分析了其形成与发展的影响因素,提出了从管理措施入手,积极扶持、加强引导、合理发展等对策与建议。
6)student leagues学生社团组织
1.Of course,due to the various reasons,there is some non-standard management and weakened spiritual support tendency in the organization of student leagues of financial college.作为高校校园文化建设中具有重大影响力的群体,学生社团组织不仅在培养学生们的自我教育、自我管理、自我服务等方面的能力上具有重要影响,且也在完善学生们的知识结构及技能以及提升学生们的思想道德水平等方面有着独特的作用。

《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》  《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》有关旅游的国际协议之一。由国际民用航空组织秘书长和世界旅游组织秘书长经协商制定。此协议一共7条。根据此协议,双方秘书处本着互利的原则交流民用航空和旅游方面的信息和资料;双方可以派代表以观察员的身分参加对方的会议;在公开会议上,观察员有权获得会议文件和发言;双方可以在人才、资料、设备等方面互相支持。世界旅游组织秘书长和国际民用航空组织理事会主席可以通过协商修改协议的条款。此协议自1978年9月1日起生效。