咏物诗,Yongwu poems
1)Yongwu poems咏物诗
1.The Survey of Yongwu Poems Near 20 Years;近二十年咏物诗研究综述
2.Yongwu poems in Tang embody the characteristic that the poets then have wide bosom,vigorous spirit and fortitudinous backbone,which is the cause that Yongwu poems in Tang know from the ones of foregoing ages and have their special convulsion and sensation.唐代咏物诗体现出唐人博大的胸怀、意气风发的精神以及坚忍顽强的毅力等具有时代特色的精神特质。
3.DU Fu抯 Yongwu poems have been the scholar抯 study point for a long time, however, research on the Confucian school idea embodied in his poem is lacking.杜甫咏物诗早已成为历代文人研究的热点,然而对其背后所体现的儒家思想则缺乏研究。

1.Empathy in Odes: On the Historical Significance of the Odes By the Early Tang Quaternion;咏物而不滞于物——论初唐四杰咏物诗的历史地位
2.The creative sense of poetry chanting thing of the later period of Middle-tang dynasty and the type of it中唐后期咏物诗的咏物意识及其态势特征
3.The Plot Linkage of Existential Poetry and Ornamented Zither by Li Shangyin;咏物诗的情节链与李商隐的《锦瑟》诗
4.A Cognitive Analysis of the Image Realization in Chinese Poetry of Things--Taking OnCcicada written by Yu Shinan as an Instance;咏物诗意象实现的认知分析——以虞世南《咏蝉》为例
5.Tangerine Ode, Bamboo Bow Ode and the Creation of the Standards of Object-chanting Poetry;《橘颂》、《弹歌》与咏物诗的创格
6.An Opinion of the Innermost Feeling and Humanity in Liu Zongyuan s Poems of Objects;柳宗元咏物诗的情感寄寓和人文情怀
7.Research on Li He、Du Mu and Li Shangyin's Object-chanting Poetry李贺、杜牧、李商隐三家咏物诗研究
8.A Study of Object-ode Poems and Niyuefu Created Collectively in the Period of Yingming of Southern Qi Dynasty;论永明年间的集体咏物诗和拟乐府诗创作
9.Learning Through Inquiring into Everything--ZHU Xi s Daoxue Inherent Spirit of Nature Poems;格物致知 即物穷理——朱熹咏物诗的理学思想内蕴
10.Concern for the Times and the Common People to Express his Emotions by the Description of a Scene:Hou Fangyu's Psychological Process in His Object-chanting Poetry忧时悯俗 托物见志——侯方域咏物诗的心路观照
11.Study and Thinking on Actuality of Research onLu You s Yongwu Poems (and Lu You Himself);陆游咏物诗研究现状(兼谈陆游研究现状)及思考
12.The probe into the images of willow in Tang poetry from a national perspective;唐代咏物诗“柳”意象民族性艺术特征探论
13.On the Poems of Song Form on Objects by Poet Wang Shizhen;沧江夜夜虹贯月 莫令光怪惊菰芦——王士禛歌行体咏物诗论析
14.Attaching Importance to the Likeness hi Spirit Rather Than in Appearance--On Chen Yuyi s Chant Poems;意足不求颜色似,前身相马九方皋——论陈与义的咏物诗
15.Chanting things, expressing feelings and the Yimin s spirit-- the poet, Yuan Yimin s words chanting the plum;咏物、抒情与遗民情绪——元遗民诗人的咏梅话语
16.Great confucianist s lingering on beautiful Things - A tentative study of Han Yu s odes to flowers;大儒对美物的流连──浅谈韩愈的咏花诗
17.Sense and Intoning of Environment and Lament for Time and Space--Discussion on the Travel Poems in The Nineteen Ancient Poems;感物吟咏与时空悲叹——试论古诗十九首的行旅诗
18.On Development of Mao Zedong’s Personality of Leadership;毛泽东领袖人格历程——读毛泽东三首咏物抒怀诗

object-chanting poetry咏物诗
1.The Original Source and Characteristics of Object-Chanting Poetry;咏物诗的发生及其原品格
2.A comparison between Tangerine Ode and Bamboo Bow Ode shows that only Qu Yuan s Tanger-ine Ode created the standards of object-chanting poetry.将《橘颂》与《弹歌》作一番比较,显示屈原的《橘颂》才真正完成了咏物诗的创格。
3.It analyzes the proceeding of development of object-chanting poetry of the Tang dynasty .咏物诗是中国最古老的诗歌题材之一。
3)Yongwu poetry咏物诗
1.Qu Yuan: The Ancestor of Chinese Yongwu Poetry;屈原:中国古代咏物诗的开山之祖
2.A Study of the Evolution and the Causative Factor for that of Yongwu Poetry in the Southern Dynasty;南朝咏物诗发展演变及其动因初探
3.Yongwu Poetry (poems sung about things) is an imporant type in the ancient poems area.咏物诗是我国古代诗歌领域中一个重要的诗歌类型。
4)yongwu poem咏物诗
1.However,research on yongwu poems makes little progress.20世纪以来,陆游研究成绩日著,但对其咏物诗的研究仍极为薄弱。
2.In this significance,Yongwu poem deeply affected the surf of heyday of Tang Dynasty poem.初唐咏物诗不能被简单地视为南朝遗绪,它有力地促成了初唐诗歌声律的成熟,而风骨的产生也是以咏物诗为标志的,从这个意义上来说,咏物诗对盛唐诗歌高潮的到来起到了先导的作用。
3.This article studies on YongWu poems of YuanYou intellectuals.本文以元祐文人的咏物诗为研究对象。
5)poetry chanting things咏物诗
1.As one kind of poem, poetry chanting things is one of the oldest poetry in the classical literature of China, which has came into being as early as in the era of The Book of Odes.咏物诗是中国古典诗歌中出现最早的诗歌门类之一。
2.During the important phase , poetry chanting things marched forward greatly in topics, content as well as styles, and surmounted those in previous ages .咏物诗是中国古典诗歌中一个重要的门类,自《诗经》时代就已有了咏物诗的萌芽,至唐代,咏物诗的发展进入了它的成熟与繁荣期,晚唐咏物诗是这一时期的一个重要阶段。
6)poetry and lyrics describing objects咏物诗词
1.On the foundation of historical depiction, this essay draws a conclusion that poetry and lyrics describing objects in A Dream of Red Mansions at least has both meanings of out-version and in-version.《红楼梦》咏物诗词至少有内、外两种文本意义。
