傣语,Dai language
1)Dai language傣语
1.Influence of Hinayana in Dai Language of Sipsong Panna;南传上座部佛教对西双版纳傣语的影响
2.This paper gives a comprehensive analysis of the ambiguous structures in the Dai language by adopting a comparative approach and analyzes the causes and offers some solutions.歧义结构在汉语语法研究里早已成为人们关注的热点,而在傣语语法研究中,几乎还是空白。

1.Impact of the Religions of the Dai Nationality on Place Naming in Dai Language;试论傣族宗教对傣语地名命名的影响
2.The third chapter, the linguistic understanding of four syllable expressions in Dai language, is a discussion of the linguistic quality of four syllable expressions in Dai language.第三章傣语四音格的语言认识,这是对傣语四音格语言性质的探讨。
3.The relation of four syllable expressions and Dai culture is the concrete application and development of the theories of cultural linguistics.傣语四音格与傣族文化的关系则是对文化语言学理论的具体应用和发展。
4.The Chinese name Xi'Shuang'Ban'Na is a transliteration of the original Dai name which means twelve thousand fields.西双版纳,是傣语译音,意为“十二(西双)千(版)田(纳)”。
5.Influence of Hinayana in Dai Language of Sipsong Panna南传上座部佛教对西双版纳傣语的影响
6.On the Phonemic System of the Huayao Dais in Xinping County and its Diachronic Phonetic Changes;新平花腰傣语音位系统及历史音变述略
7.The characteristics of four syllable expressions in Dai language are an organizing and summarizing of the objective language material.傣语四音格的特征和功能是对客观语言材料的梳理和总结;
8.The Principle and Significance of Unified Standardization of Han-translated General Names --A case study of Zhuang-Dai group;汉译“通名”统一规范化的原则及意义——以壮傣语支语言为例
9.Those words are unique in Dai language and are not found in Zhuang or Buyi of the same language group.这部分词语为傣语所独有,而在壮语、布依语等同语族语言中是没有的。
10.The linguistic quality of the four syllable expressions in Dai language is a rational understanding of the objective language phenomena guided by certain theories.傣语四音格的语言性质是在一定的理论指导下,对客观语言现象的理性认识;
11.For a better understanding of the linguistic quality of four syllable expressions in Dai language, this thesis draws on experiences of chaos theoretical methods and theories.为了更好地认识傣语四音格的语言性质,文章借鉴了浑沌学理论和方法。
12.The Migration of Early Tai Groups and the Formation of Modern Dai, Lao, Thai and Shan Peoples泰语民族的迁徙与现代傣、老、泰、掸诸民族的形成
13.An Acoustical Analysis of the Mono-syllable Tones of the Dai Dialect in Yuanjang County;云南元江傣话单字音声调的语音实验分析
14.Semantic Study of the Symbol of HuaYangLuo of HuaYao Dai Minority in Xinping of Yunnan;云南新平花腰傣花秧箩的符号语义探究
15.In linguistics, Tai Yu means a language family including modern Thai, and the native languages of the Dai, the Yao and other minority ethnic groups in Southern China.在语言学上,"台语"指的是包括现代泰语、中国南方傣族瑶族等少数民族语在内的语族,
16.Pali Loanwords in Buddhist Sutra Vessantara-Jataka in Dai Script: The First Part Dasa Vara傣文《维先达罗本生经》中的巴利语借词——以《十愿经》第一节为例
17.On the Bi-lingual Teaching Reform in Minority Areas--A case study in Dehong Prefecture of Yunnan Province;民族双语双文教学改革的思考——以云南德宏傣族景颇族自治州为例
18.This paper, based on textual research and the analysis of the Thai language, concludes that Cheli is the transliteration of the word Buddhist pagoda in the Thai language.通过查阅古籍和对泰国的泰族语言分析、比较 ,可以认定 ,车里是傣泰语言中“佛塔”的译音。

place name in the Dai language傣语地名
3)Bai Dai language白傣语
1.Both the Bai Dai language and the Thai language belong to the Tai branch of the Dong-Tai language family,each being used as a cross-border ethnic language.白傣语和泰语均属侗台语族台语支,是分布于不同国度的跨境民族语言。
4)Dai four syllable expression傣语四音格
5)the place name characteristics of Dai language傣语地名特征
6)Dai place names Standardization傣语地名规范化

傣语  属汉藏语系壮侗语族壮傣语支。主要分布在中国云南省西双版纳傣族自治州、德宏傣族景颇族自治州以及西南和南部的一些县。使用人口约84万(1982)。此外还分布在泰国、老挝、缅甸和越南。使用西双版纳方言和德宏方言的人口较多。西双版纳方言有21个声母,91个韵母;德宏方言有16个声母;84个韵母。两个方言各有6 个舒声调、3个促声调。韵母中都有单元音韵母9个:a、i、e、ε、u、o、婖、嚕、媅(а带韵尾时分长短)。西双版纳方言带-i、-u、-m、-n、-嬜、-p、-t、-k、-妱韵尾的韵母有82个,德宏方言没有带-妱韵尾的韵母,但有-嚕韵尾。词序和虚词是表达语法意义的主要手段。句子的语序是主语-谓语-宾语。名词的修饰语在中心词之后,副词修饰动词或形容词时,其位置有前有后,因副词而异。语气助词很丰富,一般位于句末。单音节词和双音节的合成词占大多数,多音节的单纯词较少。四字格结构的词很丰富。有相当多的汉语借词。早期的汉语借词大多是单音节词,现代汉语借词大多是多音节词。在外语借词中,西双版纳方言由于受小乘佛教经书的影响,从巴利语借进了许多语词,这是同语族中其他语言所没有的。