有效学习,effective learning
1)effective learning有效学习
1.Believing that effective learning comes from effective teaching,the authors argue that teachers, as guides and organizers in the classroom, must inspire their students to pursue active and meaningful learning, to understand the interrelation of teaching materials, and to build cognitive structures.接受学习是数学课堂学习的主要方式 ,有效学习的保证是教师的教学行为必须是有效的 ,教师在教学中的角色应该是主导者、组织者 ,通过对学习材料的选择运用、组织呈现、联系阐述 ,启发学生进行主动、有意义地学习 ,帮助学生理解学习材料间的关系 ,建立认知结构 。
2.Because man s existence is original,prior and first,and students learning activities are their main practical activities of existence,the nature of modern teaching can be regarded as special learning activities organized by teachers with aim,and plan which can help students do the effective learning.鉴于人的生存实践具有本源性、优先性和第一性的特征和学生学习活动是他们最为主要的生存实践活动这一事实,现代教学本质可以认为是由教师组织学生进行有目的、有计划、特殊的学习活动,是教师促进和帮助学生实现有效学习的活动。
3.Effective teaching is one of the ways to promote effective learning.有效教学是促进学生有效学习的途径之一。

1.On the Construction of Administration System to Promote Effective Learning论促进学生有效学习的学习管理制度构建
2.From "External" to "Internal":On Students' Effective Learning从“他者”到“我者”——兼议学生的有效学习
3.Self-regulating Learning: Effective Strategy for Adult Distance Learning;自律学习:成人远程学习的有效策略
4.Strategies on Improving the Quality of Independent Study of the Long Distance Students有效提高远程学习者自主学习的策略
5.Valid acquisition of autonomous learning ability for primary English learners小学生英语自主学习能力的有效习得
6.Good navigation can guide students to learn efficiently.良好的导航设计可以引导学习者有效的学习,提高学习效率。
7.For example, reviewing what we have learned on time contributes to efficient learning.例如,按时复习所学知识有助于卓有成效的学习。
8.Grounded Learning System Design:The Efficient Teaching,Learning and Technology;贯一学习系统设计:有效的教学、学习和技术
9.Improving the Level of Learning Strategies as an Effective Way to Heighten Study Qualities of Students;提高学生学习素质的有效途径:优化学习策略
10.How to Study Efficiently in Piano Teaching;论钢琴教学中学生学习有效性的提高
11.Using Cooperative Learning to Overcome Language Anxiety in EFL Learning合作学习:克服外语学习者焦虑情感的有效策略
12.The Research of Reception Learning and Inquiry Learning Efficiently Integrated;“接受学习”与“探究学习”有效整合的研究初探
13.A Study of Explicit Learning and Implicit Learning in EFL Writing;二语写作外显学习与内隐学习有效性差异研究
14.Cooperative Learning and Virtual Inspiration of Adult Learning Motivation;合作性学习与成人学习动机的有效激励
15.Effectiveness Study of English Learning in Blended Learning Environment混合学习环境下的英语学习有效性研究
16.The Effective Method in Arousing Learning Interest in ELT英语教学中激发学习兴趣的有效方法
17.A Study on the Efficiency of Cooperative Learning in Extensive Reading Class;合作学习在泛读教学中的有效性研究
18.English Extensive Reading Needs Autonomous Learning;英语泛读教学的有效途径—自主学习

effective study有效学习
1.To grasp modern information technology can makeit possible to promote deaf students effective study.现代信息技术的发展给聋教育带来了空前的机遇和挑战,聋生掌握信息技术本领是利用现代信息技术促进聋生有效学习的前提。
3)effectiveness of learning学习有效性
4)virtual learning effectiveness虚拟学习有效性
5)effective learning environment有效学习环境
1.The theme of this conference,integrating multiple perspectives on effective learning environment,underlines two aspects of great relevance in current educational research: the need to reflect on different approaches to enhancing our knowledge of learning processes and the role of context,designed or circumstantial,in learning and instruction.一些教育专家从社会情感,学习与认知理论,教育评价等几个方面对有效学习环境的构建做了专题报告。
6)effective in-service learning在职有效学习
1.Teachers effective in-service learning means it can effectively improve of teachers professional development.教师在职有效学习的基本特征是:基于自主性的专业成长动机,基于探究性的实际问题的解决,基于反思性的教育行为的跟进,基于合作性的专业社群的建构。

部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning  部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)