兼语句,pivotal sentence
1)pivotal sentence兼语句
1.The article makes the contrasts between predicate and pivotal sentences;连谓句与兼语句的对比研究
2.The pivotal sentence is different from the sentence with serial verbs,the sentence with a predicate verb taking two objects,the sentence with a subject-predicate construction as an object,the complementation sentence and contracted complex sentences.兼语句是一种可以独立的句式,它与连谓句、双宾语句、主谓短语作宾语句、补语句和复句紧缩句明显不同。
3.As the unordinary Chinese sentence structures,topic pattern,sentence with serial verbs,pivotal sentence and simple sentences with no conjunction show up everywhere in A Dream of Red Mansion.主题句、连动句、兼语句和流水句是汉语中的几种特殊句式,在我国古典文学名著《红楼梦》中表现突出,占很大比重。

1.Syntactic and Semantic Restrictions on Transforming a "Jianyu"-Sentence into a "Ba"-Sentence;兼语句变换为“把”字句的语法、语义限制
2.The Contrastive Study between Jianyu Pattern in Chinese and SVOC in English;汉语兼语句与英语SVOC句式对比研究
3.A Contrastive Study of Chinese Pivotal Sentences and English Complex Object Sentences;汉语兼语句与英语复合宾语句的对比研究
4.Chinese Bi-constituent Sentences:Its Semantic Classification and Syntactic Distribution of Empty Categories;兼语句的语义分类及其空语类的句法分布
5.A Comparison Study on Jianyu Structure and Bei Structure in Teaching Korean Students Learning Chinese as a Second Language;对韩汉语教学中“被”字句、兼语句的比较研究
6.Translation of the Chinese Dual-Function Constituent Sentence into English:Functional Equivalence Perspective从功能对等角度看汉语兼语句的英译
7.A Sentence Pattern of One Word Serving as Two Sentence Elements and its Features;兼语句与其他句式结构的区别——现代汉语特殊句式辨析之二
8.Research on the phonological segmentation of the Jianyu sentense in teaching of Chinese to foreigners;对外汉语教学中兼语句的语音切分研究
9.A Minimalist Approach to Bi-constituent Sentences in Mandarin Chinese最简方案框架下的现代汉语兼语句研究
10.Research into the Causative Sentences Led by the Existing Verb "You" in Shi Shuo Xin Yu;《世说新语》存在动词“有”引导的兼语句研究
11.A Corpus-based Study on the Acquisition of Bi-constituent Sentences基于语料库的外国学生兼语句习得研究
12.A study on Chinese donkey sentences;汉语驴句研究——兼谈英语相关句式
13.A Contrastive Study of English SVOC Structure and Chinese Pivot Structure;英语SVOC句式与汉语兼语式对比
14.A Brief Study of "de" Complement Sentence--the Transform Relationships with "ba" Sentence;“得”字主谓补语句略论——兼论与把字句的转换关系
15.The Concept Change of Chinese Sentence Patterns: A Sentence Pattern Comparison;汉语句型观的衍变——兼论汉英典型句式对比
16.A Cognitive Contrastive Study on English SVOC Pattern and Chinese Pivotal Pattern;英语SVOC句式和汉语兼语式的认知对比研究
17.The Contrastive study of the Verbs in English SVOC Structure and Chinese "jianyu" Structure;英语SVOC句式与汉语兼语式动词类别对比
18.The semantic roles of subject in the passive construction in the Longhui Xiang dialect:the necessity of the constructoion valency;隆回湘语被动句主语的语义角色——兼论句式配价的必要性

jianyu sentence兼语句
1.This paper points out that the Chinese sent en ce “他打得孩子到处乱跑”(meaning“He beats the child to run about everywhere”) should not been considered as a jianyu sentence, on the other h and, we should treat this structure as complement behind “de”.本文从带“得”的述补结构“得”的来源上、现代汉语的“得”后部分的处理上、孙银新对“他打得孩子到处乱跑”的处理的几处不妥三个方面指出 :“他打得孩子到处乱跑”的确不宜处理为兼语句 ,而应该处理为“得”后补语句。
2.This paper discusses the structure“Ns+V+得+NP+VP”and concludes that there is not very much strong analogy between“Ns+V+得+NP+VP”and“Ns+[(V+NP)+VP]”in inner phraseological meaning and outer form;so,this structure does not belong to jianyu sentence.就“Ns +V +得 +NP +VP”句加以分析 ,得出 :“Ns+V +得 +NP +VP”句与兼语句没有很强的内在语法意义和外在语法形式上的可类比性 ,不应该将此类句归类为兼语句
3.According to the characteristic of V_1 and the relationship between V_1 and V_2, the 345 Jianyu sentences in Korean Version of Chinese Story on Five Moral Principles (Wu Lun Quan Bei Yanjie) can be classified into four types: causative type in which V_1 has active influence on V_2, coordinating type in which V_2 has active influence on V_1,existential type and mixed type.根据兼语句中谓语部分的第一动词的特点及第一动词与第二动词之间的关系,将《伍伦全备谚解》中345个兼语句分为:支配型兼语句、配合型兼语句、有无兼型语句及糅合型兼语句
1.Jianyuju Studies on Shishuoxinyu (Summary);《世说新语》兼语句研究
2.According to the syntax relationship among the verb s structure,the LianWeiju is clarified into 4 categories,while according to the sentence structures;the JianYuju is clarified into 3categories.连谓句和兼语句是汉语中特殊的句式 ,前人对甲骨文和金文中的这两种句式作了详细周密的论述。
4)double pivots sentence双兼语句
1.Some call it pivotal sentence,believing that there is one pivotal member in the sentence,while some call it double pivots sentence,insisting that the double objects be both pivotal members in the sentence.有人把它叫"兼语句",认为句中的两个宾语有一个是兼语;有人把它叫"双兼语句",认为句中的两个宾语都是兼语。
5)Pivotal Pattern兼语句式
6)the Chinese dual-function constituent sentence汉语兼语句
1.Compared with the English language,the Chinese dual-function constituent sentence is one of the characters in Chinese.相对英语而言,汉语兼语句为汉语一大特色。
