实体隐喻,ontological metaphor
1)ontological metaphor实体隐喻
1.Through a study of the construction and usages of ontological metaphor,mainly container metaphor and conduit metaphor in Chinese modifier-noun phrases,the author draws the conclusion that many modifier phrases in Chinese are constructed through metaphor.在汉语基本句法结构之一———偏正短语中,通过考察其实体隐喻(主要是容器隐喻和导管隐喻)的构成和使用特点,认为汉语中有相当数量的偏正短语是以隐喻的方式构建起来的,这些隐喻具有极强的系统性,汉语隐喻研究还有较大拓展空间。
2.This paper classifies the metaphors in sports news report into two main categories: structural metaphors and ontological metaphors.本文结合体育赛事报道中大量出现的隐喻现象,从认知角度将这些隐喻归为两大类:结构隐喻和实体隐喻,并分析了这些隐喻的认知基础及特点。

1.A Study of the Metaphor s Systematic Quality through an Analysis of the Ontological Metaphor in Chinese Modifier-noun Phrase;从汉语偏正短语中的实体隐喻看隐喻的系统性
2.A Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach to Ontological Metaphor in English Advertisements;英文广告中实体隐喻的认知语用研究
3.Intersubjectivity and Intermetaphoricity Involved in Metaphor Interpretation;论隐喻解读中的主体间性和隐喻间性
4.In daily life, the metaphor of body-part is based on the mapping.在现实生活中,人体隐喻主要依靠映射来实现。
5.Entity Concept Knowledge Database Construction Oriented to Metaphor Computation面向隐喻计算的实体概念知识库构建方法研究
6.Understanding of Conceptual Metaphors and Individual Cognitive Style Variables: An Empirical Study概念隐喻理解与个体认知风格差异的实证研究
7.Metaphor, Metonymy, and Their Interaction: From Theory to Practice;隐喻、转喻及其相互作用:从理论到实践
8.Cognitive Realization of Emotion Concept in Metaphor and Metonymy情感范畴在隐喻和转喻中的认知体现
9.The memorial ceremony of waving hands is the identification of Tujia social identity and the change of waving hands means that from sexual to political metaphor.摆手变迁实是从性隐喻到政治隐喻的演变过程。
10.Ideational Metaphor and Genre Characteristics of Sci-Tech English;概念隐喻:实现科技英语语篇语体特征的有效途径
11.A Corpora-based and Exemplified Contrastive Study of Body Metaphors in Chinese and English结合语料库,根据实例对比研究英汉语言中的身体隐喻
12.The Role of Topic and Vehicle in Chinese Metaphor Comprehension;本体和喻体在中文隐喻句理解中的应用
13.The psychological reality of cognitive basis of metaphors-evidence from the spatial metaphoric representation of time;隐喻认知基础的心理现实性——时间的空间隐喻表征的实验证据
14.The Figurative System of Morality and the Metaphorical Use of the Chinese and English Language;道德的比喻体系与中英文语言的隐喻用法
15.Transfer of the vehicle's image in translation从认知角度看隐喻翻译中的喻体意象转换
16.Continuum of Metonymy and Metaphor and Cognitive Study of Polysemy转喻与隐喻的连续体现象与多义词的认知研究
17.An Experimental Study on Development of Metaphorical Awareness and Competence in College English Teaching大学英语教学隐喻意识和隐喻能力培养的实验研究
18.A Microcosmic Study of Metaphor:The Analysis of the Ontological Metaphors of "Soul" in Russian;隐喻的微观研究:俄语中“心灵”的本体概念隐喻分析

source domains of metaphors隐喻的喻体
3)body metaphor身体隐喻
1.By means of the body parts and organs they are most familiar with,humans often form body metaphorical concepts,so as to know about,understand and feel about the metaphorical concepts.人们最熟悉自己的身体,常用自己最熟悉的身体部位或器官构成身体隐喻概念,来认识、了解和感受其他领域的概念。
2.By means of the body organs and parts they are mostly familiar with, humans often form body metaphorical concepts, so as to know about , experience and feel about the metaphorical concepts of other domains.人们常常利用自己最熟悉的身体器官和部位构成身体隐喻概念 ,来认知、体验和感受其他领域的隐喻概念。
3.Thus,body metaphor plays an important role in man\'s understanding the outside world.身体隐喻是人类认识世界的一种重要的认知方式。
4)sports metaphor体育隐喻
1.The Power of Sports Metaphor in English Business Writings;论体育隐喻在英文商业写作中的作用
2.With plenty of examples,this paper introduces the phenomenon from a cultural perspective,especially the use of sports metaphor in the business context.体育隐喻在美语的口语和书面语中无处不在,本文从文化的角度对商务活动中常见的体育隐喻进行了归纳,并对其所涉及的文化内涵和文化渊源作出了简单分析。
5)ontological metaphor本体隐喻
1.Man s concept system is largely based on ontological metaphors.人类的概念系统在很大程度上是建立在本体隐喻基础之上。
2.This paper is a comparative study of the E/C conceptual metaphor systems which are divided into structural,orientational and ontological metaphors.作者采用了George Lakoff的理论架构,分别对汉英结构隐喻、方位隐喻和本体隐喻进行了比较研究。
6)body metaphor人体隐喻
1.A Cultural Approach to English and Chinese Body Metaphor;英汉人体隐喻的文化研究
2.Based on Lakoff and Johnson s theories on metaphor,this paper investigates the similarities and differences between English and Chinese body metaphors from the cognitive perspective and explores the causes from both cognitive and cultural aspects.从认知的角度,运用莱考夫和约翰逊的概念隐喻理论对英汉语中的人体隐喻进行对比分析,着重探讨两种语言在人体隐喻表达上的异同,并从认知和文化两个角度分析其形成原因。

电影中的隐喻  通过蒙太奇,将镜头之间或镜头内部各个表现元素(包括造型、音响等方面)加以强化、浓缩、类比,由此在观众的感觉和心理上产生效应的手法。如苏联影片《母亲》中河流解冻、冰块流动和工人举行示威游行、冲击沙皇专制制度的镜头并列出现,不仅冰块本身构成了背景的有机部分,在情节发展中起了现实作用,而且突出了春天的主题,生动地体现了工人群众的情绪和力量。这一组镜头是运用隐喻的出色范例。