词汇发展,lexical development
1)lexical development词汇发展
1.A contrastive study of English and Chinese lexical development shows that diachrony is one of the basic characteristics of lexical development ,which can be seen from the production of new words,semantic chang.从英汉两种语言的词汇发展共性不难看出:历时变化是词汇发展的一个基本特征;词汇发展的历时性特征主要体现在新词的产生、词义的演变以及拼写的变异等方面。
2.The latest research about the lexical development showed that the substantial connection between semantics and syntax has an important impact on stuttering.本文从词汇发展角度探讨儿童口吃的发生和发展。

1.Word spurt in early lexical development:A survey儿童早期词汇发展中的词汇飞跃现象
2.Productive Vocabulary Development, English Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Correlation Analyses;产出性词汇发展,词汇习得策略及相关分析
3.Reasons for the development of modern English vocabulary and its characteristics当代英语词汇发展的原因及构词特点
4.Passive vs. Active Vocabulary: Comparison of the Vocabulary Development of English and Non-English Majors被动词汇与主动词汇发展情况的研究—英语与非英语专业词汇发展情况的比较
5.On Biological Principles in the Development of Culture and Vocabulary;试论文化与词汇发展中的生物学原理
6.A study of Chinese English learners’ productive vocabulary development;中国英语学习者产出性词汇发展研究
7.The Approaches and Internal Factors of the Enrichment of Chinese Vocabulary;汉语词汇发展的语言内部因素与途径
8.Is There Really a Noun Bias in Children s Early Lexical Development?;儿童早期词汇发展过程中确有名词倾向吗?
9.A Study on Non-English Majors Development of Passive and Active Vocabulary in the Classroom Setting;课堂环境下非英语专业学生的被动词汇和主动词汇发展研究
10.Study of English learners mental lexicon and the development of the ir lexical competence;词汇输入过程和二语词汇能力的发展
11.Structural Representation of Mental Lexicon and the Development of L2 Learners Productive Vocabulary Ability;心理词汇结构表征与二语产出性词汇能力发展
12.The Study of Mental Lexicon and the Developmental Representation of L2 Lexical Ability;心理词汇研究与二语词汇能力发展表征
13.Development Sequence Theory of Lexical Ability and China's English Lexical Teaching词汇能力发展次序理论与我国英语词汇教学
14.Probe into the Development of English Vocabulary from the Evolution of Personal Nouns;从人称名词的演变看英语词汇的发展
15.On the Research of Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Its Development;论二语词汇的习得与发展——基于实证调查的词汇知识发展差异假说
16.The Development of the Lexical System of Early Children;儿童早期词汇-语义系统的形成与发展
17.The Development of the Use of the Chinese Character"Ghost" and Its Influence on Chinese Vocabulary;“鬼”字用法的发展及对汉语词汇的影响
18.The Development of English Words after the Septmber 11 Tragedy;试谈"9.11事件"后英语词汇的发展

lexical development and changes词汇发展变化
1.This paper attempts to probe into factors influencing and restraining the lexical development and changes of Uygur language since liberation from the perspective of society,language policy,and lexical system on the basis of previous researches.本文在借鉴、吸收前人研究成果的基础上,试图从社会、语言政策、词汇系统等方面探讨影响、制约解放以来维吾尔语词汇发展变化的因素以及这些因素在促成词汇发展变化中所起的作用。
3)English vocabulary development英语词汇发展
4)thedevelopmentof Englishwords英语词汇的发展
5)the development history of Chinese language汉语词汇发展史
6)productive vocabulary development产出性词汇发展
1.However, research on productive vocabulary development is still scanty, and many questions about productive vocabulary remain unsolved, for example, do genders affect the development of productive vocabulary? Do different majors affect the development of productive vocabulary? Little research has been done in the t.但是,有关产出性词汇发展的研究仍然比较少,许多问题仍然没有得到解决。

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