明示推理,ostensive inference
1)ostensive inference明示推理

1.The Analysis of Fortress Besieged from the Perspective of Ostensive-Inferential Model;从关联理论下的明示推理模式看《围城》的英译本
2.On the Application of Relevance and Ostensive Inference in the Process of Figuring out Textual Theme--An Illustrative Analysis of Fan Zhongyan’s Verse of Yu Jia Ao;语境关联和明示推理机制在篇章主旨解读中的应用——由范仲淹词《渔家傲》说起
3.Alternating Interpretation and the Ostensive-inferential Communication;交传与明示—推理交际——口译的理性思考
4.On Discourse Coherence in the Light of Ostensive-inferential Communication Model of Relevance Theory;关联理论明示—推理交际模式的语篇连贯研究
5.Numbers suggest, constraint, and refute; they do not, by themselves, specify the content of scientific theories.「数据会提示理论、节制理论、推翻理论;不过,它们本身不会给科学理论提供明确的内容。
6.To look for or reason by analogy.用类比推理,用类比说明
7.I didn' t follow his line of reasoning.我不明白他的推理方法。
8.Proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved推理的用未经证明的条件来推理已知公理的
9.Research on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Mechanism for Spatial Relation Reasoning;空间关系推理的知识表示与推理机制研究
10.Research on Spatio-Temporal Representation and Reasoning Based on RCC;基于RCC理论的时空表示与推理的研究
11.Application of Analogy Throws Fresh Light on Physics Teaching;展示类比推理功能,有益物理教学创新
12.A Comparative Study on Agricultural Science-technology Extension Systems between China and USA-Using Ningbo, China and Minnesota, USA as Samples;美国明州农业科技推广体系对中国宁波的启示
13.What he had reasoned about the theory proved( to be) true.他对该原理的推理证明是正确的。
14.Displayed stunningly inconsequent reasoning.显示出令人吃惊的不合逻辑的推理
15.Object-Oriented Case Representation in Case-Based Reasoning范例推理中面向对象的范例表示研究
16.Representation and Reasoning of Spatial Topological Relations Based on Cognition;基于认知的空间拓扑关系表示与推理
17.Research on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Mechanism for Distributed Decision Making;分布式决策知识表示和推理机制研究
18.Beyond Property-right and Two-level Amplifier Model;“超产权”理论的模型、推演与启示

ostensive inference明示-推理
3)ostension & inference明示/推理
1.Furthermore,whether ostension & inference can be successful or not depends .同时,明示/推理交际能否获得成功有赖于作者、读者认知环境的互明。
1.In this Model, translating is both a relevance-seeking, ostensive-inferential and a dynamically-adjusting process.在翻译的阐释过程中译者和原作者之间产生一个动态适应的寻求关联的明示-推理过程。
2.Under the framework of Sperber and Wilson\'s relevance theory,language communication is an ostensive-inferential model and translation is treated as a kind of brain-involving communicative activity as well as a cognitive-inferential activity in the pursuit of optimal relevance.在Sperber和Wilson提出的关联理论的框架下,语言交际是明示-推理行为,翻译则被看成是一种涉及大脑机制的交际行为,是一种寻求最佳关联的认知-推理活动。
5)ostension and inference明示—推理

演绎推理(见推理)    演绎推理(见推理)  deductive inference  住理。yanyl tullj演绎推理(deduetive infer。二ee)见