翻译失误,translation errors
1)translation errors翻译失误
1.Based on skopostheorie put forward by the school and from the perspective of intentionality of translation,the present study makes an analysis of functional,cultural,and linguistic translation errors in the scenic spot publication translation of Zhuhai,and the author points out its significance in tourism publication translation.以功能学派翻译目的论的原理为理论框架,从翻译的目的性出发,举例分析了旅游城市珠海的景点英译中存在的功能性、文化性以及语言性翻译失误的现象,并指出翻译目的论对旅游翻译的重要指导意义。
2.According to the survey,linguistic and cultural translation errors exist in the English-version web profiles of several Chinese universities.调查表明:一些高校英文网页中存在语言性、文化性等类型的翻译失误
3.Based on Skopostheorie and from the perspective of intentionality of translation, the present study made an in-depth analysis of functional, cultural and linguistic translation errors in the English versions of the web profiles of some leading universities in China, in comparison to some parallel texts in the original.本文以翻译目的论的原理为理论框架,从翻译的目的性出发,并参考译语文化中的平行文本,举例分析了我国一些重点大学网站英文版"学校概况"中存在的功能性、文化性以及语言性翻译失误的现象,并指出,产生这些失误的根源在于译者缺少翻译的目的意识。

1.On Deep Logic Semantic Analysis;从翻译失误看语篇翻译中的深层逻辑语义分析
2.Causes Underlying C-E Mistranslations: An Analysis of Mistranslations in Reference Books for Advanced English(Books Ⅰ&Ⅱ)英汉翻译失误溯源——《高级英语第一册/第二册》教学参考书误译分析
3.An Analysis of Translation Errors in EST and Strategies for Improvement大学英语科技文章的翻译失误,解析和归因
4.Analysis of Mistranslations in Tourist Maps旅游地图中的翻译失误研究与实例剖析
5.Translation Errors in the Light of Skopostheorie Cases: from the Scenic Spot Publication Translation of Zhuhai;目的论与翻译失误研究——珠海市旅游景点译例分析
6.Translation Errors in the Light of Skopostheorie --Examples from the Web Profiles of Some Leading Universities in China;目的论观照下的翻译失误——一些大学网站英文版例析
7.A Functional Analysis of C-E News Translation Errors功能主义观照下的汉英新闻翻译失误——以新疆电视台英语新闻为例
8.Failures in the C-E Translation of Scenic Spots: Their Pragmatic Analyses and Counter-measures--With Foshan as a Case Example景区翻译失误的语用分析及解决对策——以佛山为例
9.The Pragmatic Translation of Advertising and Pragmatic Failure in Advertising Translation;广告的语用翻译及其翻译中的语用失误
10.The Pragmatic Translation of Advertising and the Pragmatic Failure in Advertising Translation;广告的语用翻译及广告翻译中的语用失误
11.On the Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Failure in English Translation;英语翻译中的跨文化语用失误(英文)
12.A comment on the Translation Errors in 《A course of English Chinese Translation of Technical English》;《英汉科技翻译教程》中的若干失误
13.Basic language knowledge as essentials of translation;翻译必须重视语言基本功——英译汉失误例析
14.The Study on Tourism Materials Translation from the Perspective of Pragmatic Failure;从语用失误的角度研究旅游资料的翻译
15.An Analysis of the Causes of Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Failure and Appropriate Strategies for Chinese-English Advertising Translation;中英广告翻译中跨文化语用失误的原因及策略
16.Discussion on Foreign Affairs Translation Strategy and Faults Based on Skopostheory;目的论指导下的外事翻译策略与失误探讨
17.On Cultural Differences and Pragmatic Failures in Advertising Translation;浅析英汉广告翻译中的文化差异及语用失误
18.Errors in the English-Chinese Proverb Translation and Solutions;英汉谚语跨文化翻译的失误及解决策略

translation failure翻译失误
1.However, translation failure shows that students cannot bring out the original meaning both comprehensively and accurately without any distortion or casual addition or deletion of the original thought in doing their assignments.从学生的翻译失误看,往往由于理解上出现了偏差、或任意增删等而导致译文表达不能到位。
3)pragmatic translation errors语用翻译失误
4)cultural translation errors文化翻译失误
5)linguistic translation errors语言翻译失误
6)Translation Errors and Strategies翻译失误及策略

管理失误危险树分析管理失误危险树分析management oversight and risk tree guanl一sh一wu welx一onshu fenxl管理失误危险树分析(management。ver-sight and risk tree,MORT)以管理因素为主要矛盾对事故的分析方法,用来查明作为事故根本原因的管理缺陷。它是在故障树的基础上发展起来的,却又与故障树不同。两者的分析手法基本相同,都是利用逻辑关系分析事故,利用树状图表示原因和结果,用布尔代数计算,但MORT是把重点放在管理缺陷上,所采用的符号、分析对象和原因等方面也有不同之处。 管理失误危险树分析采用了许多现代安全概念。它把事故定义为“由于没有适应客观情况变化的计划失误或操作失误,导致缺乏对能量的屏蔽或控制,发生意外的能量释放”。因而在分析过程中特别注意系统中能量的流动,并建立适当的屏蔽来防止意外的能量释放。 管理失误危险树是非常复杂的树图,需鉴别200多个因素。如果把重复的问题计算在内,需研究的因素可达1500个。顶事件的原因包括两方面的问题:疏忽失误,以及被接受的危险。所谓被接受的危险是指那些目前尚无恰当的控制对策的危险因素。造成疏忽和失误的原因包括直接控制欠佳与管理系统缺陷两个方面。(见故障树分析)