语言顺应论,linguistic adaptation theory
1)linguistic adaptation theory语言顺应论
1.With Verschueren s linguistic adaptation theory (1999) as the general conceptual framew.本文以Verschueren的语言顺应论为理论框架,分析探究电视访谈应答语中"附加信息"的本质特性与语用功能。
2.The thesis aims at studying the addresser s deliberate use of vague language from the pragmatic perspective, adopting Verschueren s Linguistic Adaptation Theory to explain when people deliberately use vague language and Brown and Levinson s Face Theory to explain why people deliberately use vague language on these occasions.本文旨在从语用学角度研究写信人在英文商务信函中有意地使用模糊语言,运用Verschueren的语言顺应论解释人们在什么时候会有意地使用模糊语言以及Brown和Levinson的面子理论解释人们为什么在这些时候有意地使用模糊语言。
3.We have found that, by using linguistic adaptation theory, vague language is used to adapt to contextual influences and psychological motiva同时本文运用Verschueren的语言顺应论分析写信人使用模糊语言的动机,发现其使用模糊语言的目的是为了顺应不同的语境及心理情感因素。

1.Theory of Adaptation and Development of Cross-cultural Communicative Competence语言顺应论与跨文化交际能力的培养
2.Inspiration of Theory of Linguistic Adaptation on Spoken English Teaching in Colleges语言顺应论对大学英语口语教学的启示
3.An exploration of pragmatic effects of Chinese two-part allegorical sayings from the perspective of linguistic adaptability从语言顺应论角度看歇后语的语用效果
4.The interpersonal pragmatic functions of rhetorical questions from the perspective of the linguistic adaptation theory;语言顺应论视角下反问句的人际语用功能研究
5.Study of Popular English Expressions on University Campus Based on Theory of Linguistic Adaptation;基于语言顺应论的校园流行语的几种表达
6.Research on the English Reading Model under the Guidance of Adaptation Theory语言顺应论指导下的英语阅读模式探讨
7.The Development of Grammatical and Pragmatic Competence in L2:A Perspective of Verschueren s Theory of Adaptation;从语言顺应论看二语习得中语法能力和语用能力发展的关系
8.Matteo Ricci s Selection of Source Texts and Strategies in His Translation of Western Learning:A Perspective from the Linguistic Adaptation Theory;选择、顺应、翻译——从语言顺应论角度看利玛窦西学译著的选材和翻译策略
9.The theory of linguistic adaptation and its enlightenments on English teaching语言顺应理论及其对英语教学的启示
10.Language Structural Adaptation in Ad E-C Translation:From the Perspective of Linguistic Adaptation Theory广告英汉翻译中的语言结构顺应——从语言顺应理论的角度研究
11.Communicative Strategies of Wang Xifeng: From the Perspective of Linguistic Adaptation Theory;从顺应理论看王熙凤的言语交际策略
12.Adaptation-theoretic Exploration on English Advertising Language and Cultural Context;从顺应论角度看英语广告语言和文化语境
13.A Study of Pragmatic Strategies in the Entertainment News Based on the Theory of Linguistic Adaptation;基于语言顺应理论的娱乐新闻语用策略研究
14.Interpretation of Dynamic Context for Diplomatic Language from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory;从顺应论看动态语境对外交语言的解读
15.The Pragmatic Use of Verschueren's Adaption Theory and Value in Language Communication论维氏顺应理论与价值观在语言交际中的运用
16.A Comparative Study of Hedges in Linguistic Book Prefaces between Chinese and English an Adaptation Theory Approach中英文语言学专著前言中模糊限制语对比研究—顺应论视角
17.It is just for this aim that the Theory of Linguistic Adaptation is established.语言顺应理论的建立正是为了实现这一目的。
18.A Study on Hedging in Diplomatic Language from a Perspective of Adaptation Theory;外交语言中模糊限制策略的顺应理论研究

theory of linguistic adaptation语言顺应论
1.The Theory of Linguistic Adaptation and the Study of Second Language Acquisition;语言顺应论与二语习得研究
2.Inspiration of Theory of Linguistic Adaptation on Spoken English Teaching in Colleges语言顺应论对大学英语口语教学的启示
3.Based on theory of linguistic adaptation,four aspects of adaptation are discussed.基于语言顺应论,对语言使用中的顺应性特征从四个方面进行了描写。
3)the Linguistic Adaptation Theory语言顺应论
1.This thesis applies the Linguistic Adaptation Theory, the Theory of Pragmatic Empathy, the Face-saving Theory and methods of Critical Discourse Analysis in the analysis of pragmatic empathy in the Canadian novel The Origin of Waves.本论文运用语言顺应论、语用移情理论、面子保全论及批评性语篇分析方法对加拿大小说《浪花的起源》中的语用移情进行分析,旨在研究语用移情的表现方法及语用功能。
4)linguistic adaptation theory语言顺应理论
1.Language Structural Adaptation in Ad E-C Translation:From the Perspective of Linguistic Adaptation Theory广告英汉翻译中的语言结构顺应——从语言顺应理论的角度研究
2.Based on Verschueren s linguistic adaptation theory and meta-pragmatic awareness theory,this paper discusses the relation between discourse c.本文在V erschueren提出的语言顺应理论和元语用意识理论的基础上,探讨了语篇连贯与语言使用者的元语用意识之间的关系,以及不同的语篇连贯的语言标示的元语用功能,试图用元语用理论来解释许多表面不衔接但意义上很连贯的语篇,以表明语用学和语篇分析之间存在互补性。
3.The conceptual framework is constructed on the basis of Jef Verschuern s (1999) Linguistic Adaptation Theory.论文的理论框架主要以Jef Verschueren(1999)的语言顺应理论(Linguistic Adaptation Theory)为依据,旨在证明Jef Verschueren的语言顺应理论是否对心理咨询过程中咨询师的语言具有很强的解释力,即心理咨询过程中咨询师的语言是否与来访者的社交世界和心理世界相顺应。
5)linguistic adaptation语言顺应
1.By analyzing and researching the connotation of salience of linguistic adaptation processes involved cognitive and social factors,this paper tries to explain its relation with the linguistic choice in translation,code-switching,irony,and discourse generation in linguistic communication.文章通过分析研究语言顺应过程的意识突显及相关的认知与社会心理因素,来诠释它在翻译、语码转换、反语的运用以及话语生成等语言交际活动中与语言选择二者的内在关系。
2.The theory of linguistic adaptation, which Jef Verschueren initiated in 1987 and developed in 1999, claims that pragmatic studies should be directed to the exploration into the functioning mechanism of language, i.由Verschueren倡导的语言顺应理论提出语用学研究应该致力于探讨语言的运行机制,即考察交际者在特定语境里如何通过顺应性语言选择来满足其交际需求、实现其交际目的。
3.This thesis, based on Verschueren’s theory of linguistic adaptation, is a pragmatic analysis of tutor’s Chinese English codeswitching in postgraduate class.本文试从语用学角度来分析硕士研究生课堂的语码转换,以Verschueren的语言顺应论为基础,通过对河北师范大学外国语学院英语系英语语言文学专业语言学方向五位硕士生导师及其研究生进行观察、录音、问卷和访谈等手段收集到的语料进行分析,并推导出主动顺应的模式。
6)Extra-linguistic Adaptation非语言语境顺应

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。