关联原则,principle of relevance
1)principle of relevance关联原则
1.The use of it reflects specific utterance meaning,embodies the best principle of relevance and covers context of language and non-language.仿拟具有浓郁的语用色彩,它的运用折射出具体的话语意义,体现出最佳关联原则,涵盖了语言性语境和非语言性语境,属于三价意指范畴。
2.The author believes that the understanding of tautological utterances as some other utterances is consistent with the principle of relevance.作者认为 ,如同其他话语 ,同义反复话语的理解是遵循关联原则
3.This paper investigates and analyses the reasons for non-contextual and contextual ambiguity in English from the perspective of principle of relevance,and points out that ambiguity is closely related to relevance and that principle of relevance is the fundamental basis of disambiguating utterances in the process of interpretation.本文从关联原则的角度,探究分析了英语中非语境歧义和语境歧义产生的原因,并指出歧义的产生与关联性紧密相连,而关联原则是理解过程中排除话语歧义的根本依据。

1.A Complementary Study of the CP and the RP in Utterance Interpretation;合作原则与关联原则对话语解释的互补性探讨
2.On Combination of Relevance Principle and Politeness Principle in Business Context;关联原则和礼貌原则在商务语境下的贯通
3.Relevance Theory states that human communication conforms to the principle of relevance.关联理论认为人类交际无一例外遵循关联原则
4.Principle of Relevance and Optimal Thinking: Explorations into and Questions about Relevance Theory;关联原则与优化思维——关联理论的阐释与献疑
5.The Research on Substantive Consolidation Doctrine When the Affiliated Enterprise in Bankruptcy;关联企业破产时的实质合并原则研究
6.Application of Fair Principle in Connectional Transaction of Public Company;上市公司关联交易中公平原则的运用
7.A Critical Analysis between the Relevance Theory and the Cooperative Principle;析Sperber和Wilson的关联论与Grice的合作原则
8.Accounting for the Duality of the Translating Principles of Foreignization and Domestication with the Notion of Optimal Relevance;关于翻译原则二重性的最佳关联性解释
9.Joint Declaration on the Guiding Principles for Humanitarian Assistance关于人道主义援助指导原则的联合声明
10.We are also trying to improve relations with the Soviet Union, while sticking to our principles.同苏联,在坚持原则的前提下也争取发展关系。
11.The Principle of Relevance is an nuisance inevitable to advertisers.关联性原则是广告人无法摆脱的一个紧箍。
12.Translation of Commercial Advertising from the Perspective of Principle of Equivalence and Its Cultural Relevancy;等效原则视角下的商业广告翻译及其文化关联
13.Chinese Reading of"Snow Country"and Principle of Relevancy in Novel Translating;论小说翻译中的关联性原则——以《雪国》译本为例
14.Principles of Cognition and Behavior in Language Communication Analyzed from the View of Relevant Theory;从关联理论视角看言语交际的认知和行为原则
15.Advertising Effect Produced under Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory;合作原则和关联理论下广告效果的产生
16.A New Perspective on the Transplantation of the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship;从立法与司法的关系谈最密切联系原则的移植
17.The conjunction distributional patterns of Chinese causal complex sentences and the relator principle;汉语因果复句的关联标记模式与“联系项居中原则”
18.Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations关于各国依联合国宪章建立友好合作关系的国际法原则宣言

the principle of relevance关联原则
1.In translating,the principle of relevance should be kept,for it governs the selection of context and guides the inference of intention.本文从关联理论的角度讨论翻译的标准 ,即作为交际活动的翻译 ,对原语的理解和翻译过程中对语码的选择所依据的原则是关联原则
3)relevance principle关联原则
4)original association rules原关联规则
1.This paper introduces the concepts of original association rules and proves all rules in the rules set mined by conventional mining algorithms can be generated by the original association rules.该文介绍了原关联规则的概念,证明了传统算法挖掘出的关联规则集中的任何规则,均可以由原关联规则导出,而原关联规则的数目远远小于传统算法挖掘出的关联规则数目。
2.So introduces the concepts of simple association rules and the original association rules,all rules in the rules set mined by conventional mining algorithms can be generated by the original association rules.文中介绍了简单关联规则和原关联规则的概念,而传统算法挖掘出的关联规则集中的任何规则,均可以由原关联规则导出,并且原关联规则的数目远远小于传统算法挖掘出的关联规则数目。
5)Relevance Principles关联性原则
1.Relevance Principles for Translation of Implicated Information;隐含信息翻译的关联性原则
6)Optimal relevance最佳关联原则
