小班教学,small-class teaching
1)small-class teaching小班教学
1.The practicing base construction can be improved by integrating enterprise with teaching, cooperative school-running and small-class teaching, etc.电子电工实训基地建设是当前中等职业学校深化教育改革、改善办学条件、增强培养能力、做强本专业建设的有力抓手,通过产教结合、合作办学、小班教学等手段,能够推动实训基地建设做到“真、实、活、精”。
2.Besides accepting compulsory art education in primary schools,many pupils take part in extracurricular activities for art-painting,which adopt a great deal of the small-class teaching models.许多小学生在接受小学义务教育校内美术课的同时,参加小学校外美术教育活动,小学校外美术教学大量运用小班教学的模式。

1.A Plan for Small Classes of College English;大学英语“大班+小班”教学模式中小班教学课堂安排
2.Small class size(1 teacher to 20 student)小班教学(每20个学生1个教师)
3.On the Application of Small-class in Primary School Extracurricular Art Teaching;小班教学在小学校外美术教学中的运用
4.The government had also been undertaking a study on small-class teaching in37 schools.政府已在37间学校进行小班教学研究。
5.Considering and Practice in the Fields of Individualized Reading in the Condition of Small Class Teaching;小班教学下个性化阅读的思考与实践
6.The Probe of the Ideological and political theory of teaching in small classes Mode;高校思想政治理论课中的“小班教学模式”探究
7.Deepening the Teaching Reform of College English,Promoting the Teaching of Spoken English Class:the Option of the Teaching Materials in Spoken English Class深化大学英语教改 推进小班口语教学——小班口语教学材料的选择
8.Enlightenment from Small Class Instruction Innovation to School Education Reform;论小班化教学对学校教育改革的启示
9.In order to strengthen teaching efficiency, small-class system is required for these two programs.为强化教学效率,这两种班级都是小班制。
10.Study on the Primary School Wushu Class Teaching关于小学武术兴趣班教学的几点思考
11.Affect in Primary School TEFL: Group Dynamics as Catalyst;班级活力:小学英语情感教学的催化剂
12.The System Optimization and Functional Advantages in Smaller Class Teaching;小班化教学的系统优化及其功能优势
13.The Application of Information Technology to Class-size-reduced Education;浅析信息技术在小班化教学中的应用
14.The Investigation and Research of Small-class Children's Mathematics Education in the Family小班幼儿家庭中数学教育的调查研究
15.Group Cooperative Study in Small-Class English Teaching;小组合作学习在小班英语教学中的探索与实践
16.On the classroom teaching skills of Johann Amos Comenius and a vocal music teaching group;夸美纽斯的班级教学技术与声乐教学小组课
17.Reflection the Practice and Theories of Small-class Teaching in Primary Schools;小学小班化教育的实践探索及其理论思考
18.Practice Research about Primary Educationin Small Classes of Koreans in Yanbian Area延边地区朝鲜族小学小班化教育实践研究

small-classroom teaching小班制教学
3)smaller class teaching小班化教学
1.Based on the review of the development of class teaching, and the analysis of the emerging background, past and present studies of smaller class teaching, this thesis argues that smaller class teaching is derived from class teaching and aimed to keep the strong points of traditional class teaching on the one hand and to overcome the weak points on the other.本文通过对班级教学的发展历程的回顾,对小班化教学产生的历史背景及其研究历史和现状的剖析,认识到:小班化教学产生于班级教学,其研究之目的就是为了既保留班级教学的优势,又克服班级教学所固有的弊病;国内外只以班级规模的缩小或其他某些策略来研究小班化教学,分析小班化教学的效益和效果,可以肯定是片面的,它所得出的结论也必然具有一定的片面性。
2.Therefore,in order to overcome these shortcomings,we must follow such rules as relationship,criticizing and wholeness in smaller class teaching.由此,要从根本上克服这些危害,小班化教学应该遵循关系性原则、批判性原则和整体性原则。
4)small-sized class teaching小班化教学
1.The small-sized class teaching(SCT) is the high demand for qualified personnel in the knowledge economy society, and a new form of teaching proceeded under the background that the traditional class system has shown its disadvantages and the needs aroused by the concept of personalized education.小班化教学是知识经济社会对人才的高要求,是在对传统班级教学制度的弊端的认识以及个性化教育的需求的背景下而产生的新型班级授课形式。
5)students majoring in primary school小教大专班学生
1.As our nation s basic education reform gets more and more deepened,with the start of New Lesson Reform,the knowledge structure of the college students majoring in primary school teaching is far away from the standard of New Lesson Reform.随着我国基础教育改革的不断深化,新一轮课程改革的不断启动,小教大专班学生的课程知识结构与新课程标准的要求有一定距离,作为为中小学培养教师人才的教育学院,应结合基础教育改革的形势的需要,对小教大专班及数学专业学生的课程设置作一些调整,使学生能掌握一些新课程的理念和教学思路,在进入社会后能很快适应教学的要求。
6)small-class English teaching小班英语教学
