英语新词,new English words
1)new English words英语新词
1.By using word -formation devices, this paper analyzes three main sources of new English words:derivatives, coinages and loanwords, and illustrates their usages by citing some examples.英语新词是英语词汇不可分割的重要组成部分,是英语语言发展变化的产物和反映。
2.This paper demonstrates with the latest development in new English words.英语新词不但是历史发展的沉淀,而且是未来社会发展的路标。

1.Naming the English New Words--With an analysis of the definitions in A Dictionary of Contemporary English New Words;为新词“正名”——兼评《当代英语新词语词典》的释义
2.The Influence of Modern English New Word on Chinese Vocabulary System;现代英语新词对汉语词汇系统的影响
3.The Formation and Translating Technologies of the Technical Neologism;科技英语新词的构词方式和翻译方法
4.An Effective Word-Building in Modern English: Breviary and Compound Words;现代英语新词有效的构词法之一:缩合词
5.A Metaphorical and Contextual Approach to English Neologisms;英语新词的附加隐喻和语境意义研究
6.A Brief Analysis of English Cyber-Neologism and Its Influence on Chinese Language网络英语新词分析及其对汉语的影响
7.On Neologism in English in Terms of Cognitive Linguistics --About 9.11 Vocabulary;英语新词的认知语言学研究——漫谈英语中的“911”词汇
8.An Examination of Translations of Chinese Neologisms in Two Dictionaries;《汉英双语现代汉语词典》和《新华新词语词典》部分新词译文商榷
9.A Comparative Study on the Vocabulary between Advertising English and News English;广告英语与新闻英语词汇特点的对比
10.The analysis on modern English blending:the new comer of the word formation team英语构词法中的新面孔:现代英语混生词
11.The Study on the Modern English Loanwords in the Chinese Context;新时期汉语语境下的英语外来词研究
12.The Common Characters of Chinese and English in formation of New Words从新词语的构成看英语、汉语的共性
13.On the Formation and Communication Features of New English Cyber Words英语网络新词的词汇构建和传播特征
14.Lexical Phrases and a Suggested Oral English Dictionary;词汇短语和一本新型英语口语词典的编纂设想
15.Coverage and Translation of New Words in Chinese in A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary新词·新义·新译·新意——评《新世纪汉英大词典》中新词语的收录与翻译
16.Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases英语单词词组类词词典
17.On the Lexical Approach from Words to Chunks;词汇法:从单词到词块看英语教学的新趋势
18.A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Lexicalization in the Light of the New English Compounds英汉词化过程对比研究——从英语复合新词谈起

English neologism英语新词
1.A Study of English Neologism from the Perspective of Lexicology;从词汇学的角度论英语新词
2.In recent years,there has been a multitude of English neologisms with a high speed of develop- ment.从社会心理角度来考察近年来产生的英语新词语,并结合实际加以分析归纳,对于英语新词语的掌握具有一定的借鉴意义。
3.The booming English neologisms have been gaining their weight in English language since the 1990s.自二十世纪九十年代以来,大量涌现的英语新词在英语语言中地位日益增加。
3)English new words英语新词
1.English new words originated from information technology development(IT English new words) help express ideas,concepts and feelings of being update,which promotes English vocabulary development into a new and technological era.IT英语新词表达的是IT文化中词语使用人的思想、概念和感情,反映全新的IT发展观。
2.This paper chiefly deals with the practical grounds and the characteristics of the formation of some English new words.本文分析了由词缀、复合、转换、缩略等几种方式所产生的英语新词汇的背景知识 ,进而达到联想认知 ,开阔跨文化交际视野之目
4)new English translation of Wulun新英译词语
5)Chinese-English new words汉英新词语
1.This paper dynamically analyzes the uses and understanding of Chinese-English new words in communication from a cognitive-pragmatic perspective,and emphasizes the conciseness,flexibility and dependence-context of these new words.本文就从认知语用学中吸取理论资源,以一个新的研究视角对汉英新词语在言语交际中的使用和理解进行动态的分析,强调新词语的简洁性、动态性和语境依赖性。
6)NED (New English Dictionary)《新英语词典》

新词1.新作的诗词。 2.新产生的词语。 3.没有学过的词语。