因果关联,causal correlation
1)causal correlation因果关联
1.This paper presents some techniques to integrate two complementary types of alert correlation methods:those based on the similarity between alert attributes(clustering correlation),and those based on causal correlation of attacks (causal correlation).论文提出一系列的技术来整合两种互补型的报警关联方法:基于报警属性之间的相似性(聚类关联),和基于攻击的因果关系(因果关联)。
2.In response to these questions, this thesis makes use of fuzzy cluster, causal correlation and other techniques to analyze large amount of safety equipments alarm information, mine the intrinsic relations between the alarms, and construct complete attack scenarios.针对这些问题,本文利用模糊聚类和因果关联等多种技术来分析源自多个安全设备的报警信息,去除冗余和误报,挖掘这些报警之间的内在联系,构造完整的攻击场景。
3.In this paper, confidence measurement is introduced as an attribute of correlation between alerts, thus to analyze the reliability of causal correlation and reduce the false correlations.在因果关联方法中,可以利用入侵行为所需的攻击前提和造成的攻击结果,重构攻击者的攻击场景。

1.Research on causal association rule mining in knowledge discovery知识发现中的因果关联规则挖掘研究
2.Research on Reconstructing Attack Scenarios Based on Causal Correlation;基于因果关联攻击场景重构的方法研究
3.An Attack Scenarios Creation Method Based on Causality Correlation一种基于因果关联的攻击场景产生方法
4.A Method for Constructing Knowledge-Base of Causal Correlation Based on Data Mining基于数据挖掘的因果关联知识库构建方法
5.Novel method to calculate causal correlation belief values of network alerts一种计算网络告警因果关联置信度的新方法
6.An Improved Attack Scenarios Reconstructing Method Based on Causal Correlation一种改进的基于因果关联的攻击场景重构方法
7.Using Fuzzy Cluster and Causal Correlation to Construct Attack Scenarios基于模糊聚类和因果关联的攻击场景构造方法的研究与实现
8.Dispersion Relations and Their Connection With Casuality色散关系及其他因果关系的联系
9.Modeling and Application of a Different-Inputs-Same-Output Combinational Neural Network;异因同果关联神经网络的建模与应用
10.Flume regards our idea of causal relation as the product of human mind's habitual association.休谟因果观的实质在于把因果关系看成是人心习惯联想的产物。
11.If possible, ping the address of your network's connection to the Internet.如果可能的,查验你网络和因特网的关联的位址。
12.Study on the Dynamic Linkage between Stock Markets based on Non-linear Granger Causality Test;基于非线性Granger因果检验的股市间联动关系研究
13.Correlative Study on Endurance Training Effect and CKMM Gene A/G Polymorphism;耐力训练效果与CKMM基因A/G多态性的关联研究
14.Research on the Causation of False Statement in Securities Market by Analyzing Case DaQingLianyi从“大庆联谊”案论证券虚假陈述因果关系的认定
15.Related failure analysis of NC lathe based on directed causality diagram基于有向因果图的数控车床关联故障分析
16.The conjunction distributional patterns of Chinese causal complex sentences and the relator principle;汉语因果复句的关联标记模式与“联系项居中原则”
17.Study on Correlation between C958G Polymorphism in Hypoxiai-inducible Factor-1α Gene and Individual Variation in Response to Hypoxic Training;低氧诱导因子-1α基因C958G多态性与个体低氧训练效果的关联性研究
18.In judging cause and effect, the former is based on facts and renected in relative conjunctions and the latter is based on logic but also reflectd in relative conjunctions.判断孰因孰果,前者依据的是事实,反映在关联词语上;后者依据的是逻辑,也反映在关联词语上。

causality correlation因果关联
1.In addition, this paper makes a study of causality correlation method based on CAPABILITY model, and improves it.此外,本文还对基于CAPABILITY的因果关联方法进行了研究并加以改进,对模型的实现过程给出了详尽的描述,通过实现主机配置信息匹配模块精简了模型的报警数量,提高了关联准确度。
2.An attack scenarios creation method based on causality correlation was proposed in this paper.提出一种基于因果关联的攻击场景产生方法。
3)causal rules因果关联规则
1.An evaluation method for causal rules is provided in this paper.提出了一种针对KDD中因果关联规则的自动评价方法。
4)alarm causal correlation告警因果关联
1.Network alarm causal correlation technology can help network administrators construct attack scenarios and take timely responses by unveiling the causal relationship of intrusion alarms.网络告警因果关联技术有助于管理员根据告警之间的因果关系构建攻击场景,及时调整防范措施。
1.Applied research of different-causations-same-result-combination neural network in the project cost异因同果关联神经网络在工程造价中的应用研究
6)Chinese causational clause without conjunction汉语无关联词因果复句
1.This paper describes one experiment designed to examine the item exchanging effect of propositional representation in Chinese causational clause without conjunction.采用句子—图画验证任务探讨了汉语无关联词因果复句的命题表征项目互换效应。

八种因果──菩萨八种因果【八种因果──菩萨八种因果】  ﹝出地持经﹞  [一、寿因寿果],寿,即寿命。谓不杀物命,无伤害心,是名寿因。由不杀故,长寿住世,是名寿果。  [二、色因色果],色,即色身。谓施灯明供佛,及以净物施人,是名色因。由施灯明及净物故,则得颜容光泽,身形端正,是名色果。  [三、种姓因种姓果],种,即种类。姓,即族姓。谓舍离憍慢之心,是名种姓因。由离憍慢故,则得生于上族,是名种姓果。  [四、自在因自在果],谓能以床敷卧具,饮食汤药,及种种所须之物惠施于人,令他自在,是名自在因。由惠施故,即得大富大财,大众大眷属,凡所作为,无不遂意,得大自在,是名自在果。  [五、信言因信言果],谓口不妄言绮语,两舌恶口,是名信言因。由离口过,凡所出言,人皆信听,是名信言果。  [六、大力因大力果],力,即力用。谓作大功德,立大誓愿,恭敬三宝,孝养父母,是名大力因。由恭敬三宝等故,即得大名称,大福德,大智慧,有大势力,为一切人之所敬重,是名大力果。(三宝者,佛宝、法宝、僧宝也。)  [七、丈夫因丈夫果],谓乐丈夫法,厌女人法,复能说丈夫法饶益他人,是名丈夫因。由成就丈夫法故,来世即得男子之身,堪为一切功德法器,是名丈夫果。  [八、力因力果],谓于他人有如法之事,随其力能悉往营助,是名力因。由成就力因故,即得少病,少恼,有力堪任修诸善法,是名力果。