双向沟通,two-way communication
1)two-way communication双向沟通
1.In terms of form, transmission of public relationship is ecology transmission, that is, the two-way communication between organizations and public, organization and environment.公共关系的传播特征,从形式上来说,是生态传播,即组织与公众之间、组织与环境之间的双向沟通;从内容上来说,是理想传播,即真的传播—信息传播、善的传播—责任传播和美的传播—形象传播的统一。
2.In this way, the two-way communication will be strengthened so that we can develop the students ability to learn and consider actively, and also stimulate them to speak effectively.这种教学法能加强师生之间的双向沟通,提高学生主动学习,主动思考的能力,培养学生积极发言从而进行有效的英语语言实践,促进文学知识的掌握。

1.We encourage two-way communication regarding any subject of mutual interests.对彼此关注的各项事宜,我们鼓励双向沟通
2.Nonverbal elements form a major part of any communication interchange.非语言之要素在任何形式的双向沟通中占了很重要的一部份。
3.Guangxi Constructs Bidirectional Internationally Links up the Chinese Association of Southeast Asian Nations the Regional Characteristic to flow Central the Condition Analysis;广西构建双向沟通中国东盟的区域性国际物流中心的条件分析
4.Follow these helpful hints and you,too,will soon be on the path toward successful two- way communication.照着这些有益的提示,你不久也会走在通往常成功的双向沟通的路上。
5."He emphasised that, for a renaissance of Chinese culture to occur, a cultural Bridge must first be Built for a two-way communication with the outside world."他也指出,中华文化的整合和复兴,首先需要构建一道跟外面的世界保持双向沟通的文化桥梁。
6."The most remarkable difference of the Internet from TV and video is that it is "interactive", i.e, it allows two-way communication."互联网和电视、录影带最明显的不同在于它是“互动的”,也就是说它允许双向沟通
7.A two-way communication exists between government leaders and the people.政府领袖与民间沟通交流的管道是双向的。
8.Based on the cross-cultural communication theory and the OOS process practice, we summarize bidirectional communication model handing over the step;然后以跨文化沟通理论和软件外包过程实践为基础,总结出双向递阶沟通模型;
9.The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed.风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力,智慧和速度。
10.A good marriage is like a two-way street that is always under construction.好的婚姻像走一条在修马路的双向道。意即需不断沟通和修复它。
11.dual way check valve双向止回阀(双通单向阀)
12.Mr Suchanec says a big opportunity still to be exploited is the“ two-way” conversation that mobile-phone systems allow.约翰称还有一个重要机会尚待发掘,那就是移动电话系统“双向”沟通功能。
13.Just be sure that the letter of intent clearly states that it is not a contract, but that it is merely an outline of possible terms for discussion purposes.但一定要注明:本意向书并非合同,只是双方为了更好地沟通协商,而拟定的对未来条款的概述。
14.Significancy and Tactics of “Double Certificates Complementary System” in Vocational College;高职教育实施“双证”沟通的意义与策略
15.Ahead there was a ditch running into the river.前头有条通向河道的水沟。
16.Easy going, with good communication skill.外向,并且具有良好的沟通能力。
17.able or tending to communicate.能够或者倾向于与人沟通。
18.On Transformation from Untranslatability to Translatability:Perspective of Intercultural Communication从文化沟通看不可译性向可译性转化

two way communication双向沟通;双线交流
3)Double Certificates Complementary System双证沟通
4)twosided communication双面沟通
5)longitudinal communication纵向沟通
1.The longitudinal communication mechanism and the type with emphasis are especially studied to provide a mentality for the improvement of teaching quality.探讨沟通与交流的含义和类型,重点研究纵向沟通的机制和类型,旨在为改善教学质量提供一点思路。
6)crosswise communication横向沟通

双向沟通双向沟通two-way communication 双向沟通(t wo·way eommunieation)详见“双向传播”。