学习观念,learning beliefs
1)learning beliefs学习观念
1.A comparative study on language learning beliefs between Chinese and Australian university students;中澳大学生语言学习观念的比较研究
2.Chinese EFL Students Learning Beliefs and Their Language Proficiency: A Study of College English Majors;中国英语学习者的学习观念与语言水平:对高校英语专业学生的调查
3.Research on College English Learning Beliefs and its Strategies of College Students Majoring in Police公安专业学生大学英语学习观念及策略调查研究——以广东警官学院为例

1.Anxiety and Beliefsabout Language Learning: A Study of Chinese University Students Learning English;大学生英语学习焦虑与学习观念研究
2.A Study of Chinese Middle School Students Language Learning Beliefs and Language Learning Strategies;中学生英语学习观念与学习策略研究
3.The Effect of Learner Belief on the Selection of Language Learning Strategies;外语学习观念对学习策略选择的影响
4.On Leaners Beliefs of Language Learning and Correlation of Learning Strategies;再论语言学习观念与学习策略相关性
5.Proposing the Idea of Lifelong Study, Constructing the Basis of Studying Society;倡导终生学习观念 建设“学习型”社会
6.A Study on the Correlation between Learners Language Learning Beliefs and Strategies in the Autonomous Learning;自主学习中学习者学习观念与策略相关性研究
7.Studies on Vocational School Students with Academic Weakness in EFL Learning: Focus on Affective Factors and Learning Beliefs;职业学校学生英语学习中情感与学习观念研究
8.Investigation on the Correlations between Learners Beliefs about Language Learning and Learning Strategies;大学英语学习观念及学习策略相关关系调查
9.The Survey Report of the English Learning Belief and Learning Strategy of Non-majors;非英语专业学生学习观念与学习策略调查报告
11.Thoughts on the English-learning Concept and Strategy for College Students;试论大学生的英语学习观念及其学习策略
12.A comparative study on language learning beliefs between Chinese and Australian university students中澳大学生语言学习观念的比较研究
13.A Study on English Beliefs and Its Influential Factors of College Students;大学生的英语学习观念及其影响因素
14.Non-English Majors English Learning Beliefs: A Survey Study;非英语专业大学生英语学习观念调查
15.A Study of College Students Beliefs about EFL Listening;大学生英语听力学习观念调查与分析
16.Investigation of Learning Attitudes of Students at Different Levels after Expanded Enrollment;扩招后不同层次的学生学习观念调查
17.The Comparative Research on German University Students' Beliefs about Their Chinese and English Learning德国大学生汉、英语学习观念比较研究
18.A Study of Chinese EFL Learners Motivation and Beliefs about Language Learning;中国英语学习者动机与语言学习观念的研究

learning concept学习观念
1.In this article,the author has made an exploration of students learning concept changes in the new condition of modern educational technology and brought in relative requirements to students practice in the new condition.现代教育技术环境主要是指将信息技术、媒体技术等作用于教育中而形成的新型教育环境资源,通过探讨现代教育技术环境下学生学习观念的转变,提出了现代教育技术环境下对学生实践学习的要求。
2.To achieve the desired results,teachers should not overlook students renewal of learning concepts,case s choice and the teachers positioning in the process of teaching.该教学方法要取得理想的效果,教师在教学过程中不应忽视学生学习观念的更新、案例的选择、教师的角色定位等。
3.On the analysis of the difference in English-learning goals between middle school and college,the article presents the essential learning concept and the efficient learning strategy that should be adopted by the college students.本文在分析中学英语和大学英语学习目标差异的基础上,论述了大学生英语学习必备的学习观念和有效的学习策略。
3)learner belief学习观念
1.A Survey on Learner Belief Both at Home and Abroad;海内外对语言学习者学习观念的研究综述
2.The present study has examined the effect of learner belief on the selection of foreign language learning strategies.本文调查了英语专业大学生外语学习观念对外语学习策略选择的影响。
4)learner beliefs学习观念
1.The article states the learning beliefs of freshman, pointing out those learner beliefs from middle school hinders the freshman’s college English study.本文描述大学新生从中学带来的英语学习观念,由于其与大学学习不协调而阻碍英语学习,提出转变新生英语学习观念的途径。
2.Then it goes on to report a survey on the learning strategy use of 240 non-English majors in Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FAFU) and discusses their relationships with learner beliefs and learning achievements.两份调查问卷被用于收集学生的学习观念和学习策略的使用情况:(1)Horwitz(1987)的学习观念问卷;(2)学习策略问卷:该问卷对Oxford(1990)学习策略问卷进行了修改,并且为了确保每一位参试者明白问卷的内容,笔者将其翻译成中文。
5)Learning Concepts学习观念
1.The incorrect learning concepts constitude obstacles to the strategies.错误的英语学习观念构成元认知策略的严重障碍。
2.This article approaches how to change learning concepts and introduce the notion of learner autonomy,realize autonomy, and develop learners competence of autonomy and language practice in English language teaching.本文探讨了如何在教学实践中转变学生学习观念、引入自主学习理念、实现自主学习的目的 ,旨在培养一种令学生终身受益的自主学习能力和语言实践能力。
6)ideational learning观念学习

部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning  部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)