有意义的学习,Meaningful Learning
1)Meaningful Learning有意义的学习
1.Chapter-3 Theoretical Hypothesis: Expert Learners and Meaningful Learning On the concluding the characteristics of为促进大学生提高学习能力以成为专家型学习者,本文在分析国内外关于有意义的学习和专家型学习者研究现状的基础上,归纳了专家型学习、专家型学习者的特征,构建了专家型学习者的特征框架,提出了“专家型学习者与有意义的学习”的理论假设,并以江西师范大学为个案,对大学生的学习方式与有意义的学习之间的差距进行了调查。
2.In vocational education,a meaningful learning environment is constructed to train workers of problem-solving ability,judgment,migration and creativity.有意义的学习强调学习者的自我学习、自我建构,强调团队合作、沟通交往和学习情境的重要性,旨在让学习者获得解决问题的能力以适应未来工作、生活的需要。

1.A Research on Approaches to Become an Expert Learner: A Perspective of Meaningful Learning成为专家型学习者的路径研究:有意义的学习视角
2.Vocational Students in Management and the Quality of Education;高职学生的管理与素质教育——浅析创造有意义的学习经历
3.Rethink Writing Instruction: Explore Writing as a Learning Process;写作教学探索:把写作变成一个有意义的学习过程
4.Meaningful Learning with Modern Technology--Constructing the New Vocational Education Teaching Environment利用现代技术进行有意义的学习——构建职业教育教学新环境
5.Implications of the Verbal Meaningful Learning on Language Input;论有意义学习理论对语言输入的启示
6.Vocational and Technical Teaching under Meaningful Learning Theory;有意义学习理论支持下的高职高专英语教学
7.How to Use the Meaningful Learning Theory in English Class Teaching有意义学习理论在英语课堂教学中的运用
8.Self-regulated Learning and Its Significance in Maths Learning;自主学习及数学自主学习的现实意义
9.From learning to metalearning--the significance of learning under the scientific construction;从学习到元学习——科学意义建构下的学习
10.Vocabulary learning is one of the most important aspects of the language learning and a word has associative meaning besides conceptual meaning.词汇学习历来是语言学习的重点,词汇不仅有概念意义而且有联想意义。
11.Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.学习外语是我一生中最艰苦也最有意义的经历。
12.There is little point in teaching those incapable of learning.教这些没有能力的家伙学习显得毫无意义。
13.This is the basis for the motivation to learn and for learning to be meaningful.这样,学习动机才能成立,学习才会有意义。
14.The Studies on Ausubel s Theory of Meaningful Reception Learning and Its Application in Mathematics Teaching in Secondary Schools;奥苏贝尔的有意义接受学习理论在中学数学教学中的应用研究
15.There is important significance of learning theory of Rogerss' humanistism in mordern nurning education.罗杰斯的人本主义学习理论对现代护理教育具有重要意义。
16.A Study of the Application of Ausubel s Meaningful Reception Learning Theory to College English Teaching;奥苏伯尔的有意义接受学习理论在大学英语教学中的应用研究
17.The theory of implicit learning is of great significance for English writing.内隐学习理论对大学英语写作教学有重要的启示意义。
18.A Preliminary Study on the Use of Problem Solving to Promote Student s Meaningful Learning;运用问题解决教学策略促进学生有意义学习的初探

meaningful learning有意义学习
1.A Study of Using Concept Mapping Tool to Improve Distance Learner’s Meaningful Learning;利用概念图工具促进远程学生有意义学习初探
2.Teachers Monitoring of Meaningful Learning in High School Mathematics;高中数学有意义学习的教师监控
3.Ausubel s theory systematically expatiates on discovery learning,acceptance learning,meaningful learning and mechanic learning as well as how an individual person learns great deal of meaningful material from textual presentations.奥苏伯尔有意义学习理论系统阐述了发现学习与接受学习、有意义学习与机械学习区别与联系。
3)meaningful study有意义学习
4)meaningful speech learning有意义的言语学习
5)Verbal Meaningful Learning有意义学习理论
1.Implications of the Verbal Meaningful Learning on Language Input;论有意义学习理论对语言输入的启示
6)meaningful verbal learning有意义言语学习

有意义言语学习有意义言语学习meaningful verbal learning 有意义言语学习(meaningful verballearning)学生通过言语形式理解知识的意义,掌握系统知识的学习。是美国心理学家D.P.奥苏伯尔首先提出的概念。他根据学生课堂练习任务的复杂程度,把有意义言语学习分为代表学习、概念学习和命题学习三种。代表学习是学习单个符号或一组符号的意义,主要是词汇学习,是概念学习的基础。概念学习是掌握同类事物共同的关键特征,以概念形成和概念同化为基本形式,是命题学习的前提。命题学习是学习几个概念联合所构成的复合意义。有意义言语学习前提条件是:(l)学习材料是有逻辑意义的。(2)学习材料可以和学生认知结构中的有关知识相联系,即对学习者来说有潜在意义。(3)学习者具有有意义学习的心向,即积极主动地将新旧知识加以联系的倾向性。 (王丽荣撰成立夫审)