写作课,writing class
1)writing class写作课
1.This paper elaborates that in the information age, multimedia technology should be used in university writing classes to changethe traditional teaching method.随着信息时代的发展,高校写作课程应采用多媒体技术改革教学方式以改变传统的写作教学手段。
2.There are some objective limitations to depending only on writing classes to improve students writing ability.仅靠写作课教学来提高学生的写作能力,客观上存在局限性。

1.Process-oriented Approach to the Classroom Teaching of English Writing;英语写作课堂教学中的过程写作法研究
2.The Process Writing Method in the English Writing Class in Senior High Schools;过程写作法在高中英语写作课堂上的应用
3.Writing in Flow: A New Approach for Classroom Teaching of English Writing;沉浸式写作——英语写作课堂教学的新思路
4.Application of “Writing Database” in Online Writing: Teacher s Evaluation;网络写作课“写作学习语料库”中的教师评阅
5.Developing Students' Writing Strategies in a Computer-assisted Writing Course基于计算机辅助英语写作课程的写作策略调查
6.Application of Interactive Writing Approach in English Writing Class in Senior High School交互式写作在高中英语写作课堂上的应用
7.The Application of the Process Approach to the Teaching of English Writing in Senior High School in China“过程法”写作教学在中学英语写作课上的运用
8.The Classroom Anxiety: A Study of the College Students' Writing Performances and Strategies Uses大学生英语写作课堂焦虑与写作成绩及写作策略的研究
9.Application of "Cooperative Study" in Writing Class;论“合作学习”在写作课教学中的应用
10.On the Effective Model of Writing course for English Majors;英语专业写作课的有效模式——一位外籍教师写作课的启示
11.An Empirical Study of Integrating Reading and Writing in English Writing Course of Senior Middle Schools读写结合在高中英语写作课程中的实证研究
12.Using--Evaluating--Writing--The Teaching Idea of Official Document Writing会用——会评——会写——谈公文写作课程的教学思路
13.Reflection of Middle School Chinese Teachers on How to Teach Writing Course Well in the New Course Background;新课程背景下,中学语文教师如何上好写作课
14.Reflections on the Use of Multimedia Courseware in the Teaching of Practical Writing;对运用多媒体课件进行应用写作课教学的思考
15.Peer Review in EFL Writing Class in High School;同伴修改在高中英语写作课上的运用
16.The Writing Mechanism and Writing Teaching Mechanism;写作的机制和写作教学的机制——兼论新课程写作教学的有关问题
17.Integrate Writing with Translation,Constructing a Multi-dimensional English Writing Classroom Teaching;“写”“译”结合,构建多维度的英语写作教学课堂
18.Effect of Dictation Practice on EFL Learners Writing Ability;课堂听写与外语写作质量关系的实验研究

writing course写作课
1.The Teaching Reform of Writing Course Should Be Established in the Research of the Students' Personality写作课的教学改革须立足于对学生特点的研究
2.Writing course is an important part of Mongolian Language teaching, inorder to find out development and change of Mongolian writing course, the authercollects a great deal of relating datas and carries out specific investigations.写作课是语文课程的主要组成部分。
1.In the teaching of writing in the higher learning institution,abandoning the traditional test form and adopting new forms when assigning questions will bring about good test and education effect.在多年从事高校写作课教学中,给考试命题时,往往舍弃传统题型,采用一些新的命题方式,产生了较好的考试和教育效果。
2.College writing is faced up with a seriously and ward situation.高校写作课面临一种十分严重的被动局面,要改变它只有大刀阔斧地进行改革:分解教学内容,抓紧教材建设,教学媒体多样化,建立写作指导中心,建立写作效益测评体系。
4)writing course写作课程
1.Reconsideration over the content design of writing course for Chinese language majors;中文专业写作课程内容设置的再思考
2.Nowadays, many higher vocational colleges offer practical writing course.目前,各高职校普遍开设了应用文写作课程,但与在语文教科书中穿插应用文写作教学不同的是,专门的应用文写作课程更专业、更深入。
3.The English majors\' writing course is the weakest link in the professional teaching process.民族高校英语专业写作课程是专业教学中最薄弱的环节。
5)in class writing课堂写作
6)after class writing课外写作

第三条道路写作1999年“知识分子写作”和“民间写作”之间的矛盾在在平谷县的盘峰诗会上爆发,他们之间的对立使得相当一批数量的诗人转向其他的中立立场,第三条道路写作概念因此提了出来。1999年12月莫非、树才和谯达摩等在提出了第三条道路写作的诗歌概念之后,出版了《九人诗选》。他们认为,诗歌创作需要一种新的理论来指导个人的写作实践,建立起自由的多元的创作活动,推动中国现代诗歌的发展。2002年《第三条道路》诗报创刊,标志着第三条道路写作进入一个新的阶段。[编辑]相关连接中国诗歌库中国诗歌史[编辑]参见现代诗歌现代诗人诗人列表Image:Organization template.gif 这是一个与组织相关的小作品,您可以帮助维库扩充其内容。