网络条件,network condition
1)network condition网络条件
1.This article explains the importance of the publicity work of university libraries under network conditions.网络条件下的高校图书馆必须重视宣传工作,利用网络技术宣传馆藏资源和网络资源,增强用户的网络意识和网络检索能力,并且发挥新闻媒体的宣传作用,扩大图书馆的社会影响。
2.Based on the analysis of the concept of capital general and the circulation of capital,this paper elaborates that to compete and control the rule and the standard is inevitably caused by capital breeding and the standard war is the inevitable logical result of the capital general in the new economic society under the economic globalization and the network condition.通过对资本一般概念的分析,结合资本一般的运动功能论述,认为在经济全球化和网络条件下,资本增值属性必然导致对规则和标准的争夺与控制,标准战是资本一般在新的经济社会形态下发展的必然逻辑结果。
3.This paper expounds the concept of the freedom of information and the background and definition of the open access,analyzes the superiorities of the open access publishing mode,and discusses the promotion of the open access under the network condition to the freedom of information.阐述了信息自由的概念以及开放获取的背景及定义,分析了开放存取出版模式的优势,论述了在网络条件下开放获取对信息自由的推动。

1.Healthy Cultivation of University Student s Personality in the Age of Internet;网络条件下大学生健康道德人格培养
2.The Teaching Strategy of English Vedio Under the Condition of Net;网络条件下英语视听课程的教学策略
3.Thought about Ideological and Political Education of Universities under the Network Condition;网络条件下高校思想政治教育的思考
4.The Collection of the Competitive Intelligence Based on Network Environment;基于网络条件下的竞争情报搜集策略
5.The Ideological and Political Work in Higher EducationalInstitutions in the Environment of Networks.;网络条件下高校的思想政治教育工作
6.On College Moral Education on the Internet;论计算机网络条件下的高校德育工作
7.On the Teacher s Role in the Background of Multimedia and Network;多媒体及网络条件下教师职能的转换
8.On the Political and Ideological Education of the College Students under the Network Condition;论网络条件下的大学生思想政治教育
9.Search the Way for RTVU s Development under the Condition of Network;关于网络条件下电大发展道路的探索
10.Teaching Mode Construction of Higher Vocational English under Web-Based Environment网络条件下高职英语教学模式的构建
11.Internet-based Teaching of Agronomy Specialty Practice基于网络条件下的《农学专业实践》教学
12.Research on Some Key Issues of Mobile Services Provision in Sharing Networks;共享网络条件下移动业务提供的关键问题研究
13.Diffusion of New Products in Network Markets Based on Complex Networks:The Role of Adoption Network and Initial Conditions;基于复杂网络的网络市场新产品扩散:采用网络和初始条件的作用
14.Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Equilibrium under Stochastic Demand;随机需求条件下闭环供应链网络均衡
15.The Development of Democratic Politics under Political Participation on Net;网络政治参与条件下的民主政治发展
16.Management Innovation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Under Network Economy;网络经济条件下中小企业的管理创新
17.Under network current economic condition business management transformation tendency;网络经济条件下的企业管理变革趋势
18.On the Network Development of Economic System under New Economic Conditions;新经济条件下经济系统的网络化演变

operation condition of network网络运行条件
3)network software/bar code网络软件/条码
4)Web chain网络链条
5)condition/event net条件/事件网
6)network courseware网络课件
1.Research and development of the inorganic and analytical chemistry network courseware;无机与分析化学网络课件的研制与开发
2.The making of network courseware for “clothing material”;《服装材料学》网络课件的制作
3.Design and making of network courseware homepage with three-frame structure;网络课件主页的三框架结构设计与制作
