阅读焦虑,reading anxiety
1)reading anxiety阅读焦虑
1.Research on English reading anxiety and its classroom moderation strategies;英语阅读焦虑情绪研究及课堂缓解策略
2.This thesis intends to project a small picture of non-English majors foreign language reading anxiety and tolerance of ambiguity.本研究旨在探索非英语专业学生模糊容忍和外语阅读焦虑

1.An Empirical Study on Text Type of Reading Material and Reading Anxiety;阅读材料的文本类型与阅读焦虑的实证研究
2.Foreign Language Reading Anxiety and Its Relationship to Reading Achievement and Gender;外语阅读焦虑与阅读成绩及性别的关系
3.A Study of Correlations among English Reading Anxiety, Strategies and Performance;英语阅读焦虑、阅读策略及阅读成绩的相关关系研究
4.A Study on English Reading Anxiety of Non-English Majors非英语专业大学生英语阅读焦虑研究
5.Study of the Relationship between English Reading Anxiety of Vocational College Students and Their Reading Performance;高职生英语阅读焦虑对阅读成绩影响的相关研究
6.Research on the Correlation between Reading Anxiety and Metacognitive Reading Strategies in Foreign Language Learning;外语学习中阅读焦虑感与阅读元认知策略的相关性研究
7.Survey of English Reading Anxiety of Vocational College Students and their Reading Performance and its Major Causes;高职生英语阅读焦虑影响阅读成绩的调查与原因分析
8.A Correlational Study of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety and Word Guessing;外语阅读焦虑与生词猜测的相关性研究
9.Correlative Study of Chinese Senior High School Students Foreign Language Reading Anxiety and English Achievement;中学生外语阅读焦虑与英语成绩的相关研究
10.The Effect of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety among Non-English-major College Students;外语阅读焦虑对非英语专业学生的影响
11.An Investigation of Students English Reading Anxiety in NUDT;国防科学技术大学本科生英语阅读焦虑调查
12.Research on English reading anxiety and its classroom moderation strategies;英语阅读焦虑情绪研究及课堂缓解策略
13.Teaching in Internet and Teachers Professional Development;外语阅读焦虑与模糊容忍度的相关性研究
14.Foreign Language Reading Anxiety and Its Relationship to English Achievement and Gender;外语阅读焦虑与英语成绩及性别的关系
15.Research on the Anxiety of the Ineffective Chinese Learning of The Minority Learners Preparing for College;少数民族预科生汉语阅读焦虑调查分析
16.A Study on English Reading Anxiety of English-major Uyghur Students in Xinjiang新疆维吾尔族英语专业学生英语阅读焦虑研究
17.A Study on the Anxiety of English Freshmen in English Reading Class英语专业本科新生英语课堂阅读焦虑研究
18.A Research on College Non-English Majors TOA and FLRA;非英语专业大学生模糊容忍和外语阅读焦虑研究

foreign language reading anxiety外语阅读焦虑
1.An Examination of the Construct of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety in Chinese Students Majoring in FL;外语阅读焦虑构想在中国外语专业学习者中的检测
2.With foreign language reading anxiety scale,this study investigated foreign language reading anxiety and its relationship to reading achievement and gender based on random sampling of 95 high school students.利用外语阅读焦虑量表,对随机抽样的95名高中二年级学生进行测试,以考察高中生外语阅读焦虑与阅读成绩及性别的关系。
3.This study aimed at surveying the gender differences and relationships between foreign language reading anxiety and CET4 scores of 211 non-English majors via stratified random cluster sampling.本文运用定量研究的方法,调查了外语阅读焦虑性别差异与四级英语成绩之间的关系,并用SPSS对统计数据进行了分析。
3)English reading anxiety英语阅读焦虑
1.The writer made a survey of English reading anxiety of vocational college students and their reading performance an.笔者试图通过对高职学生的英语阅读焦虑对阅读成绩影响的相关调查,了解导致学生英语阅读焦虑产生的原因,以期对今后教学的改进有所帮助。
4)Chinese reading anxiety汉语阅读焦虑
5)Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale (FLRAS)外语阅读焦虑量表
6)Focus-based reading焦点阅读

操作焦虑操作焦虑  心理学术语。为焦虑表现之一。 由于不能达到目标或不能克服障碍的威胁,致使自尊心与自信心受挫,或失败感和内疚感增 加。形成紧张不安、恐惧的情绪状态,以致外部活动失调。在性医学领域,往往与预期性失 败焦虑相联系,多致勃起障碍、早泄或不射精症。多有早年性创伤史或性交失败经历。可用 人类性感集中训练疗法治疗。