理想自我,Ideal self
1)Ideal self理想自我
1.The self-discrepancy theory put forward the concepts of actual-ideal self-discrepancy,actual-obligatory self-discrepancy,etc.自我差异理论提出了现实—理想自我差异、现实—应该自我差异等概念,其主要假设是:现实—理想差异单独与沮丧类情绪有关,现实—应该差异单独与焦虑类情绪有关,得到大部分研究的验证。
2.By adopting self-developed University Student s Discrepancy Between Ideal Self and Actual Self Questionnaire and CES-D,the study investigated university student s discrepancy between ideal self concept and actual self concept and the relationship between self-concept discrepancy and depression.结果表明:大学生被试的理想自我概念与现实自我概念存在一定程度的差异;大学生被试的理想—现实自我概念差异在学业、情绪和总分上存在显著的年级差异;家庭经济状况差的大学生被试的理想—现实自我概念差异显著大于家庭经济状况好的被试;大学生的理想—现实自我概念差异与抑郁具有显著的正相关,情绪、人际、家庭自我差异等对抑郁的影响作用较大。
3.English Learning motivation has a great influence on students final English achievements, which arouses Chinese university students and their teachers desire to understand English learning motivation fully as a precondition of stimulating and keeping motivation, ideal self and motivated learning behavior.如何激发学生的外语学习动机,维持其动机行为,改善外语学习的理想自我,实现外语学习的最佳效果成为全社会共同关注的话题。

1.A Research on Developing University Student s Discrepancy between Ideal Self and Actual Self Questionnaire;大学生理想自我与现实自我差异问卷的编制
2.An Empirical Research on Depression of University Students: The Analysis of Discrepancy between Ideal Self and Actual Self;大学生抑郁心理的实证研究:理想自我与现实自我的差异分析
3.The Influence Study on Physical Exercise of Discrepancy between Ideal Self and Actual Self of University Students体育锻炼对大学生理想自我与现实自我差异影响的研究
4.It also shows that self control learning with realism self and ideality self have obvious correlation.具体的说 :学习自控与现实自我、理想自我都有显著的相关 ,并且与现实自我关系更密切 .
5.The Influence of Ideal-self, Motivation and Learning Effort on Students English Learning Achievements;理想自我,动机和努力对英语学习效果的影响
6.The “Bodily Beauty”: Ideal Physical Self of Chinese Adolescents;身体美:我国青少年理想身体自我特点
7.I had a notion it would give me an opportunity to sort my thoughts and come to terms with myself我心想,这会使我有机会整理一下自己的思想,使自己心绪平静。
8.The Paradox of Self-actualization and the Sorrow of the Thinkers;自我实现的悖论和思想者之痛——由马斯洛的自我实现理论所想到的
9.Analyze and Understand Psychologically the Self Conception in Shi Tao's Art Theory石涛艺术思想中“自我”观的心理学解读
10.Utopian Theory of Self-Identity--Evaluating Giddensian Modernity and Self-Identity具有理想色彩的自我认同理论——评介吉登斯的《现代性与自我认同》
11.Application of the Analects of Confuciusmanagement Thought in Self-Administrant Team Buinding《论语》管理思想在自我管理型团队中的应用
12.The Thought of Drucker s Oneself Management in the View of Management Philosophy;管理哲学视野下德鲁克的自我管理思想
13.The Inspiration of Ego-identity Theory to College Thinking Politics Theory Course自我同一性理论对高校思想政治理论课的启示
14.I suppose that would help me regain some sense of control.我想那可以帮助我更合理地计划自己的工作。
15.We are a proud idealistic nation, but let no one confuse our idealism with Weakness.我们是一个自傲的理想国家,但是谁也不应把理想和软弱混为一谈。
16.come, let us see how it will be if I do not denounce myself."想想,假使我不自首呢?”
17.Quest for an Ideal Self-A Research on Susan Sontag s "Self" in in America;追寻理想的自我—对《在美国》中苏珊·桑塔格的自我观研究
18.She comes from the right social background, as well, I feel I really love here .她也有着理想的社会背景。 我觉得自己真的爱她。

ideal ego理想自我
1.From the angle of Lacan s psychoanalytic theory,this paper analyses the tragic lot of Willy Loman,the hero of Arthur Miller s drama Death of a Salesman and holds that the root of Willy s tragedy lies in the special ideal ego he formed during his mirage stage,which leads to his mental alienation and split and his hesitation between the imaginary order and the symbolic order.洛曼走向迷失直至毁灭的根源在于他"镜像阶段"形成的理想自我,这种特殊的理想自我造成了其人格的自我异化和分裂,使欲望主体始终徘徊在想象界和象征界之间,无法过正常人的生活,最终以结束生命的方式逃避内心世界与外部世界的无息征战。
2.On the other hand, the ideal ego is always lack, so Becky Sharp constantly seeks for wealth and fame.《名利场》是一部展示人性真实与人类普遍欲望的著作,女主人公蓓基·夏泼的一生就是一个从欲望主体逐渐形成,到塑造理想自我,从欲望的缺失到欲望对象的不断转换,最后以自我放逐的方式回归母体的圆形图式。
3.Based on Lacanian psychoanalysis of Eustacia ,the heroine in Thomas Hardy s wellknown novel The Return of the Native, this paper holds that Eustacia s ideal ego, her Narcissistic complex, and her dangling between the imaginary order and the symbolic order, are the underlying determinants of her tragedy.运用拉康的后精神分析理论对小说《还乡》中的女主人公游苔莎的悲剧进行了剖析,认为她在"镜像阶段"形成的理想自我和被动的自恋欲望造成了其人格的自我异化和分裂,使欲望主体始终徘徊在想像界和象征界之间,无法与他人建立正常的人际关系,无法过正常人的生活。
3)ego ideal自我理想
5)ideal self-representation理想自我表征
1.This study sought to conduct a kind of measurement on the complexity of adolescent ideal self-representation,and to examine its role of self-regulation on depression and peer relationship.本文尝试对青少年理想自我表征丰富性进行量化研究,并着重从压力缓冲和人际交往角度探讨了理想自我表征丰富性对个体心理健康的调节作用,以及理想自我表征丰富性与弹性的关系。
6)Ideal of self personality自我人格理想

自我理想自我理想ego ideal  自我理想(ego:deal)人格中构成自身(se]f)的目的的部分,通常指一个人有一意或无意地仿效他所认同的那个人。自我理想强调一个人为人、做事,与他不希望变成的那类人形成鲜明的对照。 (梁宝勇撰车丈博审)