商务函电,business correspondence
1)business correspondence商务函电
1.By making an analysis of euphemistic expressions used in business correspondences and business negotiations,this paper mainly discusses the fulfillment of euphemistic expressions in business English through the following four ways: the subjunctive mood,passive voice,tense backwards,negative.文中分析了商务谈判和商务函电中的委婉表达方式,从虚拟语气法、被动语态法、时态倒退法、否定法四个方面归纳分析了商务英语中的委婉表达法,从而使商务工作者"深入字里行间"以求最充分理解和欣赏商务英语的委婉表达方式,从而在商界竞争获取成功。
2.With the rapid pace of modern society,plain writing has become of greater importance in drafting business correspondence.商务函电是国际商务活动的重要载体。
3.By making an analysis of euphemistic expressions used in business correspondences and business negotiations,this paper mainly discusses the fulfillment of euphemistic expressions in business English through grammatical changes in voice,mood and sentence structure as well as their translation.本文通过对商务函电和商务洽谈中的委婉表达方式的分析 ,讨论了如何利用语态、语气和句型等语法变化形式来进行商务英语中的委婉表达 ,并举例说明其对应的翻

1.For the sake of business, some rules have been formed for the writing of business communication.为了商务需要的考虑,商务函电的写作形成了一些规则。
2.English Title: Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle in English Business Letters--from the Perspective of Vocabulary Characteristics of English Business Letters;英语商务函电文本中的合作与礼貌原则——兼谈英语商务函电文本的词汇特征
3.Theory and Practice of Developing Multimedia Courseware for Communicating in International Business;《国际商务函电》多媒体系统开发的理论与实践
4.Being one of varieties of English, English for business correspondence has its unique grammatical features.商务函电英语作为一种个体英语,有其独特的语法特点。
5.Explorations in the Teaching of "International Business Letters and Telegrams",an Applied Undergraduate Course in English应用型本科英语专业“国际商务函电”课程教学探索
6.On Characteristics of Business English Correspondence in Business Register;浅谈商务语域中的商务英语函电的语言特点
7.Contrastive Analysis of Politeness Strategies in Business Emails and Traditional Business Letters;商务电子邮件与传统商务信函中礼貌策略的对比分析
8.Constructing Students’ Autonomous Learning Models, and Improving Classroom Teaching Efficiency;构建自主学习模式,提高商务英语函电课堂效率
9.An Analysis of Business English Correspondence Translation from the Perspective of the Theory of Power and Discourse;依据权力话语理论谈商务英语函电翻译
10.Study of Chaotic Hash Function and Its Aplication in Electronic Commerce Security混沌Hash函数及其在电子商务安全中的应用研究
11.Application of Genre Analysis in Teaching of Business English Correspondence体裁分析在商务英语函电教学中的应用
12."and the services to be exploited are ceremony express service, ceremonial letters, postal purchase, commercial letters, e-mail and many others."待开发的潜在业务包括礼仪专递业务、礼仪信函、邮购、商业信函、电子邮件以及其它许多业务。
13.An empirical research on TBLT in English for International Business Communication Teaching in higher vocational college任务型教学法在高职商务英语函电教学中的实证研究
14.Grasp of business correspondence english and translation of commercial and trade information;准确把握外贸函电英语的特点,有效传递商务信息
15.AIA S Tips on Business Correspondence Writing and Its Inspiration on Our Teaching;AIA促销信件写作要求对商务英语函电教学的启示
16.On the Application of Appeal to Pathos in Business Letter Writing--Analysis from the perspective of rhetoric;谈诉诸情感在商务信函中的应用——修辞学与外贸商务英语信函写作
17.Owing to the rapid development in international trade, business English is revealing its own characteristics, which are involved in various international correspondence, business negotiations, contracts, agreements and documents.各种各样的函电往来,业务洽谈,以及合同、议、证,无不反映出商务英语的特点。
18.electronic Business电子商务,电子业务

business english correspondence商务英语函电
1.As a practical subject, it is necessary to discuss how to improve learners’ ability in using language at their utmost in the course of Business English Correspondence.商务英语函电是一门实用性很强的学科。
3)Communicating in International Business国际商务函电
1.Theory and Practice of Developing Multimedia Courseware for Communicating in International Business;《国际商务函电》多媒体系统开发的理论与实践
4)business letter商务信函
1.A Pragmatic Study on You-Attitude in Bad-News Business Letters;换位思考在坏消息商务信函中的语用研究
2.Approaches to Business Letter Language--With Focus on Chinese-English Translation;从汉英翻译的角度研究商务信函语言特点
3.Based on the categorizing model of speech acts, this article is intended to reconstructthe categorization of English business letters into four types: Collaborative Letter, Convivial Letter, Competitive Letter and Conflictive Letter.以 Leech对言语行为的分类模式为基础 ,对英文商务信函重新分为合作类信函、和谐类信函、竞争类信函和冲突类信函等类。
5)business letters商务信函
1.Politeness Strategies for the Speech Act of Refusal in English Business Letters;英文商务信函拒绝言语行为的礼貌策略研究
2.By way of examples,this paper mainly discusses ways of translating the Chinese word "guanyu、zhiyu、youguan、yu……xiangguan、zai……fangmian、jiu……eryan" into English in business letters.运用大量的商务信函翻译实例,重点论述了商务英语中"关于,至于,有关,与……相关,在……方面,就……而言"的英译。
3.The characteristics and pragmatic functions of English formula is therefore discussed,the application of English formula in 7C principles of business letters writing is analyzed,by means of which different functions of business letters can be achieved.文章讨论了英语套语的特点及语用功能,分析了套语在商务信函写作7C原则中的运用,认为套语的使用鲜明地体现了商务信函的不同功能。
6)business correspondence商务信函
1.The application of politeness strategies in the business correspondence;礼貌策略在商务信函中的运用
2.language in the business correspondence should be concrete, complete, correct, clear, concise, convincing and courteous), the language in business correspondence should be clear and concrete.作为商务交际活动的重要手段,商务信函的语言应明确具体,以避免引起不必要的纠纷和麻烦。
3.Englishbusiness correspondence is one of .英文商务信函是商务交流的一种重要方式,不仅具有传递信息的功能,还担负着建立、加强业务联系的重任,因此,对礼貌具有较高要求。

传真委托、函电委托 传真委托、函电委托——  传真委托、函电委托是指委托人填写委托内容后,将委托书采用传真或函电方式表达委托意向,提出委托要求。投资者采用电话委托、传真委托等方式必须在证券经纪商处开设委托专户。