亲属称谓词,kinship terms
1)kinship terms亲属称谓词
1.Studies of cultural differences between English and Chinese kinship terms;英汉亲属称谓词国俗差异研究
2.In this paper, the writer makes a detailed comparison between the kinship terms and their uses in Chinese, English and Japanese, and illustrates the differences in the kinship terms and their uses between the three languages.本文运用文化比较的理论 ,通过对中、英、日三种语言中的亲属称谓词语及其用法进行了较详细的比较 ,试图说明它们之间的差异及由此所反映出的三种文化内涵及其差
3.In the first chapter, the author overviews "The Water Margin"’s Kinship terms, specific analysises one of the common words of the initial situation, and compares with three contemporary works of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", " Journey to the West "," three words " ,inder to find some of the characteristics of the appellation words.第一章对《水浒传》中的亲属称谓词作了详尽归纳,并对其中常见的词语进行具体分析,寻求其初始情况,且与同时代的《三国演义》、《西游记》、《三言》等相比较,力求发现这些称谓词的特点。

1."A" Prefix Family Titles in the Stories of Ghosts;《聊斋志异》“阿”词头的亲属称谓词
2.Hesearch in the Cultural Characteristics of Termsof Address of Relatives in the Dialects of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古方言亲属称谓词文化特征研究
3.On the Symbols of the Seniority among Brothers and Sisters in RelativeAppellations of Chinese Dialects;汉语方言亲属称谓词语中的排行标志
4.Study of the Kinship Terms and the Cultural Differences in Chinese, English and Japanese;中、英、日亲属称谓词及其文化差异研究
5.The Generalization of Forms of Address for Male Relatives in Changde Dialect and Its Cultural Implications;常德方言男性亲属称谓词的泛化及其文化内涵
6.Region Differences of Mongoloid Kinsfolk Names Originated from Language Contact;语言接触所产生的蒙古族直系血亲亲属称谓词地区差异
7.Theoretical Interpretation of Extensive Denotation of Relative Appelation Wordsand Their Acquisition Order in Child Language;儿童语言中亲属称谓词泛化标记及其习得顺序的理论解释
8.On Impact of Difference Between Englishand Chinese Culture on Addressing Words英汉文化差异对亲属标准称谓词的影响
9.Study on Space-Metaphor of Relation Titles in China;从方位词“内”、“外”探讨亲属称谓的空间隐喻
10.On the Compilation of Han Yu Da Ci Dian in View of the Terms of Address in San Guo Zhi;从《三国志》亲属称谓看《汉语大词典》编纂之缺失
11.Comparative Study on English and Chinese Kinship Terms and Fictive Kin Terms;英汉亲属称谓及虚构亲属称谓对比研究
12.On "The Cultural Differences" of Kinship Terms:The Comparison of Chinese,English and Uygur Aspects;试论亲属称谓之“文化差异”——英、汉、维亲属称谓对比
13.The Etymological Motivation Comparison for Appellation of "Father" in Mongol and Chinese;蒙、汉语中“父亲”称谓词词源理据比较
14.Cultural Ponderation on Appellation--Brief Aralysis on Jiangjing Dialect Relative Appellation;从称谓语看文化——江津方言亲属称谓语略析
15.The Separated and Combined forms of the Ralated Appellation for the Old and the Young on the Five Dialects in the Northeast of Jiang Xi Province;赣东北方言亲属称谓的长幼分称与合称
16.A Study of the Culture about Kinship Terms of the Zhuang Dialect of Daling in Daxin County;大新县大岭壮语亲属称谓的文化研究
17.The Cultural Trace of Ancient China by the Address of Husband “Liang Ren” and “Jia”;从亲属称谓“良人”“家”看上古文化的遗迹
18.On the Cultural Metaphor of Kinship Terms in Chinese and English and its Translation;汉英亲属称谓语的文化隐喻及其翻译

terms of kinship亲属称谓词语
1.By listing the terms of kinship in Yulin dialect, then comparing them with those in Putonghua, the distinctive characters of the terms of kinship in Yulin dialect from the perspective of its vocabularies are cosequently summaried.比较详细地列举玉林话的亲属称谓词语,并通过与普通话的比较,从词汇的角度探讨玉林话亲属称谓词语的特点。
3)the synonyms of appellation words used between relatives同义亲属称谓词
4)kinship terms亲属称谓
1.On "The Cultural Differences" of Kinship Terms:The Comparison of Chinese,English and Uygur Aspects;试论亲属称谓之“文化差异”——英、汉、维亲属称谓对比
2.A Comparative Study of Cultural Differences of Kinship Terms between English and Chinese;从英汉的亲属称谓看其所蕴涵的文化差异
3.Kinship terms are not only a common linguistic pheomenon,but also a universal social and cultural phenomenon.亲属称谓不仅是一种语言现象,还是一种普遍的文化现象。
5)appellation of the relatives亲属称谓
1.The appellation of the relatives is one of the subject gathers in the glossary system.亲属称谓是词汇系统中颇具特色的主题集合之一。
2.Being a dialect in the south of Hunan Province, the appellation of the relatives in the Nanxiang Town, Xintian County of Hunan Province can be roughly categorized into "elders", "of the same generation", "later generation" and other.这里收列了新田县"南乡土话"(属于"湘南土话")的亲属称谓词语共134条。
6)appellation of relatives亲属称谓
1.And it reveals that "Shushu"is not only the appellation of relatives,but also frequently is the appellation of society.本文从“永成叔叔”的歧义说起,考察分析了“叔叔”和“叔”的不同,认为“叔叔”不仅是亲属称谓,还经常作社会称谓,可以单独充当句子成分;“叔”首先是称谓词,同时是个成词语素,也可以用作社会称谓,同时很少单独充当句子成分。
2.Discussing the unique features of appellation of relatives in Shidong dialect of North Dong languag尽管如此 ,在这里的侗族所操的侗语北部方言石洞话中的亲属称谓依然具有其独特

递归谓词递归谓词recursive predicate  递归谓词[recur咖e predica.e;pe叮pc”Bnu益即e八”-KaT] 在自然数上定义的一个谓词(Predicate)p(x、,…,工。),使得在自然数上由条件 fl,如果P(x、,一、x.)为真, I{X,.’‘.X_,=悦 to,如果尸(x,,…,x。)为假定义的函数f是一个递归函数(recursive灿Iction). B.E.fl月HcKO撰杜小杨译