词项,lexical item
1)lexical item词项
1.According to the relative linguistic theories and research methods, including the theory of categorized prototype markedness and grammaticalization, this dissertation investigates 16 items separately on 700 monosyllabic adjective lexical items, as follows: this monosyllabic adjective can be modified by the intensifiers and the negative adverbs, be reduplicated, be followed by the auxiliary.本文依据范畴化的原型理论、语言标记理论、语法化学说等相关的语言学理论和方法,对700个单音形容词词项受程度副词和否定副词修饰、重叠、带动态助词、带宾语、带补语,构成祈使句、评价句、疑问句、比较句,做主语、宾语、定语、谓语、状语、补语等16个考察项目进行了逐一考察,得到了一系列相关的数据。
2.Motivated by the principles of least efffort and cognitive salience,a lexical item usually enters a construction in the holistic form of gestalt.受省力和认知凸显原则驱使,词项往往以完形的整体形式进入构式,从而不可避免地产生词项与构式不一致的情况。
3.The author attempts to analyze the contextual effect on the lexical item and its semantic content with the application of relevance theory.论文以关联理论为基础,从词项与语义层面来探讨语境对话语含义的效应。

1.Function and Structure of English Lextion in CETRAN System英文生成系统词汇结构与词项位的逻辑描述
2.The Semantic Characteristic of Monosyllable Verbs and Its terms Confirmation in “Discussions about Salt and Iron”;《盐铁论》单音节动词的语义特征及其词项的确定
3.Added base item type to highlight info for rune word items.为如尼字母词项目强调信息添加卑劣项目类型.
4.subject of entry项目;项主语;描述体主体;记入项主词;输入项主语
5.Trust Fund for the Macrothesaurus Project综合词汇项目信托基金
6.The adjective loose has several senses.形容词loose有几个义项.
7.Disaster Terminology Standardization Project灾害名词标准化项目
8.A Tentative Study on the Integrity of Polysemous Senses Through Guidewords and Menus;论通过引导词和义项菜单整合多义词义项
9.A word or phrase treated in a glossary or similar listing.词条,条目在词典或类似的项目中的单词或短语
10.On the Validity of Distractors in Grammar-Vocabulary Multiple-Choice Tests;论语法/词汇多项选择题干扰项的效度
11.The word or set of words that serves as a link between the subject and predicate of a proposition.联项在一个命题的主项和谓项间起联系作用的词或词组
12.Effects of part of speech, word category and word frequency on difficulty and reaction time of Chinese Words Reasoning Test;语词推理测验的词性、词类和词频对项目难度和反应时间的效应
13.This dictionary has several appendices, including one on irregular verbs.这部词典有几项附录, 包括不规则动词附录.
14.This dictionary have several appendices, including one on irregular verb这部词典有几项附录, 包括不规则动词附录
15.This dictionary have several appendices, including one on irregular verb.这部词典有几项附录,包括不规则动词附录。
16.Study on Term of Meaning in the Quotations from Two-Cheng Which are not Collected in the Great Chinese Dictionary;《汉语大词典》漏收的“二程语录”词语义项补释9则
17.The Etymology and the Status Quo of Research of Chinese Ending "-Hua" and Its English Counterparts;汉语词尾“-化”及其英语对应项之词源与研究现状
18.mark(~)used in this dictionary to replace the headword in certain parts of an entry代字号(~)(在本词典的词条项内代替某些首词的符号).

1.In logic, term, which forms proposition, is quite different from the cell "concept" of thinking in other learning cat-egories.逻辑学中构成命题的元素“词项”与其它学术范畴中的思维的细胞“概念”是两个不同的对象,词项大于概念, 是概念与表达概念的符号的统一体。
2.In logic, term is a basic unit which carry through logical analyse and proposition derivation.在逻辑学中,词项作为符号是进行逻辑分析和推演的基本单位,概念是对词项的意义的解释,外延是词项在当下概念所指向的对象的集合下的元素。
3)verb item词项
1.This dissertation tries to make an all-round exploration on 444 disyllabic verbs (or verb items) in Xian Yu Jing, which was bred during the important period of development of the Chinese language, the period from the 2nd century to the 8th century.文章穷尽性考察了处于汉语大发展时期——中古时期的《贤愚经》的444个双音节动词(词项)的配价(又叫“价”)情况。
4)multi-word items多词词项
5)term dependency词项依存
1.To relax the term independence assumption,term dependency is introduced and it has improved retrieval precision dramatically.利用词项依存关系来改进词袋模型,一直是文本检索中一个热门话题。
6)term proximity词项近邻

词项和概念  逻辑分析的基本单元。在传统逻辑里,词项就是直言命题的主项和谓项;能作为命题的主项和谓项的,都是概念。    概念  抽象思维的基本形式之一。概念反映了事物的特有属性(固有属性或本质属性)。事物的性质和关系都是事物的属性。具有相同特有属性的事物组成一个类,具有不同特有属性的事物分别组成不同的类。组成某类的那些个别事物是该类的分子。某类事物的特有属性,就是该类事物都具有而别的事物都不具有的那些属性。一类事物的特有属性是该类事物普遍、必然地具有的属性;某类事物的本质属性是对该类事物有决定性的特有属性。某类事物的固有属性就是该事物派生的特有属性。例如,能制造和使用生产工具的动物是人的本质属性,而能思维、有语言则是人的固有属性。    人的认识发展是由生动直观到抽象思维,由感性认识到理性认识的过程。感觉、知觉和印象属于生动直观与感性认识的阶段。人们在感觉、知觉和印象的基础上,借助思维的抽象作用,便形成了反映事物特有属性的概念。概念的产生是人的认识过程中的飞跃,它与感觉、知觉和印象有质的区别。概念具有抽象性和普遍性。认识的发展是由认识事物的固有属性到认识事物的本质属性的发展;概念的发展是由初步概念到深刻概念的发展。    语词与概念  语词是语言材料,它表现为一串声音或一组笔划(字)。概念的产生和存在必须依附于语词;思想的交流也须借助于有声的或有形的语词。语词是概念的语言形式,概念是语词的思想内容。不同语词可以表示同一事物,表达同一概念。语词也可以是多义的,同一语词可以表示不同事物,表达不同概念。按照把语词区别为实词和虚词的分类,一般说实词表达概念,而虚词中的语气词、叹词都不表达概念。但某些虚词如"或者"、"并且"、"如果,则",表示事物之间或事物情况之间的关系,它们也表达概念。这些概念叫做逻辑概念,它们在形式逻辑中起着重要作用。    传统逻辑里的单独词项在现代逻辑里被称为个体词(见谓词逻辑);传统逻辑里的词项是可作直言命题主项和谓项的普遍概念,在现代逻辑里分析为谓词或类。