课堂研究,classroom research
1)classroom research课堂研究
1.Based on our observation of the current assessment of teaching and studying at home and the classroom research abroad, this paper points out the drawbacks in teaching assessment mechanism with summative assessment as its sole means.基于对国内教学评估现状的观察和国外课堂研究的调研,本文指出总结性评估作为教学质量检验与激励机制之不足,并以国外课堂研究理论为依据,介绍形成性课堂评估的理念、特点与实际操作办法,旨在探讨教师进行形成性课堂评估的必要性与可行性。
2)studying on class研究课堂

1.Being Involved in Class,Studying on Class,and Reflecting on Class--Summary of the First National Forum for Doctors of Curriculum and Teaching Theory;走进课堂 研究课堂 反思课堂——首届全国课程与教学论专业博士生论坛综述
2.The Study on the Relationship between Teacher Talk and Classroom Interaction in Secondary School Class;初中英语课堂教师话语与课堂互动的研究
3.A Study of the Relationship between Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and Classroom Participation in College English;大学英语课堂焦虑和课堂参与的关系研究
4.Research on Teachers Teaching Behaviors in Class under the Background of the New Curriculum Reform;新课程背景下教师课堂教学行为研究
5.Geography New Curriculum Effective Teaching Practice Research;地理新课程有效课堂教学的实践研究
6.A Study of Classroom Teaching of Chinese in Middle Schools in the Course of the Implement of the New Curriculum Criterion;新课程标准下中学语文课堂教学研究
7.Study of Teaching Methods in Game in Physical Education in Elementary School;小学体育课课堂教学游戏化实验研究
8.On "Interactivity" in Music Class According to New Course Criteria;新课程标准下音乐课堂的“互动”研究
9.Research and practice on multimedia courseware;专业课课堂多媒体教学的研究与实践
10.Junior Effectiveness of Moral Teaching Research初中思想品德课课堂教学有效性研究
11.A Study of Classroom Teaching in College English with the titles of the National Quality Course《大学英语》国家级精品课课堂教学研究
12.The Research on the Construction of Classroom Learning Community and Teachers' Classroom Management Behavior of Ideological and Political Lesson in Senior Middle School高中思想政治课课堂学习共同体的构建与教师课堂管理行为研究
13.The Study of Basic Research Inchemistry Senion High School;高中化学课堂教学研究性学习的研究
14.A Review of Classroom Research Abroad and the Revelation to Related Studies in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language;国外外语课堂教学研究对开展对外汉语课堂教学研究的启示
15.Practical Study of Exploratory Classroom Teaching of Physics in the Junior High School.doc初中物理探究式课堂教学的实践研究
16.The Practice and Study of Exploratory Teaching in Mathematics Class of Senior High School;高中数学课堂探究教学的实践和研究
17.Inquiring Learning in Secondary Schools: From a Practical Perspective;初中数学课堂探究性教学研究与实践
18.The Practical Researching of Study Exploration-teaching in Senior Physics;高中物理课堂探究式教学的实践研究

studying on class研究课堂
3)classroom research study课堂研究性学习
1.The theories foundation beginning of the classroom research study explores;课堂研究性学习理论基础初探
4)classroom research mode课堂研究模式
5)teaching for postgraduates classes研究生课堂教学
6)classroom research课堂教学研究
1.By reviewing classroom research abroad,this article clarifies the notion of classroom research and answers such questions as the scope,methods and significance of classroom research on teaching Chinese as a second language,which is beneficial to the development of related research in this field.课堂教学研究对于对外汉语教学学科建设和提高课堂教学质量都具有积极意义,但目前对外汉语教学界对课堂教学研究的理论认识和实证研究仍很薄弱,本文的目的在于通过对国外外语课堂教学研究的回顾,澄清一些对课堂教学研究的模糊认识,并对对外汉语课堂教学研究的范围、方法和意义等问题做出初步回答,对开展对外汉语课堂教学研究提供一些有益的借鉴。
2.Classroom research is an effective method for teachers to reflect on and improve their teaching.课堂教学研究是教师反思及改进自身教学的有效方法之一。

北平研究院史学研究会  中国现代历史学和考古学研究机构。北平研究院史学研究所的前身。1929年11月该会在北平成立时,即设有考古组,主任是徐炳昶(旭生)。1934年正式设立史学组,顾颉刚为主任。    史学研究会从事田野考古的人员,除徐炳昶外,先后有常惠、何士骥、苏秉琦、白万玉、孙文青等。工作项目主要有:1930年春与北京大学考古学会、古物保管委员会合作,对燕下都遗址的发掘;1933~1935年,对关中地区史前和周秦时期遗址的调查,以及在宝鸡发掘斗鸡台周墓,在西安发掘唐中书省遗址(获宋吕大防刻唐大明、兴庆两宫图残石)。另外,还曾对河北邯郸附近的响堂山石窟作过详细的勘察。这些考古工作的成果,已经出版的有苏秉琦著《斗鸡台沟东区墓葬》和《斗鸡台沟东区墓葬图说》,何士骥著《石刻唐太极宫暨府寺坊市残图大明宫残图兴庆宫图之研究》(1935),何士骥、刘厚滋合编《南北响堂及其附近石刻目录》(1936)。    1936年在研究会的基础上建立史学研究所,由徐炳昶任所长。抗日战争期间,所址迁往昆明,后仍迁回北平。新中国成立后,于1949年11月由中国科学院接收。