整体语言,whole language
1)whole language整体语言
1.The school of whole language teaching is one of extensive and grass-roots teaching school in west.整体语言教学流派是西方最广泛的平民化教学流派之一,它对西方的语言教育产生了重要的影响。
2.Among of them, Kenneth Goodman put forward the whole language theory , he also put forward incisive standpoint of reading process and new concept of reading education.其中凯·古德曼的整体语言理论,对阅读过程的本质作了精辟的论述,并提出了新的阅读教学观念。
3.Therefore, the thesis deals with the problems that exist in English vocabulary teaching and learning by the implement and application of the Whole Language Approach.因此,本论文试图通过整体语言教学法的实施与应用,来解决英语词汇教学所存在的问题。

1.Theory and Application of Whole Language Approach in College English Teaching;大学英语整体语言教学的理论与实践
2.On Grammar Teaching Guided by Whole Language Approach试论以整体语言观为指导的语法教学
3.A Study on Oral English Teaching and Learning at Tertiary Level under the Guiding Philosophy of Holistic View of Language;整体语言观指导下的大学英语口语教学研究
4.The Teaching Methodology of English for P. E. Majors;体育专业英语的整体语言教学模式初探
5.On Study and Practice of "the Whole Language Approach";关于“整体语言教学法”的学习与实践
6.On Interactive Whole Language Teaching Mode;创建一种互动式的整体语言教学模式
7.A Research on the Whole Language Approach in Multimedia Language Lab;基于数字语言实验室的大学英语整体语言教学实验研究
8.The Application of the Whole Language Approach to the College English Text Teaching“整体语言教学法”在大学英语课文教学中的应用
10.The Whole Language Approach and The Teaching of College English Texts;整体语言教学理论与大学英语课文教学
11.A practical exploration into the comprehensive language teaching in the special English teaching;整体语言教学在专业英语教学中的实践探讨
12.Whole Language Teaching and Thematic Classroom Discussions;整体语言教学与研究生英语课上的主题讨论
13.Put language learning back to the living world--Whole Language l earning in American: A Case Study;让语言学习回归真实世界——美国整体语言教学案例分析
14.A Practical Research of the Combination of Whole Language Teaching and the New Textbook;整体语言教学与新教材相结合的可行性研究
15.The Practice of Blocks Mode under the Guidance of the Whole Language Approach;整体语言教学法环境下应用“积木模式”的探索
16.Language study:Returning of the holistic approach;语言和言语——语言学整体型研究的符号学范式
17.Effects of Frequency and Language Proficiency on the Holistic Representation and Access of Formulaic Sequences频率和语言水平对公式化语言整体加工的作用
18.(linguistics) the word in a constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole.(语言学)表示整体结构中的单词。

la langue parlée言说的整体语言
1.By including la langue parlée in semiology to feature sociality, we are able to classify la langue parlée.语言符号的本质在言说的整体语言中最充分地表现出来,由此确定语言学研究的对象———言说的整体语言
3)whole-language skill整体语言能力
4)Whole Language Approach整体语言教学
1.The whole language approach and ELT reform;整体语言教学与英语教学改革
2.The concept of "A Whole Language Approach Based on Text-Reconstruction Tasks" is put forth in this paper in an attempt to overcome the existing shortcomings derived from the traditional model "A Fragmented Approach of language Knowledge Teaching".以语篇重建任务为中心的整体语言教学模式是为克服传统的以传授语言知识为中心的零碎语言教学模式存在的问题而提出的;该模式不仅把英语视为语言知识的载体,更将其视为信息的载体。
3.The application of whole language approach in college English text teaching can improve students initiative in classroom activities participation.大学英语课文教学中运用整体语言教学的原则,可培养学生独立分析问题的能力,提高学生参与课堂活动的主动性。
5)whole language teaching整体语言教学
1.On Interactive Whole Language Teaching Mode;创建一种互动式的整体语言教学模式
6)Whole Language Approach整体语言教学法
1.The Application of Whole Language Approach to Vocational College English Teaching;整体语言教学法在专科英语课堂教学中的应用——兼谈《实用英语》第三册Unit 1 Text A的课堂设计
2.The Practice of Blocks Mode under the Guidance of the Whole Language Approach;整体语言教学法环境下应用“积木模式”的探索
3.On Study and Practice of "the Whole Language Approach";关于“整体语言教学法”的学习与实践

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。