语音隐喻,phonetic metaphor
1)phonetic metaphor语音隐喻
1.In this paper the related works in the field of metaphorical thinking,the cognitive mechanism of phonetic metaphors were discussed, and we further attempted to offer a primary explanation of various kinds of phonetic metaphors in both English and Chinese,explore their cultural characteristics particularly.语音隐喻这一术语是由国外学者Fónagy于1999年提出,李弘教授继而从认知语言学的跨域映射的角度进行了全面地论述。
2.The term “phonetic metaphor” was initiated by Fónagy in 1999, but he only defined his account from the viewpoint of the iconic relationship between sound (acoustic ways) and meaning,and it has not been taken into systematic research by any domestic scholars.语音隐喻这一术语是国外学者F幃nagy于1999年提出的,但他对这一现象的论述主要限于语音(包括发音方式)和所表意义之间象似关系作出的。
3.The possible reason is that its initiator gives phonetic metaphor a too narrow definition,which in turn restricts its application in research field.语音隐喻自提出以来并没有受到学术界的广泛关注。
2)Some Reflections on Phonetic Metaphors语音隐喻探析
3)Phonological metaphor音系隐喻
4)Metaphor language隐喻语言
1.Metaphor language has profound humanistic education value,and metaphor thinking has cognition and creation function.隐喻语言具有丰富的人文教育价值;隐喻思维具有认知功能和创造功能。

1.Pragmatic and Psycholinguistic Interpretation of Metaphorical language Comprehension;隐喻语言理解的语用和心理语言学阐释
2.The Neural Embodiment of Metaphorical Language: An fMRI Study and Beyond;隐喻语言的神经体验:fMRI研究及其它
3.The figurative use of a word or an expression, as metaphor or hyperbole.比喻,转义语言或措辞的比喻用法:隐喻或夸张
4.About Similarity and Cognitive Foundation of Metaphor in Uygur and Chinese Language Culture;隐喻的认知基础与汉维语言隐喻的相似性
5.Metaphor in Stock Trading Expression隐喻镜头下的股市语言——隐喻在股市语言中的应用
6.Metaphor Comprehension and Its Countermeasures in English Teaching;英语教学中隐喻性语言的理解及对策
7.Applications and Interpretation of Metaphors in Verbal Communication;隐喻在言语交际中的运用及语用理解
8.On the Translation of Metaphors--from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics;从认知语言学角度谈英语隐喻的翻译
9.Pragmatic and Cognitive Approach to Metaphor and Indirect Speech Act;隐喻与间接言语行为的语用─认知分析
10.The Influence of Grammatical Metaphor upon Input in SLL;第二语言学习中语法隐喻对语言输入的影响
11.The Figurative System of Morality and the Metaphorical Use of the Chinese and English Language;道德的比喻体系与中英文语言的隐喻用法
12.The Mechanism of Understatement:A Cognitive Explanation Based On Metaphor and Metonymy低调陈述:基于隐喻及转喻的认知语言学诠释
13.Linguistic Characteristics of Chinese Metaphors and the Impact on Metaphor Computation;汉语隐喻的语言形式特征及其对隐喻机器理解研究的影响
14.Cognitive Function of Metaphor in Language of Science and Technology-With Metaphors in German as Example;论科技语言中隐喻的认知功能——以科技德语中的隐喻为例
15.The write indulged in metaphorical language.这部作品沉溺于隐喻性的语言中。
16.On the Translation of English and Chinese Metaphors--An Approach from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics;从认知语言学视角看英汉隐喻的翻译
17.Blossoms of western language and Chinese character:Metaphor and Bi Xing;语言与文字之华:“隐喻”·“比兴”
18.Motivation Analysis of Imperative Speech Acts in Metaphorical Form;祈使性言语行为隐喻形式的理据分析

Some Reflections on Phonetic Metaphors语音隐喻探析
3)Phonological metaphor音系隐喻
4)Metaphor language隐喻语言
1.Metaphor language has profound humanistic education value,and metaphor thinking has cognition and creation function.隐喻语言具有丰富的人文教育价值;隐喻思维具有认知功能和创造功能。
5)Textual metaphor语篇隐喻
1.As a cut-in point,textual metaphor is discussed to study the textual clues in English poetry.以语篇隐喻作为讨论英语诗歌的一个切入点,分析了诗歌中的语篇线索。
2.This paper is aimed at exploring textual metaphor from the perspectives of semiotics and cognitive linguistics.本文从符号学和认知语言学角度探讨语篇隐喻的存在理据。
3.Under systemic-functional framework,grammatical metaphor is divided into ideational metaphor, interpersonal metaphor and textual metaphor.本文论述系统功能语法中语法隐喻在语篇功能上的具体体现,初步探讨了概念隐喻与语篇隐喻的关系,指明二者的矛盾统一性,并以实例说明语篇隐喻在新闻英语中的存在及具体应用。
6)Grammatical metaphor语法隐喻
1.Investigation into English Majors spoken and Written Production from the Perspective of Grammatical Metaphor;英语专业学生口笔语的语法隐喻视角研究
2.Grammatical Metaphor and Its Types Comparison in English and Chinese Scientific Languages;英汉科技语言中的语法隐喻现象及其类型对比
3.The grammatical metaphor of technic and science in English;英语科技文体的语法隐喻

电影中的隐喻  通过蒙太奇,将镜头之间或镜头内部各个表现元素(包括造型、音响等方面)加以强化、浓缩、类比,由此在观众的感觉和心理上产生效应的手法。如苏联影片《母亲》中河流解冻、冰块流动和工人举行示威游行、冲击沙皇专制制度的镜头并列出现,不仅冰块本身构成了背景的有机部分,在情节发展中起了现实作用,而且突出了春天的主题,生动地体现了工人群众的情绪和力量。这一组镜头是运用隐喻的出色范例。