教师认知,teacher cognition
1)teacher cognition教师认知
1.On the basis of teacher cognition research in mainstream education, the author develops a framework for teacher cognition research in L2 teaching and applies it to research upon L2 teachers' cognitions about grammar teaching.作者以普通教育学中的教师认知研究为基础,构建了外语教师认知研究的框架,并将之应用于外语教师语法教学认知研究,提出了五项假设:(1)大学英语教师有成熟、稳定的语法教学理念,有良好的语法知识储备;(2)他们的个体差异对其语法教学理念与语法知识储备有显著性影响;(3)大学英语教师的语法教学理念有多个来源;(4)大学英语教师的语法教学认知与教学实践部分地吻合,但也存在不一致性;(5)大学英语教师的语法教学理念与实践同非英语专业学生的语法学习理念之间存在差异。
2.This book makes a comprehensive synthesis of the present situation and the methodologies of language teacher cognition research,embodies a paradigm shift in language teaching research,and has many an implication for language teacher education.最近,Simon Borg出版了专著《教师认知与语言教育——研究与实践》(2006/2008),该书全面总结了语言教师认知研究的现状和方法,体现了语言教学研究范式的转变,为语言教学研究提供了一个教育学视角,对语言教师教育具有很大启示。

1.A Review of Teacher Cognition and Language Education:Research and Practice教师认知视角下的语言教学——评《教师认知与语言教育——研究与实践》
2.Revision of and Reflections on Teacher Cognition Research and Its Implications for Teacher Education;教师认知研究回溯与思考:对教师教育之意涵
3.College EFL Teachers' Cognition: A Qualitative Study and Its Implications for Teacher Development;大学外语教师认知研究及其对教师发展的启示
4.Teacher Cognition of Language Teacher Development in Secondary Schools;农村中学语言教师发展中的教师认知研究
5.Application of Metacognitive Concept in Reflective Teachers Training;元认知理论指导下的反思型教师教育
6.Teacher s Effective Questioning and Their Metocognitive Abilities;教师的有效课堂提问及其元认知能力
7.On Cognitive Deviation to College Teachers Role from Different Community;不同群体对高校教师的角色认知偏差
8.Cognitive Obstacles in Teachers Professional Development and Ways to Overcome Them;教师专业发展之路上的认知障碍分析
9.The Cognitive Flexibility Theory and Its Inspiration for Teacher Training;认知弹性理论及其对教师培训的启示
10.A Comparative Study of the Cognition of Excellent Teachers Psychological Quality;对优秀教师心理素质认知的比较研究
11.Experimental researh on the Metacognition Training in Chemistry Experiment Teaching.;高师化学实验教学的元认知实验研究
12.Functions of Ideological and Moral Teachers Cognitive and Re-Positioning思想品德教师的职能认知与重新定位
13.Investigation on the Vocational College Teachers' Cognition to Hand Hygiene高职医学院教师手卫生认知情况调查
14.Influences of Self-cognition Intervention on Teachers' Mental Health自我认知干预对教师心理健康的影响
15.The Application of Metacognition Theory in Teachers Training-Focusing on Reflective Teaching;在教师教育中应用元认知理论进行反思性教学
16.The Cognitive Situation and Research on Secondary School P.E.Teachers Professional Knowledge Structure;中学体育教师专业知识结构认知现状与研究
17.A Study of the Relationship between College EFL Teachers Cognition and Teaching Effect;大学英语教师的认知与教学效果的关系研究
18.The Inspiration of Cognition-field Interaction Learning Theory to the Teaching for Teachers;认知-场交互作用学习理论对教师教学的启示

teacher cognition research教师认知研究
1.This article includes the following 4 sections: 1) providing the broad background against which the evolution of teacher cognition research is discussed, 2) presenting a framework.教师认知研究主要揭示教师的心理世界,即他们的信念、思想、知识结构及其对教学实践的影响等,目的在于帮助教师反思他们的教学理念与实践,从而提高自我发展的自觉性,因此教师认知研究与教师发展是相辅相成的。
3)Teachers cognitive style教师认知风格
4)teachers cognition bias教师的认知偏差
5)foreign language teacher cognition外语教师认知
6)cognitive education认知教育
1.The paper discusses the necessity of the emphasis on optimizing the students psychological well - being and the development of their qualities in teaching maths and holds that affect should be stressed while strengthening the cognitive education.本文阐述在数学教学过程中,应注重优化学生的心理品质,注重学生各种素质的发展,在重视认知教育的同 时,亦重视情感教育。
2.Cognitive education is one of the effective means to improve the psychological health standard of college students Through cognitive education from different aspects and classroom teaching on psychological health, we have practically changed the condition of psychological health of college studen认知教育是提高大学生心理健康水平的有效途径之一 ,通过多维的认识教育和心理健康教育 ,可切实改变大学生心理健康状况。

《关于高等学校教师职务名称及其确定与提升办法的暂行规定》  中华人民共和国国务院于1960年3月5日颁发试行的一项规定。目的是为了鼓励高等学校教师不断提高政治业务水平,努力做好教学工作和科学研究工作。    《暂行规定》规定,高等学校教师职务名称定为教授、副教授、讲师、助教 4级;教师职务名称的确定与提升,以思想政治条件、学识水平和业务能力为主要依据。《暂行规定》对各级职称的具体条件和审批办法等作了规定。《暂行规定》颁布后,对推动高等学校教学、科研工作,加强高等学校教师队伍的建设,起了一定的作用。但在"文化大革命"期间,高等学校确定和提升教师职称的工作中断。1978年 3月,国务院批转了教育部《关于高等学校恢复和提升教师职务问题的报告》,决定恢复高等学校教师职称,并开展提升教师职称工作。为了使高等学校教师提职工作经常化、制度化,教育部于1982年 2月又下达了《关于当前执行〈暂行规定〉的实施意见》,对《暂行规定》作了一些补充。