文化趋同,cultural convergence
1)cultural convergence文化趋同
1.the author probes into the development trend of culture, and the relevance between culture and language,exploring and proving the integration phenomenon of language in cultural convergence,then analyzing the phenomenon from three aspects: input and output of new words; mixture use of language; and usage and expression of language.本文通过对文化发展的趋势,文化与语言关系的阐释,结合实际现象探讨了文化趋同下的语言融合问题,并且从新词语术语的输入输出,英汉语言混同,语言的使用和表达三个方面加以了详细的阐述。
2.So according to the characteristic of jazz dance culture,this paper explores the strategies of Chinese dance cultural construction and development from point of cultural globalization and cultural convergence, so as to Chinese dance cultural construction should be based on the local culture, while taking the road of diversity.本文从文化全球化及文化趋同的角度,通过对爵士舞文化特征的分析,探索我国舞蹈文化建设的发展对策,从而得出中国舞蹈文化建设应在保持优良本土文化的基础上,走多样化发展道路的结论。

1.The Cultural Convergence and Translation in Globalization;全球化语境下的文化趋同和文化翻译
2.The School Patriotic Education under the Background of Culture Similarization;文化趋同背景下学校的爱国主义教育
3.Discussion on Language Polorization and Cultural Convergence;关于语言单极化和文化趋同化问题的探讨
4.Convergence and Divergence of the Western and Chinese Cultures Viewed From the Perspective of China s Accession to WTO;在中国"入世"背景下看中西文化趋同与差异
5.Thoughts on the Unanimity of the Local Architecture andthe Architecture Culture;对乡土建筑与建筑文化趋同的一点思考
6.On the Historical Correspondence, Culture Convergence and Modernity of Judo and Chinese Wushu柔道运动与中国武术的历史对应及其文化趋同和现代性体验
7.ber Unterschiede und Konvergenz der europischen sicherheitsstrategischen Kultur;试论欧洲安全战略文化的差异与趋同
8.Romantic Splendor: Convergence of Goddess and Aesthetic Value of the Chu Culture浪漫奇谲:《女神》与荆楚文化审美价值的趋同
9.The Difference and Identity of Respective Wishes in the Course of Cultural Regulation;论文化调适过程中的个人意愿差异与趋同
10.Contact,Effect,Absorption and Convergence --Linguistic and Cultural Communication in Ethnic Regions;接触 影响 吸收 趋同——多民族地区的语言文化交际
11.Accordant Management of International Medical Students from the Perspective of Culture Fusion从文化融合角度探索医学留学生的趋同管理
12.Archaeology Annotation of the Sentence "Vehicles and Documents should be the same"-something about the Developing Tendencyof the Bohai CultureIdendified with the Tang dynasty;“车书本一家”的考古学诠释──论渤海文化与中原唐文化的趋同性
13."Common Cornerstone" and "Common Culture"--The Trends of Curriculum Reform in 21~(st) Century French Middle Schools;“共同基石”与“共同文化”——法国面向21世纪中学课程改革趋势分析
14.The origin of culture: Jingchu culture spiritual approvals and aesthetic trend--One of the studies of Shen Congwen′s novel and traditional culture;文化觅母:对荆楚文化的精神体认与审美趋同——沈从文小说与传统文化研究之一
15.With the social development, the region character of the literature style gradually diminished at the same time it intensified potentially.随着社会的发展,文学风格的地域性渐趋消融,同时也在潜在强化。
16.Effective Leadership of Chinese and American Internet Elites: Convergent Traits and Cultural Implications;中美网络精英有效领导力趋同性分析及文化蕴意研究
17.On the Cultural Adaptability of the International Convergence of Accounting Standard--Based on the theoretic angle of system transplantation;论会计准则国际趋同的文化适应性——基于制度移植理论视角
18.Reread Lu Xun s "Unforgettable Memory;性格的张力 文化的趋同——纪念柔石诞生100周年,重读《为了忘却的纪念》

cultural directivity文化趋同论
3)the crisis of cultural similarity文化趋同性危机
4)tendency of multiculture convergence多元文化趋同
5)Landscape Cultural Convergence景观文化趋同
6)cultural tendency of identity文化趋同现象
1.From the diachronic and dynamic angle,this article,starting with cultural tendency of identity,shows the existing of many language universals,and then discusses the "form-tr.本文从历时的、动态的角度,从文化趋同现象出发,证明了语言共性的大量存在,进而探讨了语言形式的可译性。

趋同进化趋同进化 不同物种在进化过程中,由于适应相同环境而出现的外观上相似性。