听力策略训练,listening strategy training
1)listening strategy training听力策略训练
1.This is a report on study of listening strategy training for English majors in teachers colleges.本文是一篇关于英语听力策略训练的研究报告。
2.This paper mainly explores the listening strategies employed by vocational school students and attempts to find out if the listening strategy training can really help improve students’listening ability.实验结束后对两个班行了后测,考试结果表明,经过二十周的听力策略训练,实验班学生的听力水平比控制班学生有了显著的提高。
3.The present study discusses the role of listening strategy instruction for vocational high school students in China by investigating the effect of listening strategy training, the rates of acquisition of four listening strategies, and the training effects on two tasks (i.通过检测听力策略训练对中国职专生英语听力能力的提高,学生对个别听力策略的学习效果,以及不同的题型的影响,希望能够对英语教学领域有所贡献。

1.Promoting Listening Skills Through Strategy Training;加强听力策略训练 促进听力技能提高
2.Listening Strategy Training of English Teaching in Vocational Secondary School;职专英语教学中的听力策略训练研究
3.The Study on Listening Strategy Training in Senior English Teaching;关于高中英语教学中听力策略训练的研究
4.Motivated Training of College English Listening Strategies;学习动机助推式大学英语听力策略训练
5.A Study of Listening Instruction in ELT Based on Metcognitive Strategies Training;基于元认知策略训练的英语听力教学
6.The Training of Cognitive Strategies in the Teaching of Listening;试论英语听力教学中认知策略的训练
7.Brief Introduction to Training in Listening Comprehension Strategies in Higher Vocational Education试议高职英语听力理解学习策略训练
8.English Listening Strategy Training in Senior High Schools;训练高中学生运用英语听力策略的能力(英文)
9.Skills and Strategies Training in EFL Listening英语听力教学中的微技能训练与补偿性策略
10.Metacognitive Strategy Training in English Listening Course of Higher Vocational College;高职英语听力教学的元认知策略训练研究
11.The Meta-cognitive Strategy and the English Listening Comprehension Training in Vocational Institutes;元认知策略与高职高专学生英语听力训练
12.A Study on the Effect of Listening Strategy Training for Senior Vocational School Students;职高生英语听力理解策略训练效果研究
13.The Effect of Strategy Training on Students Listening Comprehension in a Rural Chinese Middle School;学习策略训练对中学生英语听力理解的影响
14.A Study on Improving Listening Comprehension Through Strategy-based Instruction in High Schools;基于学习策略训练的高中英语听力教学研究
15.A Study of Chinese Learners Listening Comprehension and Strategy Training;中国学生的英语听力理解与策略训练研究
16.Study of Listening Strategies for Non-English Majors;非英语专业学生英语听力学习策略训练研究
17.A Probe on Non-English Majors English Listening Strategy Training;非英语专业学生英语听力学习策略训练初探
18.The Application of Strategy Training to the Non-major English Listening Teaching;策略训练在大学非专业英语听力课堂的应用

Listening strategy training听力学习策略训练
1.The Individual Difference of Listening Strategy Training听力学习策略训练的性别差异
2.Promoted by the study of the second language acquisition and learning strategies, listening strategy training has been carrying out systematically from the 1990s.作为一种新兴的教学模式,听力学习策略训练在提高学习者的听力水平和策略使用意识等方面的价值已日渐为人们所认识。
3)visnal and anditory strategy视听训练策略
4)listening strategy training听力策略培训
1.Most of the current researches have focused on reading and writing strategy training, and few empirical studies have attempted to evaluate the success of listening strategy training in this field.但是大多数研究是针对阅读和写作的策略调查及培训,而有关听力策略培训效果的实证研究却极少。
5)listening training听力训练
1.By using synchronized multimedia technology, this paper suggests three ways for listening training and testing on the Web.使用多媒体同步技术给出了 3种在Web上实现听力训练和测验的方法 ,并讨论了这些方法的适应性、兼容性和HTML参与能力 ,为在Web上更好地开展多媒体教学 ,特别是基于语音的多媒体教学提供了参考方案 。
2.Currently,there are many materials for English listening training, but some of the answer clues can be found from the context of test materials, which may bring negative effects to the improvement of students listing ability.目前的听力训练材料很多,但一些听力练习的答案都能从材料的上下文中得出种种线索,这对于真正培养和提高学生的听力有一定的消极影响。
6)listening practice听力训练
1.This paper,bases on the recall about the theoretical view concerning the English listening practice,uses the questionare to makes a survey on the state of the listening in non-English major students and puts forward some suggestions about that after studying the data of this operation.本文作者在扼要地回顾了与英语听力训练有关的理论观点的基础上,采用问卷调查的方式对大学非英语专业学生课外英语听力情况进行了调查,分析了调查数据,并在此基础上就如何加强学生英语课外听力训练提出了建议。
2.the authors conclude that some phonetic materials and regular listening practice benefit students in their listening.分析了扩招以来地方院校新生英语能力呈略下降的趋势,而随着时代的发展新教材对学生要求有所提高的现状,有针对性的对黑龙江八一农垦大学新生进行了切合实际的听力训练,取得明显效果。

听力听力  指人听觉器官感受声音的能力。