合作性教学,cooperative teaching
1)cooperative teaching合作性教学
1.Based on literatures review, this paper introduced the practice of teachers cooperation in foreign countries, such as cooperative teaching, cooperative university and cooperative learning.教师合作是一种以教师之间在实际工作内容或工作情境中的沟通互动为基础,以提高教师素质为目的的教师发展手段,在文献回顾的基础上,对目前国外教师合作中的合作性教学、合作性大学及合作学习的实践情况做了介绍。
2.The teachers are not only the initiators,designers and organizers for the cooperative teaching activities,but also the nerve center for the operation process of the cooperative teaching.教师是整个合作性教学活动的发起者、策划者、组织者,是合作性教学运作过程的神经中枢,教师指导作用的发挥是决定整个合作性教学成败的最关键因素。
3.There are five new points when cooperative teaching method is taken,i.合作性教学对教学方法有五点新的要求,即教学方法的指导思想必须是"以生为本",出发点必须是"恰如其分的学习任务",操作流程必须是"发散的争议流程",教师职责必须是"裁判与字典的功能",终极目的必须是"知识内化为能力"。

1.Brief Analysis of American Teacher "Collaborative Teaching" of Student Teaching Model美国教师“合作性教学”教育实习模式浅析
2.Application of Cooperative Teaching in the Majors of Engineering Higher Institutions;合作性教学在工科院校专业课教学中的应用
3.Research on Teaching Innovation Based on the Concept of Cooperative Teaching Methods基于合作性教学理念的教学方法创新研究
4.On Teachers' Roles Conversion and Responsibilities Re-construction in the Cooperative Teaching Mode合作性教学模式下教师的角色转换与职责重构
5.A Study on the Efficiency of Cooperative Learning in Extensive Reading Class;合作学习在泛读教学中的有效性研究
6.A Study on the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Foreign Language Teaching;合作学习在外语教学中的有效性研究
7.Experimental Research on Cooperative Learning in College English Teaching of Large Class;合作性学习在大班英语教学中的实验
8.On the realization of the cooperative study model in the politics teaching;论政治教学中合作性学习模式的实现
9.Application of Cooperative Learning in the English Teaching of Writing in Middle Schools;合作性学习在中学英语写作教学中的运用
10.Teaching Regulation of Combining Teacher s Main Guidance Function and Students Initiative;教师主导作用与学生主动性相结合的教学原则
11.Application of collaborative learning method in teaching of medical immunology合作性学习在医学免疫学教学中的应用
12.The Practice of Cooperative Learning to the Teaching of Writing in English in Senior High School;合作性学习在高中英语写作教学中的实践
13.On the Establishment of Comprehensive Model of Classroom Teaching Style;构建综合性课堂教学作风模式的研究
14.Thinking About Several Problems Of Teaching Work In The Local Synthetical Univercity;地方性综合性大学教学工作中几个问题的思考
15.The Influence of Cooperative Learning to the Study Adaptability in the Biological Teaching of the Senior High School;高中生物教学中合作学习对学习适应性的影响
16.The Study of the Effectiveness upon the Cooperative Learning in College English Teaching;大学英语教学中合作学习的有效性研究
17.The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in College English Teaching;合作学习在大学英语教学中的有效性研究
18.The Significance of Cooperative Learning in College English Teaching;大学英语教学中的互动性合作学习探讨

Cooperative Teaching合作教学
1.Research of application of cooperative teaching and 3D assessment teaching mode in Wushu teaching;“合作教学、三维评价”教学模式在武术教学中的应用研究
2.By the international and native theories on cultivating students s creative ability,we propose the "Cooperative Teaching"through considering the real condition of the teaching of high school mathematics,especially the personalities of students.根据国内外关于培养学生创新能力的理论,结合高中数学教学实际,特别是结合学生的个性,提出“合作教学”。
3.The method of experiment was used to study the effect of applying cooperative teaching model to the course of orienteering in universities.运用实验法对合作教学模式在高校公共体育课程定向越野教学中的应用效果进行了实验研究。
3)cooperative instruction合作教学
1.about cooperative instruction in polytechnic students.文中主要采用问卷调查方式,就高职学生对合作教学的认知、态度和作用等问题进行调查,认为合作教学是一种有利于活跃课堂气氛、促进学生关键能力发展、提高高职教育教学质量的教学组织形式。
2.We should create various kinds of social situations to inactivate the students potential social psychology,introduce cooperative instruction to promote their cooperative abilities,and help students adjust emotional disorders .对于小学生,在语文教学中,有多种途径培养学生的人际交往能力:创设多种多样的交往情境,激活学生交往的心理倾向,提高学生能力;推行合作教学,在合作互动中培养学生交际能力;针对学生情绪障碍,塑造健康的人际交往心理。
3.In this sense, cooperative instruction is an effective way to carry out quality education.合作教学是指教学过程中,以学生为本,在教师引导下,营造平等、民主的教学氛围,创设教师和学生、学生和学生、教师和教师之间的多边合作互动,充分挖掘学生学习的潜能,尽可能提高学生包括专业素质在内的多方面的素质,实现学生主体与教师主导的和谐统一,是一种有利于全面实现素质教育的新型教学形式。
1.The paper briefly presents the evolution of co-teaching,the theoretical foundation for co-teaching practice,and the commonly accepted co-teaching models.自上世纪90年代以来,合作教学在国外被广泛运用于以英语为第二语言或外语的教学中。
2.The current qualitative research,based on sociocultural theory,explores the impact of co-teaching between local and native English teachers on teachers\' professional development.本文基于社会文化理论,采用定性研究的方法,探讨了中外教师合作教学对教师专业发展的影响。
3.Based on updated English teaching theories and five years\' practice and survey among the students and teachers,the paper discusses issues existing in the co-teaching implemented in the classes from four aspects,including lesson planning,instruction,classroom management and students\' evaluation.中外教师英语精读课合作教学是针对传统教学弊端而提出的一项教学改革举措,旨在全面提高学生的综合素质,进一步培养学生的语言能力。
5)Cooperation in teaching教学合作
6)collaborative teaching合作式教学
1.The paper analyzes the situation of the teaching practice of information retrieval courses,and points out some suggestion of collaborative teaching.本文以素质教育为核心,以能力培养为主线,从信息检索课教学的现状出发,分析了互动——合作式教学的重要性,并提出了相应的实施策略。

法国储蓄合作社和信贷合作社集团法国储蓄合作社和信贷合作社集团  【法国储蓄合作杜和信贷合作社集团】集团中有:(l)向所有公寓住宅建筑商以及取得住宅者提供必需的信贷援助的专门机构—住宅信贷组织。(2)从事研究和为促进旅游和社会业余娱乐事业提供资金的业余娱乐装备合作同盟。(3)为各类职业合作社提供担保基金,以便进行风险上的互助的职业装备合作社。