外显学习,explicit learning
1)explicit learning外显学习
1.The present article explored three facets of the relationship, which are the differences, connections and interactions between implicit learning and explicit learning.文章从内隐学习与外显学习的区别、联系以及相互作用三方面,对这两个概念集合间的关系进行了辨析。
2.A total of 117 students randomly chosen from a blind children s school and ordinary middle schools in Shanghai were Divided into three groups (blind,poor-soghted and normal-sighted, 39 studerts each),who were further divided into a motor implicit leaning group and an explicit learning group through a testing directive language.分别从上海市盲童学校和普通中学随机抽取盲、低视力、明眼学生各39人,共117人;通过测试指导语将被试分为动作内隐学习和外显学习组。
3.Implicit learning and explicit learning are humans two ways of learning.从内隐学习理论的角度出发,简要地阐述了内引学习的理论及特征,分析了内引学习和外显学习的关系,探讨了内隐学习理论在大学英语教学中的具体应用,包括建立轻松的无意识的学习环境和以学生为中心的自主学习等等,其目的在于调动学生的英语学习潜能,促进大学英语教学观念、教学策略和教学方法的更新。

1.The Enlightenment to College English Teaching from Implicit Learning and Explicit Learning;内隐学习和外显学习对大学英语教学的启示
2.Explicit learning can interfere with implicit learning when they conflict.当动作内隐学习与外显学习的内容发生冲突时,外显学习会干扰内隐学习。
3.A Study of Explicit Learning and Implicit Learning in EFL Writing;二语写作外显学习与内隐学习有效性差异研究
4.Implicit and Explicit Learning for English Phonetic Rules on Chinese Children;汉语儿童英语语音规则的内隐学习和外显学习
5.New developments in research on implicit and explicit second language learning;第二语言内隐学习和外显学习研究的新进展
6.An Empirical Study of Implicit and Explicit Learning in EFL;英语习得中内隐与外显学习的实证研究
7.The Research on Interrelation between Implicit Learnng and Explicit Learning on Chinese Children Learning English;汉语儿童英语学习中的内隐学习和外显学习的关系研究
8.A Research on the Interrelation between the Implicit Learning and Explicit Learning in Chinese Children s English Syntax Learning;儿童英语句法学习中内隐学习和外显学习的关系
9.Dynamic Equilibrium of Implicit/Explicit Learning & English Grammar Teaching;内隐/外显学习动态权衡观与英语语法教学
10.A Research on the Conflict Phenomena of Motor Implicit/Explicit Learning of Visually Handicapped Sportsmen;视障学生动作内隐与外显学习冲突现象的研究
11.A Comparative Study: Implicit and Explicit Learning in Acquiring Scientific Quest Skills;科学探究技能的内隐与外显学习的比较研究
12.Only by implicit and explicit learning can students improve their English writing.内隐学习与外显学习相结合才能有效提高学生的英语写作水平。
13.A Comparative Study of Children s Explicit and Implicit Learning of Space-covariance;儿童对空间位置协变的外显学习和内隐学习的比较研究
14.Implicit Learning,Explicit Learning and Their Nature During Motor Skill Acquisition;运动技能获得中的内隐学习与外显学习及其实质
15.Influences of Task Complexity on the Relationship Between Implicit and Explicit Learning任务复杂程度对内隐-外显学习关系的影响
16.Enlightenment to College English Teaching from Implicit Learning and Explicit Learning内隐和外显学习理论及其对大学英语教学的启示
17.CLARION:A Integrated Model in Studying the Relationship between Implicit and Explicit Skill Learning;CLARION模型:内隐与外显技能学习的整合
18.A Review of Effects of Explicit Knowledge on Implicit Motor Learning;外显知识对运动技能内隐学习的影响

implicit learning外显学习
1.In this study, an event-related fMRI was used to explore the difference of brain mechanism between implicit learning and explicit learning.本文利用事件相关fMRI研究探讨对于内隐和外显学习在脑区激活上的差异。
2.This experimental study proved that: 1)There was implicit learning in science concept forming; 2) The efficiency of implicit learning was close to explicit learning; 3) The process of science concept forming is made of three periods: gradual advance, plateau, and sudden change.本研究选取真实的自然科学概念来对概念形成过程及其中的外显与内隐学习进行实验性探索 ,证明了自然科学概念形成过程中内隐学习的存在 ;阐释了概念形成过程中内隐学习的效率可与外显学习不相上下 ;揭示了真实的自然科学概念形成过程是由渐进期———高原期———突变期三个阶段构成的 ,不论外显学习还是内隐学习 ,接近真理的路径十分相似 ,并且没有显著的性别差异 ;此外还发现自然科学概念的内隐学习可以有效地用语言启动。
3.Recently implicit learning and explicit learning is an interdisciplinary research focus for applied linguistics and psycholinguistics abroad.外显学习和内隐学习研究在国际上受到了应用语言学、心理语言学等诸多学科的关注。
3)explicit and implicit learning外显和内隐学习
4)Implicit/ Explicit learning内隐/外显学习
5)the explicit learning instruction外显学习指导语
6)explicit learning strategy外显学习策略

习因习果【习因习果】 (术语)新译之同类因,旧译云习因。新译之等流果,旧译曰习果。智度论谓之习因习果。习者习续之义。习续前念之善而起后念之善,乃至习续前念之无记而起后念之无记,前为习因,后为习果。通于一切之色心,通于善恶无记之三性。止观八曰:“何名习因习果?答:阿毗昙人云:习因是自分因,习果是依果。又习名习续。自分种子相生,后念心起,习续于前,前念为因,后念为果。此义通三性。”