灾难报道,Disaster Report
1)Disaster Report灾难报道
1.As to the news propagation of Wenchuan Earthquake,We can learn that disaster report has breakthroughs in the following aspects—the rapidness of information release,th以报道灾难性事件为主要特征的灾难报道,因灾难性事件意外出现具有突然性,冲突剧烈具有震撼性,后果严重具有负面性,影响广泛、深远,具有社会性,因此备受各方的关注。

1.Study on the Eye of Typhoon in Chinese Calamity Report;我国灾难报道中“台风眼”现象研究
2.A Contrastive Analysis on Hero Narration Strategy in American and Chinese Disaster Report中美媒体灾难报道中“英雄”叙事策略对比分析
3.Disaster reports demonstrating Humane Care--"Reports of Wenchuan Earthquake" China Central Television在灾难报道中彰显人文关怀——中央电视台“汶川地震报道”解析
4.About the Aesthetic Value and Performance Strategies of Tragic Images on the Disaster Report论灾难报道中悲剧性图片新闻的审美价值与表现策略
5.Research on "People's Daily" Catastrophic News Reports over the Past Decade《人民日报》近十年灾难性新闻报道研究
6.The Human Care in the News Report--take the Report of Disaster Coverage as an Example新闻报道中的“人文关怀”——以灾难事件的报道为例
7.Reflection of Social Responsibility in Disaster News Reporting:Case Study of Forestry Fire Coverage从森林火灾报道反思灾难新闻的社会责任
8.Reports on Disaster of TIME;美国《时代》周刊灾难新闻报道研究
9.On Chinese and American Disaster Report in the Framework Vision框架理论视野下的中美灾难新闻报道
10.Interpersonal Meaning of Disaster News in English Newspaper英语报纸灾难新闻报道的人际意义分析
11.Jianqiang Liu on a potential catastrophe at the Three Gorges dam.刘鉴强报道三峡工程带来的潜在生态灾难。
12.Critical Discourse Analysis on the News Reporting of Disaster;灾难性新闻报道的批评性话语分析研究
13.Media Ecological Analysis of Crisis Reportage in China and the USA;中美灾难新闻报道差异的媒介生态分析
14.An Analyse of Domestic Disaster Report Existing Problems and Solutions;我国灾难新闻报道存在的问题及解决方法
15.The Defects and Its Strategy of Chinese Present Disaster News Reporting;当前中国灾难新闻报道的缺陷及其对策
16.Study on the Changes of the Right to Know of Chinese Citizens from Disaster Events Report从灾难事件报道看我国公民知情权的变迁
17.A Comparative Study on Thematic Progression Patterns in English and Chinese Disaster Coverage Texts英汉灾难新闻报道的主位推进模式对比
18.On the Characteristics and Influence of Natural Disasters Reports in Mainstream Media论主流媒体自然灾难性事件报道的特点与影响

disastrous news report灾难性报道
3)The report of disastrous events灾难性事件报道
1.The report of disastrous events plays an unneglectable role in raising the reputation and the public credit of the media and the good image of the government.灾难性事件报道对于提升媒介的知名度,树立媒介的公信力和树立政府形象都具有不可忽视的作用。
4)Disaster report灾难新闻报道
1.An Analyse of Domestic Disaster Report Existing Problems and Solutions;我国灾难新闻报道存在的问题及解决方法
5)Disaster events report灾难事件报道
6)English and Chinese Disaster Coverage Text英汉灾难报道

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