学科教育学,subject pedagogy
1)subject pedagogy学科教育学
1.These problems result in the dire straits of the disciplinary development of contemporary subject pedagogy and give birth to the potentials of the disciplinary development of subject pedagogy.由于多年来学科在发展中存在的顽疾依然存在,进而生成了当代学科教育学发展的困厄,但同时也孕育着学科未来发展的潜力。
2.No further progress has been made in the study of integrated subject pedagogy without its objects and focal issues involved.整体意义上的学科教育学研究一直难有长足进展,主要是因为它没有找到自己的研究对象和问题域。
3.As the curriculum reformed of the basic education, the problems of subject pedagogy course appeared.基础教育课程改革的推进,凸显了学科教育学课程的问题与弊端,学科教育学课程的改造与重建迫在眉睫。
2)Subject educology学科教育学
1.At present,with regard to the concept and the research objects of subject educology,puzzlements and doubts still exist both in theory and in practice,which to some extent has impact on the development of subject of educology,especially constructing its theory.目前,无论是理论界还是实践界,对学科教育学的概念、研究对象等问题仍然有许多困惑和质疑,这在某种程度上影响了学科教育学的发展,尤其是其理论的建构。
2.From the idea of Teacher as researcher and Teacher\'s specialization and the concept of Academic research this paper pointed that academic research of teacher have great significance to what teacher know well professional knowledge,promote Subject Educology growth,improve teacher\'s self-consciousness and upgrade the scholarship level of teacher.从教师作为研究者和教师专业化的观念和学术研究的概念出发,指出教师学术研究的意义:促进教师掌握专业知识,促进学科教育学的发展和完善,提高教师的自我意识和提高教师的学术水平。
3)Educational science教育科学
1.Constructing educational science with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese Manner;建设中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的教育科学
2.The effect of educator to discharge of functions of educational science;论教育工作者在教育科学功能施放过程中的作用——兼谈教育理论指导教育实践的过程
3.Probe into the disciplinary structure of the educational science and the growing point of new disciplines;教育科学学科结构和新学科生长点探析

1.EBSS (Educational and Behavioural Science Section)教育科学与行为科学部
2.Academy and Discipline:Academic Research and Scientific Research in Education学术与学科:教育学术研究与教育科学研究
3.scientific culture科学教育,科学文明
4.subject-field education(师范教育中的)学科领域教育,专科教育
5.history of Chinese education(science)中国教育史(学科)
6.history of foreign countries education(science)外国教育史(学科)
7.Majors: Pre-School and Kindergarten Education, Primary Education and Special Education.科目:学前教育和幼儿教育,小学教育和特殊教育。
8.Higher Education:the Combination of Science and Humanistic Education;高等教育:科学教育与人文教育的统一
9.The Exploration of the Scientism Education in Junior Middle School "Science" Teaching;初中科学教学中科学方法教育的探索
10.a medical, a scientific, an educational, etc journal医学、 科学、 教育等杂志
11.The schools are playing up their science programs.各学校正加强科学教育。
12.The Education of Scientific Essence and the Compilation of Textbook for Science Curriculum;科学本质教育与科学课程教材的编写
13.Research Teaching in Arts Undergraduate Instruction;大学文科本科生教育研究性教学初探
14.Analysis on higher education as a discipline:from the perspective of science of discipline;高等教育学学科分析:学科学的视角
15.An Introduction of Science Education Majors and Relevant Curriculum Development of Beijing Institute of Education;北京教育学院科学教育专业与科学课程建设
16.The Education of Humane Quality Should Be Valued in the Teaching of Science;理科教育教学中应重视人文素质教育
17.Integration in University Humanistic Education and Scientific Education;大学人文教育与科学教育的融合研究
18.Strength Scientific Instruction and Cultivate Students Comprehensive Quality;强化科学方法教育 培养学生科学素质

Subject educology学科教育学
1.At present,with regard to the concept and the research objects of subject educology,puzzlements and doubts still exist both in theory and in practice,which to some extent has impact on the development of subject of educology,especially constructing its theory.目前,无论是理论界还是实践界,对学科教育学的概念、研究对象等问题仍然有许多困惑和质疑,这在某种程度上影响了学科教育学的发展,尤其是其理论的建构。
2.From the idea of Teacher as researcher and Teacher\'s specialization and the concept of Academic research this paper pointed that academic research of teacher have great significance to what teacher know well professional knowledge,promote Subject Educology growth,improve teacher\'s self-consciousness and upgrade the scholarship level of teacher.从教师作为研究者和教师专业化的观念和学术研究的概念出发,指出教师学术研究的意义:促进教师掌握专业知识,促进学科教育学的发展和完善,提高教师的自我意识和提高教师的学术水平。
3)Educational science教育科学
1.Constructing educational science with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese Manner;建设中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的教育科学
2.The effect of educator to discharge of functions of educational science;论教育工作者在教育科学功能施放过程中的作用——兼谈教育理论指导教育实践的过程
3.Probe into the disciplinary structure of the educational science and the growing point of new disciplines;教育科学学科结构和新学科生长点探析
4)scientific education科学教育
1.Ren Hongjun: a contemporary Chinese scientific educationalist;中国近代科学教育家任鸿隽
2.On the Value Orientation of Scientific Education Based on the Viewpoint of Science;从科学观看科学教育的价值取向
3.The roles and functions of the university in scientific education;高等院校在科学教育中的功能与作用
5)subject education学科教育
1.The paper proposes the viewpoint of studying the artistic education system of the institution of higher learning on the basis of the subject education of art science,aiming to enhance the.因而,我们急需以艺术学学科教育为基础来构建高校艺术教育新模式,加强该学科体系的认识论方法论建设,借此提升大中小学生及国民终身艺术素质教育的质量,以形成一个有中国特色的综合多元的人文艺术教育体系。
2.Vocational education and subject education are two different educational modes of modern education,and there exist obvious differences between the development background,basic meaning expression and direct cultivation objectives of the two,and the evaluation mode of education and teaching process and outcomes of the two are also different.职业教育和学科教育是现代教育中两类不同的教育形式,其发展背景、基本意思表达和直接培养目标有着明显的区别,其教育教学过程和结果的最终评价方式也各不相同。
6)science education科学教育
1.On integration between science education and humanities education;论科学教育与人文教育的融合
2.The theory of heavens into China:the beginning of Chinese modern science and science education;东渐的天学:中国近代科学与科学教育之嚆矢
