《围城》,Fortress Besieged
1)Fortress Besieged《围城》
1.On the Usage of Satire in the Novel Fortress Besieged;浅谈讽刺手法在《围城》中的运用
2.On Strategies of Modernity in the Novel Fortress Besieged;论《围城》的现代性策略
3.Fortress Besieged and 1940 s Shanghai School Novels;《围城》与40年代海派小说

1.On the Theme of Besieged Fortress;“围城”内外——论《围城》的思想内涵
2.Seized city, life tragedy--On seized city and the tragedy of life;围城·人生·悲剧——《围城》悲剧意蕴刍议
3.Feeling the Life through “A Tale of Two Cities”--Ideas about Bian Cheng and Wei Cheng;透过“双城”看人生——《边城》与《围城》脞谈
4.Besieged Fortress: A Metaphor for the Modern Existence Predicament;围城:现代生存困境的隐喻——解读《围城》、《倾城之恋》和《边城》
5.Center looks at "the cartoon" in "Besieged city"--Tries analyzes "Besieged city" the character portrait description;在《围城》中看“漫画”——试析《围城》的人物肖像的描写
6.To surround with or as if with a rampart.用城墙围绕用城墙围绕或类似于城墙围绕
7.outlying settlement(大城市)外围住区
8.besiege a walled city:围困一设有城墙的城市:
9.The old town is walled.这座古城被城墙围着。
10.The ancient city was encircled with walls.那座古城有城墙围绕着。
11.The ancient city was fringed with wall.这座古城四周围着城墙。
12.FANG Hong-jian s Besieged Fortress and FANG Hong-jian Besieged in Fortress;方鸿渐的“围城”与“围城”中的方鸿渐
13.An encircling fortification around a fort, castle, or town.围城,城廓环绕堡垒、城堡、城镇的防御区
14.Surrounded with or as if with a rampart.用城墙围绕的用城墙围绕的或类似于为城墙围绕的
15.The original builders surrounded the town with a wall.最早的建城者们围着城修建了城墙。
16.The castle is girded with a moat城堡四周围以壕沟。
17.a city surrounded By suBurBs;被郊区包围着的城市;
18.a walled city, garden, town有围墙的城市、 花园、 小镇.

Besieged City《围城》
1.A Comparison between Vanity Fare and Besieged City;《名利场》与《围城》之比较
2.On the Consciousness of Male Supremacy of Besieged City;论小说《围城》的男权意识
3.Implement Method of Defamiliarization in Besieged City;《围城》语言陌生化的实现途径
3)the Besieged City《围城》
1.A Discussion on the Practical Significance of Qian Zhong-shu s The Besieged City;从“新儒林”世界看去——《围城》意蕴管窥
2.The novel"The Besieged City"is the sublimation and rewriting of the Moral Questioning,a branch of Shanghai Literature School in 1930s to 1940s.《围城》是对20世纪三、四十年代海派文学道德寻问一支的提升与改写,方鸿渐是都市世俗漩流中仅有的一点道德的血脉。
4)A Surrounded City《围城》
1.Code-Switching in A Surrounded City: A Pragmatic Adaptability Approach;《围城》中语码转换的语用顺应分析
2.Little Chandler, the character in James Joyce s A Little Cloud and FANG Hongjian, a character in QIAN Zhongshu s A Surrounded City, lived in different countries in different ages yet had a lot in common, i.乔伊斯的《一片浮云》里的小钱得勒与钱钟书的《围城》里的方鸿渐,这两个生活在不同年代不同国度的年轻人,在性格、事业、婚姻与交友等方面有着很多相似之处。
3.In the book of "A Surrounded City", there is the life philosophy to take a close sight and be optimistic.《围城》寄寓了一种超越“围城人生”困境的处世哲学———目光放近,乐观振作! 这来自于钱钟书一贯的人生态度。
5)Wei Cheng《围城》
1.Feeling the Life through “A Tale of Two Cities”——Ideas about Bian Cheng and Wei Cheng;透过“双城”看人生——《边城》与《围城》脞谈
2.Talk About Metaphor Art in Wei Cheng;试论《围城》的比喻艺术
3.The usage of hyphen in Wei Cheng;《围城》中破折号的运用
6)Fortress Besieged围城
1.Comparion of structure feature between Scholars and Fortress Besieged;《围城》和《儒林外史》结构艺术比较
2.The study of metaphor translation in Fortress Besieged from the perspective of relevance theory;从关联理论的视角看《围城》英译本对隐喻的翻译
3.The Analysis of Fortress Besieged from the Perspective of Ostensive-Inferential Model;从关联理论下的明示推理模式看《围城》的英译本
