造词法,word formation
1)word formation造词法

1.The Study of Word-Coinage of New Words from 《Xinhua New Word Dictionary》;从《新华新词语词典》看新词语造词法
2.Chinese Expression with Basic Color Terms;现代汉语基本颜色词素仿词造词法探微
3.Study for two word-buildings of new words──on wittiness of new words;新词的两种造词法考察──兼谈新词的谐趣
4.A word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, such as satin to stain.换音造词法,回文构词法变换字母顺序以形成另一词,如Satin变为Stain
5.Inner Principle on Rhetorical Figure of Imitation;论仿拟造词法的内部理据——汉语造词法理据探析的个案研究
6.Economical Features of New Korean Words Originated from Chinese;从造词法看韩国语汉字新词的语言经济性
7.Probe into Semantic Collocation in Wording and Phrasing;利用“语义异常组合”的造词法探源
8.A Study of Chinese Word Building in the Middle Ancient Times from the Grammatical Structure of Compound Words in "New Collection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages;从《世说新语》复合词的结构方式看汉语造词法在中古的发展
9.View the Reduplication of Verbs and Adjectives from Grammar Construction and Pragmatic Mentality;从语法构造和语用心理看动词形容词的重叠性
10.Semantic Absorption,Incorporation and the Derivation of Double Object Construction词义吸收、词形合并和汉语双宾结构的句法构造
11.This dictionary gives the meanings of words and also illustrates the constructions they can be used in.本词典提供词义解释, 并举例说明遣词造句的方法.
12.This dictionary give the meanings of word and also illustrate the construction they can is used in.本词典提供词义解释, 并举例说明遣词造句的方法。
13.This dictionary give the meanings of word and also Illustrate the construction they can be used In本词典提供词义解释, 并举例说明遣词造句的方法
14.Only when there is no terminology available do scientists create new characters or words, such as "qiang-ji" (hydroxide radical ), "fen" (phenol ), etc.实在没有办法时才造字或造词,如“羟基”,“酚”,等等。
15.A Construction Method of Lexicon for Text Summarization Systems文摘生成系统中词典的一种构造方法
16.Studies on the Structure rules about Special English Words of Chemistry;化学专业英语教学初探——词汇构造法
17.On the Creation Methods of Neologisms and Symbiotic Effect between Neologisms and Media新词与传媒的共生效应及其创造方法
18.The Study on the Word Formation of Netspeak Based on Language Corpus and Comparison;基于语料调查和语言对比的网络新词语造词方法研究

word creation造词法
1.The creation of new words goes along on the basis of existing language components and laws of word creation.研究一个词的创造过程,就是造词法的问题。
1.The paper mostly discusses the structure of the word-building about imitation art.本文主要从语言内部因素方面探讨仿拟造词法的构成理据。
2.Language researchers should make a full examination and analysis on the structure of the names of Chinese herbal medicin from word-building and morphology.从造词法和构词法两个角度入手,对中草药名称进行全面的考察分析,是语言工作者义不容辞的责任。
3.Eary Chinese word-building refers to the word-building on the initial stage of the development of Chi-nese vocabulary.早期汉语造词法是指汉语词汇发展的自生阶段的造词法
4)Grammar to make the word语法造词
5)" Nickname"词法学造词法
6)the methods of word-formation造词结构法

词法1.填词的法则。 2.指语法学中研究词的形态变化的部分。包括词的构造﹑变化和分类等内容。