儿童形象,children images
1)children images儿童形象
1.By deseribing vividly aseries of children images.他通过一系列儿童形象的刻画,对封建伦理制度和教育制度进行了无情的揭露和批判,并对儿童的教育和发展提出了一系列新颖而独到的观点。

1.A Comparison of Children Figures in Bingxin and Charles Dickens Works;浅谈冰心与狄更斯创作中的儿童形象
2.The Imagery of Children in the Early Novels of Bing-xin and YE Sheng-tao;冰心与叶圣陶早期小说中的儿童形象
3.On the Development of Children Images in the 20~(th) Century French Autobiographies20世纪法国自传中儿童形象的演变
4.An Analysis of the Children Images in Tille Olsen's Works蒂莉·奥尔森作品中的儿童形象分析
5.Pusongling's lntention Reflected in Images of Child Described in Strange Stories Recorded In The Chatting Room从《聊斋志异》儿童形象探析蒲松龄心路
6.Chekhov creates a set of naive images of children in his series of children characters.契诃夫在他的儿童系列中,创造了一批率真可爱的儿童形象
7.Understanding humanitarianism through young children characters in literary works by Charles Dickens从狄更斯笔下的儿童形象看其人道主义思想
8.The Children Image in Luxun s Works and His Revelations Towards Modern Education;鲁迅笔下的儿童形象及对现代教育的启示
9.Lu Xun s Educational Ideas Reflected in His Creation of the Images of Children in His Works;从鲁迅作品对儿童形象的塑造中看其教育观
10.Understanding of Children Images in K.M. s New Zealand Short Stories;曼斯菲尔德新西兰短篇小说中儿童形象解读
11.The Commentary on the Educational Condition of Children s Figure of Ye Shengtao s Early Time Novels;叶圣陶早期小说儿童形象教育境况述评
12.On Types and Art Features of Children s Images in Novels During the Song and the Yuan Dynasty;论宋元小说中的儿童形象类型及艺术特征
13.Comparing Bingxin and Charles Dickens Style of Describing Children;冰心和狄更斯作品中儿童形象创作的比较研究
14.The Development of the Characteristics of Naughty Children论顽童形象及其儿童观内涵的历史演变
15.Mark Twain and His Modelling of Child Protagonists马克·吐温和他的儿童艺术形象塑造
16.A Probe into the Phenomena of Children s Language Acquisition;试析儿童语言形成发展期的几种现象
17.The Image of Red Juveniles in Modern Chinese Children Literature现代中国儿童文学中的红色少年形象
18.Immature and Pure Lives--On the Image Modeling of Mentally Retarded Children in Children Literature稚拙纯真的生命——论儿童文学对于“智力落后儿童”形象的塑造

children image儿童形象
1.However, there are not many children images in ancient novels because of the confuciannism that farther guides son.由于“父为子纲”等封建观念的影响,古代小说中的儿童形象数量较少。
2.Though children images are not regarded as the key characters in this novel, these children images created by Pu Songling are vivid, distinctive and easy to strike a chord with the little readers- children.在这个世界里,既有来去无踪的狐仙鬼魅,又有风流倜傥的士子书生,最能打动儿童心灵的是那些机智勇敢、善良可爱、纯真无暇、有特异功能的儿童形象
3.In the creation of children images,Dostoevsky has obtained numerous original achievements.在儿童形象创作上,陀思妥耶夫斯基取得了许多独创性的成就。
3)image of children儿童形象
1.Broadly,the image of children created by Bing-xin and YE Sheng-tao represent the attributes of their age.冰心在早期的小说创作中,塑造了一系列“问题儿童”和“天使儿童”,这些儿童形象的个性是消隐在他们所承载的社会问题或理想宣言之后的,具有概念化的特征。
4)child protagonists儿童艺术形象
5)child's imagination儿童想象
6)children's imagination儿童的想象

产品形象产品形象product image  产品形象(produet image)即产品的魅力,指产品对公众的吸引力。它的心理机制是产品的个性与公众的思想感情的密切联系。通常,产品的魅力主要取决下列因素:一是方‘便,如便于携带、存放等;二是适应性强,即用途广泛;三是质量高;四是合乎顾客的地位或身份;五是可靠性:六是满足顾客的审美需要。许多名牌产品,一般都具有上述特点,能使顾客或公众获得多重满足。 (张燕逸撰张交审)