交互性教学,Interactive teaching
1)Interactive teaching交互性教学

1.Studies on Interactive Teaching in Senior School ESL Classroom;高中英语课堂交互性教学方法的研究
2.Teacher s Questioning in High School English Interactive Teaching;中学英语交互性教学中的教师提问研究
3.Teaching Design and Study of Multimedia Course of Aerobic Exercise“Interactive Teaching”;健美操“交互性教学”网络课程的教学设计与研究
4.Interactive teaching is studied in adaption of modern educational technology, interactive teaching is expounded in this paper.适应现代教育技术提出了交互性教学的研究。
5.Focus on Interactive Teaching to Improve Classroom Efficiency;聚焦交互性教学提高英语课堂效率的研究
6.Construction and Preliminary Application of Network Course of Interactive Teaching;“交互性教学”网络课程的建设及初步应用
7.The Attempt of Interactive Methodology by Using the Modern Educational Technology in P.E.Classes;体育教学中运用现代教育技术开展“交互性教学”之尝试
8.The New Concept of Grammar Teaching--the Interactive Grammar Teaching;语法教学新理念——交互性语法教学
9.Application of Interactive Approach in English Language Teaching in Primary School;交互性英语教学在小学英语教学中的应用研究
10.Interactive Language Teaching and the Improvement of Communicative Language Ability in ESL交互性语言教学与交际语言能力的提高
11.Design and Development of Interactive Simulant Intelligent Coursewares for Chemistry Experiment Teaching in Middle Schools;交互仿真智能性中学化学实验教学课件的开发
12.Interactive Activities in Grammar Teaching to Junior School Students;交互性活动在中学英语语法教学中的运用
13.The Research about the Interaction of Interactive Whiteboard for Chinese Teaching in Primary School电子白板在小学语文教学过程中的交互性研究
14.A Hierarchical Model for Student and Teacher Interaction in Distance Learning;远程学习的教学交互模型和教学交互层次塔
15.The Interactive Model of College English Classroom Teaching and Its Effect on Students' Communicative Output交互式大学英语课堂教学模式及其对学生交际性输出的影响
16.Interaction Design of Network Instruction Application System Based on AJAX;基于AJAX的网络教学应用系统界面交互性设计
17.Improving Interaction in English Classrooms Teaching Through Teachers Lesson-task Planning;通过任务的设计提高英语课堂教学的交互性
18.A Study of Constructing Interactive English Classroom Teaching in Vocational School;关于交互性英语教学在职业中专运用的研究

1.This paper introduces the research abroad on focus-on-form(FonF) and its theoretical framework,expounds its related theories and terminology,including a historical sketch of form-focused instruction(FFI) research.全面介绍了国外有关交互性形式教学(focus-on-form,FonF)研究及其理论框架,同时对相关理念、术语作了诠释,并着重就FonF相应的教学策略,即反应性交互式形式教学(reactiveFonF)和抢先性交互式形式教学策略(pre-emptive FonF)分别作了全景式扫描,旨在澄清目前国内外语教学理论中有关聚焦形式教学(form-focused instruction,FFI)的一些模糊认识,将容易混淆或经常混用的相关术语"正身清名",希望以此进一步推动国内相关研究及课堂教学实践。
3)instructional interaction教学交互
1.Strategy design model for instructional interaction on web-based platform;基于网络平台教学交互策略设计模型
2.To improve the quality of network instructional interaction and effect of network learning,we should analyze the interaction in network environment deeply and design it properly on the basis of these.要改善网络教学质量、提高学习者的学习效果,就需要对网络环境中的教学交互进行更深层次的剖析,并在此基础上进行合理的设计。
3.One of the factors that affect the quality is the inefficienc y of instructional interaction.随着远程教育的快速发展,人们更加关注远程教育的质量,而影响远程教育质量的因素之一是教学交互质量的高低。
4)interactive teaching教学交互
5)Interactive Teaching交互教学
1.Learning with research、 the development of potential、 exploratory teaching、 interactive teaching、 study of creativity and all kinds of reforming in the national college entrance examination.比如:研究性学习、潜能的开发、探究教学、交互教学、创造力的研究,高考的各种改革形式,都是围绕学科能力向综合能力过渡的具体形式。
6)reciprocal teaching交互教学
1.The effects of reciprocal teaching were examined by an experiment involved 28 excellent and 24 poor comprehension students sampled from the seven-grade.结果如下 :(1 )三策略组合的交互教学能显著提高优生和学习困难学生的提问策略水平 ,改善阅读态度 ;(2 )四、五策略组合的交互教学能显著促进优生和学习困难学生的阅读理解 ,提高提问和小结策略水平及理解监控水平 ,改善阅读态

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-