学以致用,study for the sake of application
1)study for the sake of application学以致用

1.The Confucianist Theory of " Using the Doctrines to Save the World"and the Theory of "Making Use of What One Has Learned" of Chinese Education at Universities;儒家的“经世致用”与大学语文教育的“学以致用
2.Countryside middle school biology teaching and its students′ theory applied into practice;农村中学生物教学与学生的学以致用
3.On Studying for the Sake of Application in Audit Course Teaching;论“审计学”课程教学中的“学以致用
4.Study for Application: Improving Teaching of International Trade;学以致用,以用为本——国际贸易教学的改进与提高
5.I want to make practical use of my knowledge in accounting.我想把会计知识学以致用
6.We must adhere to the principle of making study serve the practical purpose.我们必须坚持学以致用的原则。
7.Study English in order to apply it. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication.学以致用。语言是用来交换思想,进行交流沟通的!
8.Embodiment of the Concept Learning for Applying in Application-Oriented Undergraduate Education;学以致用理念在应用型本科教育中的体现
9.“Study for Application”as Center--Discussion on Teaching of University Undergraduate Professional Courses以“学以致用”为中心的教学模式——广播电视工程本科专业课教学浅谈
10.Persist Study and Study for the Purpose of Application--A Speech at the Graduation Ceremony of the 15th Middle-aged Cadre Training Class(Selected);学贵以恒 学以致用——在全区第十五期中青班结业典礼上的讲话(节选)
11.Study for Use-Exploration into Public Psychological Teaching Reform in Higher Normal Colleges and Universities;让学生学以致用——关于高师公共心理学教学改革的探索
12.Thinking on How to Study and Carry out Scientific Development View;学以致用 提升能力——关于学习贯彻科学发展观的思考
13.The Guiding Ideology of Physical Education in Ancient China--Be Well Versed in Both Polite Letters and Martial Arts and study for the Purpose of Application中国古代学校中的体育教学思想——文武兼备 学以致用
14.It is rather an opportunity for seeing how well you can handle the tools that you have been learning to use.这倒是一个检验你能否将学过的知识学以致用的机会。
15.To Integrating Theory with Practice and Working Hard on Studying for the Purpose of Application --A Speech on the Symposium Studying a Spirit of the 17th National Congress;理论联系实际,在学以致用上下功夫——学习党的十七大报告的体会
16.A Real Work Oriented Teaching and Training System for the Marketing Program;实战为本 学以致用——构筑立体多元的市场策划专业实践教学体系
17.From “the Pragmatic Approach” to “Systematic Analysis”: The Trend in the Study of Modern Chinese Literature in the 1990s;从“学以致用”走向“分析整理”——20世纪90年代中国现代文学研究取向
18.Danette: It won't be long before we have to put what we've learned into practice. Our first essay assignment is next week.达尼特:我们不久后就要学以致用。下星期要写第一篇作业论文了。

Study for the purpose of application学以致用
1.Based on the analysis of three aspects of chairman Mao s study views:study in travel and in practice、study by himself、study for the purpose of application,the article reveals the influence of chairman Mao s study views on the production of Mao Zedong Thought and their some enlightenments to present quality education.本文通过对毛泽东游学实学、自学、学以致用三方面治学观的分析综述 ,揭示其对毛泽东思想产生的影响 ,并论及对当今素质教育的启示。
3)study for application学以致用
1.Based on broadcasting engineering major,this paper advances a teaching model of professional courses:focus on"study for application",unite universality and speciality,combine engineering technology and art knowledge,pay attention to the systematic,the advanced and the practical.本文结合广播电视工程专业,提出了以"学以致用"为中心,坚持通用性与专业性、技术与艺术相结合的原则,注重专业课教学的系统性、先进性和实践性的专业课教学模式。
2.This article analyses the process of educational thoughts from various sides such as universal fraternity,study for application,the concept of athletics and research.本文从博爱观、学以致用教学思想、运动观、科研观等方面分析了中国矿业大学早期教育观形成的过程,以及其对"自强不息、奋发向上"办学精神和"好学力行"校风形成的促进作用;探讨了几代学人戮力同心、同舟共济、不懈奋斗,虽在危难时期亦"灵光巍然,弦歌未尝一日辍",使学校发展成为国内著名高等矿业工程学府。
4)Teaching & Learning for the Practical Usage教学以致用
1.The Exploration of Carrying out the Education Concept of "Teaching & Learning for the Practical Usage" in the Machinery Manufacturing Technology and Processing Equipment Design Course;在《机械制造工艺及工装设计》课程教学实践中如何贯彻“教学以致用”办学理念的探讨
5)About Study for the Purpose of Application学以致用诹议
6)the practicability of article文以致用
1.The idea of the practicability of article was a idiographic measure of Zhang Xuecheng to changed the style of that time had made great difficult to his new contribution;Tao includes everyth.文道关系是古代文论争论了上千年的老话题 ,直到章学诚道在人伦日常说的出现 ,才算最后了断这桩公案 ,这是实斋对我国文学思想的一大贡献 ;文以致用是章氏改造乾嘉文风的一个具体措施 ,但在当时的社会环境学术氛围下 ,极难有什么新的贡献 ;道体无所不该 ,圆神方智的文学发展观就是道在文学方面的不断深化和沿续。

二教──昙谶二教【二教──昙谶二教】  ﹝出华严经疏﹞  昙谶二教者,西秦昙牟谶三藏立此二教也。  [一、半字教],半字教者,谓声闻藏,谈理未遍,若字之有半也。  [二、满字教],满字教者,谓菩萨藏,谈理满足,若字之圆满也。