语言习得理论,language acquisition theory
1)language acquisition theory语言习得理论
1.Combining with reading lessons in college foreign language teaching,this paper discusses the application of language acquisition theory in reading teaching.依据语言习得理论与大学外语教学的阅读课结合,探讨和分析了阅读课教学中的语言习得理论的体现和应用。

1.On the Relationship between Second Language Acquisition and Language Learning;探析第二语言习得理论与语言学习之关系
2.English Teaching to Children within Language Acquisition Theoretical Framework;语言习得理论框架下的儿童英语教学
3.Krashen s SLA Theory and Foreign Language Teaching;克拉申第二语言习得理论与外语教学
4.SLA Theory and Foreign Language Teaching in Modern China;第二语言习得理论对外语教学的启示
5.Second Language Acquisition Theory and Visual-Audio-Oral Teaching;第二语言习得理论与外语视听说教学
6.Application Acquisition Theory to Senior English Teaching;语言习得理论在高中英语课中的应用
7.The Unity of Opposites of SLA Theories and Their Implications;第二语言习得理论之间的矛盾统一性
8.On the Krashen s Theory of Second Language Acquisition (SLA);关于Krashen的第二语言习得理论
9.Language Acquisition Theories of Generative Grammar and Cognitive Grammar;生成语法与认知语法的语言习得理论探讨
10.Krashen s Theory of Second Language Acquisition and English Language Teaching in China;克拉申第二语言习得理论与中国英语教学
11.Implication of Krashen s second language acquisition theory on foreign language teaching;克拉申第二语言习得理论对外语教学的启示
12.SLA Theories and Primary English Education in China;第二语言习得理论与我国小学英语教学
13.On Ways to Improve the Teaching of College English Listening from the Perspective of Second Language Acquisition;第二语言习得理论与大学英语听力教学
14.The Application of Language Acquisition Theory in the Teaching of English Reading Course;语言习得理论在英语阅读教学中的应用
15.Language acquiring principle applied to teaching;第二语言习得理论在外语教学中的应用
16.The Second Language Acquisition Theory s Influence on the Language-teaching in our Country;第二语言习得理论对我国英语教学产生的影响
17.Input Processing in Second Language Grammar Teaching;第二语言习得输入处理语法教学理论
18.Theory Research on Universal Grammar and Second Language Acquisition普遍语法与第二语言习得的理论研究

theory of language acquisition语言习得理论
1.The paper,according to the theory of language acquisition,discusses the teaching of large classes and the advantages of multimedia teaching and proposes some ideas and methods to reform the mode of teaching large classes so as to promote the process of the teaching reform of college English.文章根据语言习得理论就大班教学的问题和多媒体教学的优势进行讨论,提出改革英语大班课堂教学模式的观点和办法,从而推动大学英语教学的改革进程。
3)second language acquisition theory第二语言习得理论
1.Krashen s second language acquisition theory and college English teaching,this paper explores the reason why college English teaching is time-consuming but inefficient in EFL learning circumstances.Krashen)的第二语言习得理论与大学英语教学之间的关系,探讨了我国外语环境下的英语教学费时低效的原因所在及应运而生的多媒体信息技术对大学英语教学的促进作用,并指出大学英语教学应以《大学英语课程教学要求》为准绳,科学、合理地将多媒体信息技术运用于大学英语教学,切实提高学生综合运用英语的能力,尤其是听说能力,确保大学英语教学的成功改革。
4)Rod Ellis Second Language Acquisition TheoryEllis的第二语言习得理论
5)Comprehensible lnput Theory语言输入-习得理论
6)Language acquisition语言习得
1.The Investigation on the Possibility of Language Acquisition Application in the Context of Chinese College English Teaching;语言习得理论在中国大学英语教学中的可行性探究
2.On the Time-consuming Teaching Method with Low Effect and the Inspiration from Language Acquisition——Thought of the Relationship between Teaching Method and Teaching Aim;“费时低效”与语言习得——对优化大学英语教学方法的思考

焦虑习得反应理论焦虑习得反应理论learned response theory of anxiety  焦虑习得反应理论(learned respo”setheory of anxiety)焦虑的一种理论模式。此理论将重点不是放到个体的内心冲突上,而是着重阐述个体如何通过学习的历程将焦虑同某种情境联系起来。根据这个理论,焦虑是一种习得的反应。某种情境引起创伤性体验,这会使得一些人将两者联系起来;此后每当想到此情境或刺激时便立刻焦虑起来。由此可见,这是一种条件反射式的学习历程,焦虑是一种条件反应。有时候,人们采用逃避或回避的方式借以减少焦虑,即逃离或事先避开所怕的刺激情境。逃避和回避减少了焦虑体验,焦虑体验的减少反过来又强化逃避和回避行动。这样一来,焦虑者就没有机会来细心探查原先的那个刺激情境是否真的值得焦虑,是否有什么办法对付它。一些成年人一直回避那些在其童年时代诱发过焦虑的情境或刺激物,这种童年期习得的焦虑很难消退,其原因便是回避行为。这一理论得到一些临床观察的支持,对焦虑症的治疗有指导意义。 (梁宝勇撰牟丈博审)