态势语言,posture language
1)posture language态势语言
1.On posture language of prelecting art;谈讲课艺术中的态势语言
2.In teaching, teachers should try to get the students’ a closer feeling with the teacher to create a good situation and develop the interest of the students by posture language.在高职英语教学中,教师要培养对学生的亲和力,创造一个师生心理相容的良好环境,运用态势语言激发学生学习的兴趣和热情。

1.A Brief Analysis of the Role and Application of Body Language in Secretarial Major Teaching;浅析态势语言在秘书专业教学中的作用与运用
2.On the Application Principle and Way of Learning of the Body Language Used in Teaching;论教学态势语言的运用原则及学习方法
3.The Development of Linguistics and the Colloquial Trend of American Literature;语言学发展与美国文学的口语化态势
4.The Development Situation and Research Approach of Northern Ethnic Languages;北方民族语言的发展态势与研究路径
5.The body language includes the body-gesture language, head-neck language, sign language, face language and looks language.形体语言包括身姿语言、颈语言、势语言、部语言、目语言。
6.Language in Gesture ──Advantages of body language in Chinese Teaching for minorities;语言蕴藏于身势之中──兼谈体态语(身势语)在对少数民族汉语教学中的运用
7.He (or she) should be conscious of the importance of body language, and use the spoken language and body language together to achieve the best effect of communicating.主持人应增强态势语意识,通过有声语言和无声语言的相互配合来取得最佳传播效果。
8.Ethnolinguistic Vitality, Language and Cultural Attitude and Language Behavior;民族语言活力、语言态度、文化态度以及语言行为
9.Research on Shared Situation Awareness Construction Language in Network Centric Warfare;网络中心战环境下的共享态势感知构建语言研究
10.stagy heroics;装腔作势的豪言壮语;
11.express a threat either by an utterance or a gesture.用语言或姿势来恐吓。
12.On Grammatical Differences of Modern Chinese Between Tainwan and the Main Land on the Basis of contemporay Taiwan Novels--Along with an Analysis on the Tendency of Convergence of the Language of Both Sides;从台湾当代小说看海峡两岸汉语的语法差异——兼析两岸语言融合的态势
13.Intonation and YuShi;语调与语势——诗歌语言艺术性探讨
14.The Game of Artistic Language,From Modalization Text to Modulation Text艺术语言的游戏——从情态到语态的语言法则
15.An overview of McNeill s theory on gestures──A dialectic of gesture and language;手势新论──麦克尼尔的手势语言辩证观
16.Language is Human, Human is Language-Global English and the Loss of Languages and Cultures of the Weak Nations;语言即人 人即语言——反思英语全球化与弱势民族语言文化的丧失
17.Types of Mistakes and Two Different Views about Mistakes;语言错误及对语言错误的态度(英文)
18.A Preliminary Approach to the Three Features of Body Language In Communication;浅析身势语在言语交际中的三大特色

body language态势语言
1.This paper talks about the role and application of body language in secretarial major teaching.本文论述常见的态势语言在秘书专业教学中的作用与运用。
2.As a speaker, Only when he has plentiful, sincere and intense affection can he pours this kind of affection into his audible language and body language.对于演讲者来说 ,他必须先具有丰富、真诚而炽热的感情 ,才能把这种感情倾注到他的有声语言和态势语言中 ,并借助感情的掀动力 ,充分发挥自己的心理因素的积极作用 ,来取得演讲的成功。
3.The correct application of the body language used in teaching should observe the principles of harmonization, nature and accuracy, properness and flexibility.正确运用教学态势语言一般应遵循协调、自然、准确、适宜、灵活等原则。
3)sign language手势语言
1.The patients in the experimental group were taught some simple, standardized sign language 3-5 days before the operation.方法将 10 0例心脏手术病人分为观察组与对照组各 5 0例 ,两组术前由责任护士给予常规心脏外科术前指导 ;观察组另由责任护士教给简单、规范的手势语言 ,于术前 3~ 5d进行训练。
2.Sign language is widely used in our daily life.手势语言在日常生活中有着广泛的应用,本研究利用手势动作时从前臂4块肌肉上获取的4路表面肌电(SEMG)信号,经特征提取并采用BP神经网络,对8种手势动作模式进行了识别。
4)body language体势语言
1.The body language is one of the most important parts of human language in activity.体势语言是人们言语活动的一个重要组成部分 ,而课堂教学活动又主要是以教学双方言语活动的形式进行的 ,因此 ,教师课堂上使用的体势语言以及它所产生的效果 ,就很自然地引起了研究者的兴趣。
2.This article,by way of induction, example and synthesis,explains the connotation,character of body language and its influence upon students in P.体势语言是体育教师在教学中的重要手段。
5)superiority language优势语言
6)inferiority language劣势语言

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。