网络语境,network context
1)network context网络语境
1.The Theoretical Discussion on the Construction of College English Network Context;大学英语网络语境构建的理论探索
2.This paper investigates and analyzes the psychological health situation of university students,introduces the superiority of network literature therapy under the network context,and points out that university should pay attention to and promote the network literature therapy under the library context.调查分析了大学生的心理健康状况,介绍了网络语境下网络文学治疗的优越性,指出高校应高度重视并切实推进图书馆语境下的网络文学治疗工作。
3.The appearance of copycatting embodies a kind of recovery and return of Chinese revelrous spirits in network context,makes Chinese revelrous spirits free from distortion and alienation because of long-term repression and provides a way of dialogue between the government and folks,mainstream culture and alternative culture.因此,山寨文化的出现乃是网络语境下中国人狂欢精神的复苏与回归。

1.Audience s Structure of Four Styles of Media in Internet s Days;网络语境中四类媒体的受众格局研究
2.Foreign Language Teaching in the Context of Network Information and Multimedia;网络信息和多媒体语境下的外语教学
3.A Study of Arabic Internet Language in Arabic and Islamic Contexts;阿拉伯—伊斯兰语境下的网络用语研究
4.A Study on Linguistic Environment of Newspaper,Radio,TV and Internet News;论报纸、广播、电视、网络新闻语言的语境
5.On Language Network and its Impact on the Ecological Environment of Network;论网络语言及其对网络生态环境的影响
6.On Contextual Theory Applied into English Audio-visual Instruction Under Network Environment;语境理论在网络环境下英语视听教学中的运用
7.Design and Application of Web-based Learning Environment for English Teaching in Senior High School;高中英语网络教学环境的设计与实践
8.Web Based Fortran Language Studying System;基于网络环境的FORTRAN语言学习系统
9.An Exploration into Web-based Teaching of Senior High School English Reading;网络环境下高中英语阅读教学之探究
10.Chinese Reading Teaching of High School under the Network Environment;网络环境下的中学语文阅读教学研究
11.A Study on Web-based English Reading Teaching in Junior Middle Schools;网络环境下的初中英语阅读教学研究
12.Role Orientation of College English Teachers in Network Teaching Environment;网络环境下的大学英语教师角色定位
13.Construction of English Teaching & Learning Environment Based on CALL;基于CALL的网络英语“教与学”环境的构建
14.On College English Teaching of Listening and Speaking with lnteraetive Web-based Model;网络自主环境下的大学英语听说教学
15.Probing into English Teaching Mode in Higher Vocational Education under Network Environment;网络环境下的高职英语教学模式探讨
16.A Study on Network-based College English Teacher Autonomy;网络环境下大学英语教师自主的探究
17.An Empirical Study on Web-based Antonomous Wring;网络环境下的英语自主写作实证研究
18.The Design of English Reading in Network Environment;浅谈网络环境下英语阅读教学的设计

networking context网络化语境
3)Three-dimensional contextual network三维语境网络
4)Network Language Learning Environment网络语言学习环境
5)the networked contextualism paradigm网络化语境论范式
6)network environment网络环境
1.Evidence research on learning behavior in the network environment:A case study of online English writing teaching;网络环境下学习行为的实证研究——在线英语写作教学案例分析
2.Teaching Model and Studying Model of Information Retrieval Course under Network Environment;网络环境下信息检索课的教与学
3.Quality problems and management of medical record′s front page in network environment;网络环境下的病案首页质量问题与管理
