动机因素,motivation factor
1)motivation factor动机因素
1.Advanced that the ways of increasing motivation factor and setting up of suitable setting could improve the activity of help-seeking of students.以心理学理论和体育求助研究为基础,结合高校体育教学特点,对普通大学生在体育技能与知识学习中的体育求助进行分析,针对性地提出了增强自我效能、成就动机、成就目标等动机因素
2.The article examined the influence of motivation factors and learning strategy on student s athletic performance based on interaction theory.根据交互作用原理考察了动机因素与学习策略对大学生体育技能水平的影响,结果表明:自我效能、任务定向目标、内在动机等动机因素和学习策略均与体育技能水平呈显著正相关,自我定向目标、外在动机与学习策略和体育技能水平呈显著负相关。
3.The findings show that motivation factors such as self-efficiency, intrinsic motivation, the goals of the tasks, and the classroom context are positively correlated with the students attitude of academic help seeking.结果表明:自我效能、内在动机、任务定向目标等动机因素和课堂环境均与学业求助态度呈显著正相关。

1.A Study of the Low Achievers Motivational Factors in English Learning in Junior Middle Schools;对初中英语“学困生”动机因素的调查
2.Motives influencing the sport practice of middle school students影响中学生体育锻炼行为的动机因素
3.Regional Cooperation Mechanism in Bangladesh China, India and Burma:Driving Factor and Restricting Factor“孟中印缅”地区合作机制:推动因素与制约因素
4.External factors affecting motivation of learning and how to arouse motivation for learning;影响学习动机的外部因素与学习动机的激发
5.Factors Influencing the Motives of Students and the Stimulation and Cultivation of Students Motives;影响学习动机的因素及学习动机的激发和培养
6.The battalion's trafficability was essential in its victory.该营的机动性为其获胜的主要因素。
7.The motivations are only one class of determinations of behavior.动机只是决定行为诸因素中的一种。
8.An Apporoach to the Conditional Factors and Motive Force Mechanism of Regional Division of Labour地域分工的条件因素与动力机制探讨
9.Analysis of the Bent Axle Fracture Influence Factors of the Mining Engine;矿山发动机曲轴断裂影响因素的分析
10.On Outer Factors of Junior Students Motivation of Study;影响初中生学习动机的外部因素研究
11.From influence labor force shift factor to solution mechanism;从影响劳动力转移的因素到解决机制
12.Negotiation Behavior:Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Issues in Cold and Hot Perspectives;认知、动机、情感因素对谈判行为的影响
13.Influential Factors on Customer′s Buying Behaviors Caused by Customer′s Motivations;消费者动机导致购买行为的制约因素
14.Dynamic Process and Influential Factors of Aging Mechanism;人体衰老机制的动态过程与影响因素
15.Analysis on the relationship between agricultural machinery gross power and influence factors;农业机械总动力与影响因素关系分析
16.The Relationship between Motivation in Non-intelligent Aspects and English-reading;非智力因素中动机与英语阅读的关系
17.The Property of the Mixer for Three - dimensional Movement and Its Affecting Factors;三维运动混合机的性能及其影响因素
18.A Research in the Objective Factors on Physical Sports Motives of Middle School Students ;影响中学生体育动机客观因素的研究

Motivation factors动机因素
1.This study investigated and analyzed the motivation factors between an average student and a poor student in junior middle school.从动机因素方面对两个英语学困生和学习中等生作个案分析的结果来看,造成这个学困生学习困难的主要原因是学习兴趣和学习态度。
3)Employment motivational factors就业动机因素
4)dynamic & stochastic factor动态随机因素
5)factors that affect the learning motivation影响动机因素
6)demotivating factors动机减退因素

非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)  l焦非密度制约因素见生态因素、密度制约后