1.The Influence of Scar Painting——On the Beauty of Youth of He Duoling's Oil Painting伤痕的后遗——论何多苓油画的青春
2.In the past few years, the novels about youth have become very popular on college campuses.通过对近两年来有代表性的“大学校园青春小说”的审美视域、写作风格、火爆原因、意义价值等方面的分析,认为大学校园青春小说用无厘头的写作风格、轻松幽默无厘头的语言,真实记录下大学校园里年轻人的生活状况、内心情感,尽管在某种程度上这些小说对于青春和校园生活的认识缺少深刻的内涵、缺少对生命本质的挖掘,但都表现了处于青春期的当代大学生或隐或现的迷茫、苦闷、冲动并存的状态,真实展现出对青春的浓浓回忆与留恋。

1.She is pure and youthful.她很清纯、很青春
2.puberty growth spurt青春期快速生长 青春期快速生长
3.The state of being pubescent.青春期处于青春期的状态
4.Of, relating to, or undergoing adolescence.青春期的属于,关于或经历青春期的
5.The attainment or onset of puberty.到达青春期或青春期开始
6.My youth and youthful strength fled long ago.我的青春青春的活力早已消失。
7.DJ: Puberty. Yeah, I'm having lots and lots of puberty.青春期。对,我有严重的青春期妄想症。
8.On the Aesthetic Culture of the Youth:Consumption of "Youth" in the Electrical Age;青春审美文化论——电子时代的“青春”消费
9.On Youth--A Review of College Campus Novels about Youth;为青春作传——评“大学校园青春小说”创作
10.Restoration of vitality or freshness;rejuvenation.恢复活力,恢复青春重新获得活力和青春,恢复青春
11.maintain the vigour of youth and prolong life青春常驻,延年益寿
12.They are in their very first youth, full of youthful spirit.他们青春年少,朝气蓬勃。
13.Judy is now in the bloom of youth.朱迪现在正当青春年少。
14.beauty in its full bloom;青春年少时的美丽;
15.Pearl oral liquid is the god who protects youth.珍珠口服药,青春保护神。
16.He was too young, too successful.他正青春年少,一帆风顺。
17.adolescent boys and girls.青春期的男孩和女孩。
18.A boy's voice cracks at puberty.男孩在青春期嗓音改变.

1.Disillusion in Youth;浅析《青春》中的幻灭感
2.Goddess and Youth: Common Pursuit of Recasting National Spirit;《女神》与《青春》:重铸现代国魂的共同追求——郭沫若与李大钊探索救国之路的一段精神联系
1.The Necessity of Emergency Contraception in Adolescence;青春期人群中紧急避孕的必要性
2.Establishment of Rat Model of Adolescence Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome;青春期多囊卵巢综合征动物模型的实验研究
3.Diagnosis and Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescence;青春期多囊卵巢综合征的诊治
1.) with different doses of DES(dissolved in corn oil) during prepuberty [from postnatal day(PND) 22 to PND 35].目的:研究青春期前己烯雌酚(d iethylstilbestrol,DES)暴露对SD大鼠性成熟后睾丸生精细胞凋亡的影响并初步探讨其机制。
1.The Effect of 16-month Calcium Supplementation on Bone Mass Accrual of Adolescents;补钙16个月对青春期男女生骨量的影响
2.Objective To study the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance(IGT), to understand the relationship among abnormalities of glucometabolism and weight and insulin resistance in adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS).目的研究青春期多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者糖耐量异常的发生率、内分泌特点,探讨糖代谢异常与胰岛素抵抗、体重的关系。
